Tuesday, August 03, 2021

The Week

The Week


The new floor in the downstairs bathroom is coming along, because its a thinner laminate tile plank it's a little more difficult to make sure it's snapped together properly, we're finally at a point where the planks go in full size, or almost anyway, one cut per plank YAY! The sink/vanity area had the most crazy cuts, I had to make a template to create the right cuts.  All but the last row +1 piece that needs a couple of holes for the Water feed lines. Saturdays the day we finish the floor. Yay!  A little progress on the bathroom this week, I did get the bits required and the flooring marked out where the pipes are so I can drill the plank.

Toilet is back in, the new floor looks great, I'll work on the electrical and water lines this week.

I think we'll go life-proof flooring from HD for the bath upstairs, Rose wants to do the front entryway floor next.

I replaced the downstairs toilet copper supply line with PEX, it's a good thing I did, when I went to cut off the chrome beauty ring from the the pipe it just collapsed from the pressure of the pipe cutter wheel.  Yikes

I need to drill a hole through the floor for the dryer power line that still needs to be run.

Vacation, got to schedule some of that...  crazy weather isn't making it easy.

Picked Broccoli on Monday, damned humid out there.  Water's boiling outside to blanch that up for the freezer.

Floor came out great IMO

Picked all of the ripe blueberries, yeah, not a great harvest this year, I think the birds got the best of us there is still one bush that shows some promise.

Blueberries, that's it?  There some more on one other bush, a bit disappointing though. Lets hope that I'll do better as the Raspberries and Blackberries come in.

Rose was weed whacking before the rain on Thursday the yard always looks amazing when it's all cleaned up, I started some mowing after work just as the rain started.  I mowed over by the Blackberries, the one large plant is absolutely loaded with slowly ripening berries. So far I'm getting a 1/2 cup of them a day looking for that to pick up as the days go by.

Jarrod's band is playing at the Goffstown National Night out tonight Aug 3rd 5-8pm.  We saw them in Weare at the farmers market a few weeks back.  Jarrod mentioned they are wrapping up the festivities so I expect a few sets around 7ish.

 Stay Safe

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