Sunday, August 19, 2012

Harvest days are here

Let the "end of summer" games begin...

We're picking almost daily now, the tomatoes (mostly sauce varieties like Roma) are coming in bowls at a time.

We picked Buttercup this morning, the Butternut have ripened too.  The last of the summer squashes are winding down both the Yellow Croockneck and the Zucchini are close to finished.  The couple Patty Pans we planted have outdone themselves providing the first and probably the last squash of the season.  We picked a few peppers, there are loads more small ones on the plants still.

It's almost time to start preserving, saucing, and drying.

 Summer squash blossoms
 Mr. Stripey just starting to blush
 Yellow Summers picked a little to big, a Zucchini, a Buttercup (L) and a Butternut (R)
 Patty Pans, and a few Peppers
 Tomatoes and Peppers
 More  Tomatoes and Peppers

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