Sunday, June 05, 2022

May Days


  • Got the boat cleaned out
  • Replaced the boat trailer lights, and ended up having to rewire them to get them to work. We're good to go now.
  • Thought we'd get out on the water, too much to do it just didn't happen
  • We picked up another AC unit for the living room, install was a snap
  • Installed the ACs in the bedroom, and living room
  • Rose cleaned and moved all the fans 
  • Hummingbirds are fighting over the feeder, we have two...
  • camper looks like it survived the winter, couple mice in the glue traps
  • Rain held out Sunday we sprayed some thistle and poison ivy that's threatening to take over the place along with some damned wild roses and puckerbrush we'd like to eradicate too.
  • Mowed the back field Sunday a good acre or two cleared
  • Boat and utility trailer back in the field
  • Got to mow the lawn again. And again, and Again...
  • Storm hit us pretty hard, we lost 6+ trees, no real damage, lost power for 4 hours or so, no internet for 2 days.
  • Memorial day weekend was HOT!  Garden is finally in...
  • "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure some of them are dirt."

“Out of touch as ever, President Biden celebrated record-high gas prices Monday, gushing that the pump pain was part of “an incredible transition” of the US economy away from fossil fuels.


Doocy: "So, if it's pausing b/c you think the board was mischaracterized, then the Disinformation Board is being shut down b/c of disinformation? Is that what's happening here?"

KJP: "Look…it's going to pause. There's been a mischaracterations [sic] from outside forces."

Retirement?   You mean that small gap between working yourself to a death, and death?

FLASHBACK 2020 – TRUMP: ‘If Brain-Dead Biden is Elected the Stock Market Will Crash’

Footage resurfaced on social media Thursday showing then-President Donald Trump predicting the “stock market will crash if Brain-Dead Biden is elected” during the 2020 debates.

“The Stock Market will boom if I’m elected. If he’s elected, the Stock Market will crash,” claimed Trump.

“Where I come from the people don’t live off the Stock Market,” said Biden.

Describing DC: “all I see are monkeys with matches in a room full of dynamite“ - Don’t know where it came from but seems about right.

Just when you think that it can’t get any worse, the clown show in Washington somehow finds a way to make it happen.  Our politicians like to tell everyone else in the world how they should be running things, but meanwhile the Biden administration is putting on a display of incompetence that is absolutely breathtaking.  Biden administration officials keep pivoting from one crisis to another, but they can’t seem to solve any of them.  This week, their focus is on the epic baby formula shortages that have erupted all over America.  In 25 different states, out of stock levels have now risen to at least 40 percent.

Biden's free crack pipes...

81 million votes... and I've never seen a Biden hat or shirt in my life.

If the Biden (in)justice department is tracking 75 million "white supremacists" in a country just over 300 million people, you do realize that is approximately 1 in 4 Americans? I'm 71 years old, lived in or traveled all 50 states, & never met a single one! I call Horse hockey!

Biden & Democrat’s America:

Record high crime.

Baby formula supply crisis.

Daily border invasion of illegals & deadly drugs.

Skyrocketing unaffordable inflation & fuel prices.

No longer energy independent.

Politically targeted federal law enforcement.

Ministry of Truth.

Tulsi Gabbard Unloads on Biden For ‘Essentially’ Calling Millions of Americans ‘Terrorists’

Brain-Dead Biden recently attacked Trump supporters with incendiary insults that essentially call them terrorists.

Biden argued that “this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history.” Biden was referencing Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement.

Many people are comparing Biden’s comment to Hillary Clinton’s notorious “basket of deplorables” comment. Clinton said, “You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.”

“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up,” Clinton said about Trump and his supporters.

Appearing on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Democrat Tulsi Gabbard blasted Biden for his comments.

Gabbard said, “When you look at the President of the United States of America calling millions of Americans, essentially terrorists, people who politically opposed him or voted against him, he’s calling them terrorists in an attempt to intimidate them into silence. And we know this because we’ve heard this before from both him and his attorney general.”

“You remember when his attorney general said, you know, anyone who holds extremist or anti-authority views will be targeted for investigation and potential prosecution by their domestic terrorist unit,” Gabbard said.

“So he’s essentially saying that this, quote-unquote ‘MAGA’ crowd are worse than terrorists. This is outrageous.”

“And so for every American who’s watching, every American who’s seen this, no matter how you feel about the MAGA crowd, this is an authoritarian assault on our freedom,” she said.

“And we need to stand together very strongly against this attempt to intimidate and silence anyone who holds political views that are different from or opposed to what this president and his administration are furthering. This is an assault on our democracy.”

Biden appears to be lashing out as his own failed presidency has left many Americans struggling to afford basic necessities, such as gas and groceries, as inflation skyrockets under his watch.

‘He’s lost it’: Illegitimate President Biden starts screaming about his own food shortages, blames MAGA King

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