Sunday, June 05, 2022

June already..

June Already?

Rose and I mowed the lawn and some field yesterday, we'll leave a good part of the field un-mowed, the fawns will be here any minute now.  Rose saw one of the smaller does was pregnant yesterday. 

We have bunnies, I saw one scooting under the shed yesterday, Rose spooked it as she drove by the dog kennels. Hah saw another one today.

More Poison ivy spraying to do today, that along with the Wild Roses that are popping up everywhere.

Carpenter ants are everywhere this year, we'll spray them today too.

A very bright oriole stopped by to eat some of the Orange and grape jelly Rose had out for them, looks like they'll stick around this year

We have a nesting robin under the front of the 5th wheel trailer.

We've taken 4 trips with squirrels (tree chickens, lol.) for a ride a couple miles away in hopes they won't find their way back too many of them along with the damned chipmunks.

Rose said some squash plants are up in the garden, and potatoes are breaking ground now!

I hear the local owls at 4am hooting across the way.

Birds are chowing down on suet, bird flu be damned...

The Democrat disasters...

And so it goes...

Stay safe out there!

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