Saturday, April 03, 2021

April Fools Day

 April 1st 2021


WATER AGAIN?  We did some driving the past couple days and are noticing the water levels are far to low for this time of year, ponds are low already we're seeing 20+ feet of muck where there should be water, rivers are showing 2-3 feet of banking already, we're already talking about having to scale back on the garden. It seems to me they are letting the dams down to far and to early.  A lot of the local ponds are lower than I've ever seen them in the spring over the past 30 or so years. We are hopeful that April showers will help. Our water level here at the house is OK so far. We drove by Glen Lake and 20% of the lake is muck no water.

Crocuses, Daffs coming soon, lily, and Hyacinths soon enough.

2018 - 3 Years ago EASTER EGG TOSS at Sheila & Ricks
Seems like it was a lot longer than 3 years ago...  Damned Covid!

Happy Easter!

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