Sunday, June 14, 2020

The weekend and a day out at the range

A Day Out Shooting
I took the day off Friday to make a long weekend.

Fun Stuff!  Rose and I took a drive up to Hillsborough and went shooting with Jarrod, Crystal and the boys today. Jarrod had invited a couple of friends along too. We all had a blast, shot on Saturday were a nice pair of .22 cal revolvers everyone had fun shooting, 9mm pistol, .30-06 rifle, .32 Win Special, .38 pistol, .380 pistol, a .223 AR rifle, and a Mosin-Nagant rifle.  Jarrod and the boys got to shoot their great grandfather's Lever Action .32 Winchester Special rifle with a peep sight, the rifle still easily hits pie plates at 100 yards.
L to R Justin, Me, Jason, Jarrod, and James

L to R Justin, Me, Jason, and Jarrod
Jason shooting the Ol' .32 Winchester 

James Reloading magazines amongst the boxes and boxes of ammo ready for the day
The Strawberry Moon

Friday Skies off towards Monadnock

Poppies are Poppin'

Rose saw a doe with a fawn out in the field yesterday, she called me but I wasn't fast enough getting the camera... next time I promise.

Was a cool night tonight with a light breeze, so we lit the fireplace in the back yard and had some smores. 

Several Does came out while we were sitting around the fire. Three does in all came out  tonight, they chased each other around. Two of the does were spending a lot of time with their tails up peeing, Rose says that's usually a precursor to calving.

 Overall a great weekend I'd say!

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