Thursday, July 22, 2021

Drought? What drought?

This post is meandering all over the place, I've been adding to it for several days...

Drought?  What drought?

So we're finally out of our drought here in the Northeast... Yay.  The National Weather service officially said we are officially drought free in Southern, NH!  Now I'm hearing that crops are rotting in the fields due to all the rain. Just can't win this battle.  So far we seem to be doing ok.  We had s pretty good storm come through early Wednesday morning and knock the potatoes down and a few tomato branches as well.

Squash bugs have arrived, lots of blooms and a few small squash on the plants, if we ever get any sun maybe, just maybe, we'll get a harvest this season.  We have lots of blooms and a few small squash on the plants. I grabbed the "8" the successor to "Sevin" garden bug dust and dusted around the stems to stop the squash borers from killing them before they produce.    

Rose said that we have some tomatoes, I didn't see em, she has an eagle eye, she'll have to point them out to me. (Pics below, I swear I couldn't see them)  I looked I didn't see any beans on the pole or bush beans.

Oh and a nice 8 point buck has been stopping by the last two nights.  He must be hungry as he was here before dark Sunday and around 6:30pm Monday evening.

Buck in the deer-yard with a couple fawns, you can see the Doe watching carefully in the background

Hannah Belle

They said we're supposed to hit 90 degrees tomorrow.  And more rain...  We work to the smokey haze from the fires out west and Canada.  It turned the sunrise Orange.

Smoky morning sunrise
And the Moon the same color

Zoomed Orange moon
Orange moon

Rose took some measurements and assured me we have enough flooring to complete the project.  Watched a few YouTube installation videos on starting out and where not to start and stop the rows of the flooring.

Rose pulled the turnips yesterday seems we managed to get them before worms did this year!

Rose captured this demon buck pic just as it got to dark to see out there... Flash lit up his eyes.

The Doe and Fawns have been coming in almost on a nightly basis

The Basil was finally all dry today.  It took way longer due to the humidity levels.  Nine trays of basil dried down to a one quart zip-lock baggie.

We noticed some eggs on the Sage so we picked most of it washed it and now it's in the dehydrator.

Heirlooms Finally... I was beginning to wonder
Roma Paste tomatoes
Broccoli heads are coming
Squash & Pumpkin row

Stay safe


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