Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tomato Sandwich Season has finally arrived

Tomato Sandwich Season 

Seems to me that everything in the garden is earlier than normal this year, Rosie says "no we're just about on schedule" with Labor Day in two weeks on Monday, September 3, 2012.  Wow, it's almost fair season already.

Tomatoes are something I impatiently wait for each year.  My Mr. Stripey I've been watching carefully the past few weeks as the rains and the heat came in finally ripened up yesterday.

That first tomato sandwich of the season on a good white bread, slathered with mayo, is surely one of the best things in life!  

This year my schedule was a bit much, I didn't get in as many varieties as I'd planned.  Roma for sauce and Mr. Stripey for eating right off the vine and in sandwiches, Big Boys and a few odds and ends round out the tomato patch this year.

Mr. Stripey 5" across, slabs 1/2" thick make for some fine sandwiches.  Mayo and some good bread, Mmm, it doesn't get a whole lot better than this!

I'm off to have another one...  

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