Friday, April 27, 2012

Cleaning the paddock

James and Jason were keen to earn some money recently to purchase some BeyBlade "fighting tops",  these are Beyblades.  

James & Jason making money the old fashioned way!
James and Jason were interested in making lots of money, lots and lots of money.  I told them they could make pretty good money working on the farm with me, they agreed to help clean Willow's paddock.

We all had fun, nobody got hurt, Willow's paddock got cleaned, and the boys learned to use a shovel and rakeI call that a good day.
 Jason was in charge of holding the scoop rake. While James raked up the piles. Teamwork
I helped a little.
 Once they got going they did a great job!  Two hard workin' boys there!
 A little bit of OJT...  The tools are a little big for them.
Balancing the load... Jason brings the full scoop to the wheel barrel.

We're off to Walmart (We've been told they have Beyblade tops there...)  James and Jason each made $2.00 shoveling today, we'll see just how far that goes. 

 I can't wait'll they're big enough to do stalls...

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