Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Geminids are coming

The Geminids are coming

I went for a walk last night, (Sunday evening) it was quiet, dead quiet actually, an occasional car the only noises heard. I didn't even have to trot across Rt 114 to keep from getting hit, so that was nice. I have at times waited 5 minutes or so to get across the highway, timing is the key.  I don't run quite as fast as I used to.   

We had a front come through at 3am or so Sunday morning woke me right up, the wind was howling like a freight train coming down the hill from Weare.

The Geminid meteor shower was supposed to peak this evening, Monday December 13th, it was a bust for me, Rosie was out and saw two big streakers, she called me out but it was not to be, as is the case many times with fleeting things. I looked up in the back yard and took a walk out front to no avail.  

According to website Space.com, the Geminids are considered one of the best meteor showers every year because the individual meteors are bright and come fast. The name Geminid is derived from the constellation Gemini, from which it appears to emanate.

I went out for a walk Monday night, traffic was still quite light on RT. 114 I didn't have to run across the intersection, timing is critical as the vehicles race up the straight a way.
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I stopped several times to stare up at the sky along my way, hoping I'd see a few meteors.  There's a clearing on the other side of Riverdale Rd. I stared for a while, I heard a deer rustle in the oak leaves.

On the way back to the house I noticed Orion's Belt was sandwiched between the two big pines by the workshop, I'd not seen the constellation in some time, I have to remember to look up more often.  I went back out at 10:30pm and saw two short length meteors finally.

The smell of birch smoke from a wood stove nearby it was heavy in the air, it smelled nice, the only better smelling wood is a nice apple wood.

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas around here...

The yard is a mud pit after the warmer weather and rain we got this week.  I'll have to put down some more straw on the bad wet spots once that wind dies down, it helps to reduce the mud coming in with the dogs.

It's beginning to feel like vacation though it isn't for another week.

With beef prices skyrocketing, SPAM sales are again at a 7 year high.  I do love my SPAM.

Talking about Beef...  I saw this, Beyond Beef "FAKE Beef" ingredients list... Good grief!


Rose and I finished up our Christmas shopping and all of the presents are WRAPPED too!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Stay safe our there...

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