Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Not so bad here in NH

So "The" storm of 2011 has just about finished up here in Southern NH.  We had a good two feet on the ground and probably added another 14-16 inches on top of that the past two days.  I finished the once around and am heading out for round two clearing the cars, paths, and widening the walkways, etc.  Filled the bird feeders, and the roof is raked, I have concerns that if we don't get some melting soon we may have issues. (It's supposed to be 39 degrees F on Sunday I think)

Rose noticed that there were tracks in the snow going through the field over by the woodpile, and then over to the cove, judging from the 3-5 feet between tracks we had a Moose run through the yard overnight and a fairly big one at that. 

Saw this odd couple in the old Apple out back waiting out the storm. 

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