Friday, April 10, 2020

Yard work, & Covid 19

Second Week in April 

Rumor has it the sun may come out, that'd be nice.  Dogs are going stir crazy being cooped up in the house, we are still squarely in the midst of mud season here.

Yard work is tougher the older you get, and it seems to take longer every year to get to the point it no longer hurts to do yard work.  Rose and I re-stacked and cut up a bunch of the Apple wood from several apple trees that came down a few years ago. We hang onto this apple for camping as it burns for a long time doesn't pop and crack like pine and it smells great when burning.

Managed to get the lawn tractor started up, unfortunately the DR Field and brush mower needs a new battery, I think I made a mistake when I bought this one, there is no pull start on this 14.5 HP mower only electric start so if the battery is dead, you can't use it. I'll have to get a battery on order...

We took down the old greenhouse frame, the area looks nice now.

Snow's all gone, seems like just a week ago we had 8+" on the ground.

Called Mom to wish her a happy B'day and see how they were doing, they're itching to get out of the house... 

I read an article from a Wuhan China survivor who was talking about being prepared to shelter at home for 4 months. This'll get ugly if that's the case.

They're saying stay away from the grocery and pharmacy over the next couple of weeks when we're expected to peak around here.  NH has 819 Covid 19 cases active, while Mass has 18,941 as of this morning...

T Shirts I want to produce...
  • Out on an abundance of caution!
  • Flatten the curve!

 Stay safe, now go wash your hands...

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