Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 2020 Covid-19 and the Dust Bowl

Dust Bowl
The dry weather is taking it's toll on plants around the farm,  while our 2020 vegetable garden is in and growing, I do have concerns about keeping it watered long term if we don't get some serious rain soon.  Every day we see the weather reports talking about rain those reports soon disappear before it arrives.

Chipmunks, our latest plague here in New Boston, I've never seen so many, the dogs have caught at least 3 in the past couple weeks, and I've caught 4 going on 5 shortly in the Havahart trap. We drive them up the street on the other side of the river and release them at least two a day since I started trapping them hoping they can't find their way back. Chocking it up to the dry spell, they're digging holes all over the place in the yard.

Woodchuck and her kids, our next eradication project, they cause all kinds on havoc on the farm.  Digging huge holes all over the place.  I'd be OK if they just had the one burrow, but we now have 4-5 burrows that must be filled in.   hmm, Groundhog stew might just fit the bill. 

The Deer, Rose thinks that we have a fawn already, one of the does is coming in very regular now.


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