Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Ok, Now Summer Can Begin

Ok, Now Summer Can Begin

I got the Covid-19 "Moderna" 2nd shot on Wednesday, I will have to travel again someday and won't be able to get into Canada without the shot. I woke up Thursday morning felt exhausted, went and took a nap couldn't sleep, worked for a while, then it slammed me, ripping headache, body aches, went to lay down at around noon, got up at 2pm ate a bowl of cereal, went back to bed, woke up a couple hours later shivering, and teeth chattering, that only lasted a half hour or so, I slept straight through Thursday afternoon and evening, I got up Friday morning around 5:30am that morning feeling much better, it's absolutely true that the second shot is the one that''l get you.  The rest of the day Friday no further symptoms.  WOW what a ride.  Hard to believe you can be that sick and then feel fine the next day, just weird.  Saturday I felt fine my stomach felt a bit weird, yeah sure enough by 3pm I was vomiting.  Jeesh...  Sunday feeling fine.

What the heck, 94 degrees one day, waking up to 44 degrees the next day, this is nuts, the garden seems to be benefiting from the heat though even though the peat pot plants and tomato 9 packs we put in looked about to die of heat stroke when we planted them.  

Squash Row, this is the expansion bed, we added another 6' to the garden width
Down the beds Kale, Broccoli, Peppers, Taters, Carrot, Tomato
Maple tree helicopters, there are crazy volumes of these things, rose already filled 1/2 a trailer with them and we're not done.  She's been using the leaf blower to get them out of the flower beds and into piles. We've been talking about the helicopters from the Maples, this trailer is 3/4 full of the helicopters, flower bed clippings, and some dirt when she was finished.

Today is Saturday, I thought it was supposed to be nice and sunny and I woke up to rain at 4:30 am. At around 9 it appears to be clearing, by 11am it was nice and clear.

Cabana is almost ready, Rose has been working like crazy to get it setup nice, the back yard looks amazing.

Rose saw a pair of Bald Eagles over the house on Friday afternoon, they were headed to Everett Dam I imagine, they were headed that way anyway.

A lot of places we go folks are not wearing masks, we are still wearing masks, I need a couple weeks after the second shot, and Rose can't get the shot.

Rosie's Deer have fawns now, we haven't seen them yet, any day now probably.  Rose has seen them spending time feeding them in the cove. The does are coming in to feed in the deer yard mid day. This was the Doe Saturday morning, they always look thin after kidding. 

I worked on replacing one bad circuit breaker, or so I thought.  As it turns out the real issue was a corroded connector/connection that disintegrated and burned out, comes with a damp basement and an old house.  I replaced the neutral connection in the panel, stripped the wires back and replaced the connection with new 12 GA wire.  All's good.

The back yard looks great!  So much more comfortable to sit on with the cushions.

Sunday was clean-up day all the stuff we didn't get to on Saturday, a lot...,  I worked on the garden gates spending way to much time getting them to work right, old hoses that needed new ends, broken sprayer replacement.

We took a nice drive and ended up having seafood Sunday evening, fried clams, scallops, shrimp, fish, and a side order of onion rings, that were amazing! 

Sunrise Monday morning was stunning, it had mostly faded by the time I had my coffee, and got the camera and back outside, you should have seen it 4 minutes earlier.  It was still dark at 5am.

The last of the Irises is blooming as are the poppies, and even some peonies.

 The Cabana is ready!
Zebulon, with his log
Wise ol' Owl in the front bed
Crazy amounts of black cherries, they'll be everywhere.
We don't know what this plant is later it'll attract flies though, kinda odd.

Rose said we have at least one set of twin fawns out there.  These three came in last night.

Stay Safe out there. 




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