April 6th - 8th
Our new Martin house is up, Rosie was afraid the Swallows and Martins would be here before we got it up so it went up on Sunday. As of this morning the sparrows are hogging the house. Seems they only want to play in the martin house in the morning though. The new house has 1/2 moon openings to make it more difficult for starlings to raid.
Our older Martin house is still up, I don't know that anyone has ever stayed in it for a season though, they all like to play house but nobody wants to stay long term.
Jarrod, Crystal and the boys were here for Easter, Ham & Turkey were great, the highlight for me was the homemade scratch Cheesecake Rosie made, YUM!
Tuesday Rose and I raked and shoveled the gravel off the lawn at the end of the driveway from the plow one disadvantage of a dirt driveway. We found one clump of solid ice underneath the dirt and leaves.
Can't stop thinking about the garden, is the soil thawed, it would be great to get it tilled early.
And so it begins... 1st tick of the year this morning Rosie felt something crawling on her neck and lo and behold it was a tick one of the dogs brought in. I grabbed it with tweezers and cooked it on the stove burner. Actually two ticks today Rosie found one crawling up the wall too. we'll put the Flea and Tick stuff on them tonight.
Our Tree Swallows came in today, as usual they send in a scout a day or so before
Stay Safe out there!
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