Friday, July 13, 2018

Announcing "Hannah"

Update day 2

Hannah slept from 8:30PM last night until 4:45AM this morning, I was up on my computer already and heard her start to stir. She whined a couple times and laid back down, Rosie got up when she heard the whine and Woo, Wooo from Hannah.  I picked Hannah up and brought her out back as soon as I put her down on the ground she squatted and peed.  Day two and she has only gone to outside so far.  She figured out how to go up the back porch stairs this morning too. She's going to be a smart one I think.  

We picked up "Hannah" on Friday, she's a 9 week old purebred Lab.

We had Harley up at our Vet a couple weeks ago and they mentioned they had pups available.  We got one!  She's adorable.  But we were camping, so they agreed to keep her for 10 or so days until we got home.  We just couldn't wait and ended up leaving camp a day early and scheduled a pickup.

Remember puppies, puppy proofing, puppy breath?  We do...

Here's Hannah!

She loves carrying her own leash around, soccer balls and she points already.  Harley and Gordon are still getting used to having a girl around the house.

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