Saturday, July 04, 2020

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

 Hope you have a Great Independence Day!

Our Victory garden is growing like the proverbial weeds.  Maybe not quite that fast, seems every day there's another crop of fresh weeds coming up everywhere.

Every day it's amazing to see the growth, Potatoes, Collards, are doing well, our tomatoes are setting, we have a few 3" Peppers, the summer squash have flowered and are setting squash now, the Blue Hubbard vines are already massive.

Times a wasting I gotta go and pull some more weeds...

Some garden pics...
 The Victory Garden 2020
Swiss Chard who'd a thought I'd like it?

Bell Peppers are doing well

Summer Squash setting

Cuke plants Jarrod & Crystal gave us

Starting to set tomatoes

 Blueberries are doing well


Thorn-less Blackberries
I found some spray that actually kills poison Ivy, sprayed a bunch today the couple of test plants I sprayed a couple weeks ago are all dried up and brown, YAY that's a win.

Obligatory Deer Pics...
Rose thought they were going to fight at first
Nope the pair just touched noses and then ate together

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