The Wicked Winds of September
Our Hummingbirds took off for parts south. They have not been back since last weekend.
Jack Sparrow is still sleeping up under the back porch overhang.
The Black Bear came back twice this week, tipped over a corn barrel and feasted. I tied the barrels to a post, the barrels were not knocked over last three days, we're hoping he's moved on. He didn't, Saturday night he tipped the barrel again, looks like he couldn't get the top off though.
The Grey fox was back at the deer yard Thursday evening chewing on the deer block.
A single normal size Snickers candy bar is .87 at Market Basket now, wow... It's gonna be an expensive Halloween!
We heard the Fisher-cat last week, horrid screaming noises, almost catlike.
The cold wicked winds were blowing Friday into Saturday morning, branches were down in the streets in Manchester. Thought for sure we'd lose power in town, we didn't.
We tore out the Vegetable Garden today, removing the bricks holding the black plastic, the irrigation hoses, we'll get to the tomato cages and posts later. The tear down is in preparation for the leaves we'll cover the garden with in the fall, we've been adding all that organic matter for years, tilling it all in in the spring, it makes a big difference in the soil.
We're in full fall/winter preps mode now, lots to do and not much time to do it...
Hearing about a hurricane looking to slam Florida, there's the possibility it that may come up the coast, we'll start pulling the rest of the yard stuff out this week just in case. Seems we are having to do this yearly now.
At least the Elm already came down so I don't have to worry about that.
Rose heard the Coyote's chattering Sunday morning early. We were talking recently about how we have missed hearing them.
I heard the owl hooting at dark thirty this morning, pretty cool.
This Thanksgiving, Supplies Of Turkey, Eggs And Butter Will Be Extremely Tight In The United States oh great... and so it begins...
We found more squash, picked some Kale, a couple more tomatoes and one beautiful red Pepper.
Hanna and Zeb ate a bunch of kale trimmings last night, Rose was up with her early Sunday morning, Hannah couldn't wait to go outside and had an accident in the Kitchen, ugh... cleanup wasn't too bad...
The bear has left us alone for a couple nights.
Rose has the back yard and the cabana down for hurricane season, we're wrapping things up outside.
Rose said Market Basket has Peas now $1.19 a can, and eggs are up to $3.89 a dozen now...
It's October this weekend..
The Communists don’t intend to be so generous to their old enemies now that they run the Democrat Party.
Biden’s White House and its allies, who had already begun referring to Republicans as “fascists” based on earlier remarks from Biden, took the obvious cue from the president and ran with it over the past two weeks to launch countless demeaning and divisive rhetorical and partisan attacks against any and all who stand in opposition to their policy agenda.
Yet the only things Democrats talk about are the former president and his "Make America Great Again" voters. It is as if Joe Biden's and Nancy Pelosi's political troops have no interest in touting their successes in opening the Southern border to endless illegal immigration, promoting divisive lockdowns and "vaccine" mandates, passing a Green New Deal spending extravaganza, encouraging transgender drag queen shows for elementary-schoolers, emptying prisons of criminals, eliminating cash bail for felony arrests, leveraging Americans' pain at the gas pump to push them into expensive electric vehicles, or presiding over the highest rates of inflation in over forty years. They've accomplished so much in such little time! Maybe their campaign slogan could be "Making Americans Poorer and Less Secure for Their Own Good" or "Vote Democrat: Because We Know Better."
Counterfeit “Inflation Reduction Act” and the student loan forgiveness
ploy are all about: Democrats trying to buy votes. This isn’t new.
Democrats have been paying off voters since Andrew Jackson.
President Biden Has Just Declared That the Covid-19 Pandemic is ‘Over’
DeSantis: "[Biden] didn’t scramble…when we had millions of people illegally pouring across the southern border … It’s only when you have 50 illegal aliens end up in a very wealthy, rich, sanctuary enclave that he decides to scramble on this."
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) September 16, 2022
President Joe Biden’s recent speech blasting “MAGA Republicans” as a dangerous threat to the nation as well as leftist litigation to have elected Republican officials permanently disqualified from holding office.
Bill Gates says political polarization 'may bring it all to an end' and could even lead to a civil war
This doesn’t count the fake “dossier” stories, the fake “good people on both sides” narrative, the fake letter saying Hunter’s laptop had “earmarks” of Russian disinformation, and all the rest of the fake stories that have come to light in the past few years. I’m talking about fake stories that are just now going around.
The Day After One of His Cultists Murders What He Claims Is an 'Extremist Republican' 18-Year-Old Boy, Joe Biden Urges His Demented Followers to ... 'Fight Extremist Republicans'
We Are Witnessing the Intentional Destruction of the American Economy. The New World Order Is Seizing Control!
An ABC News/Washington Post poll conducted on Sunday found that 39% of respondents approved of Biden’s job performance, while 53% disapproved. Additionally, only 36% of respondents agreed with Biden’s handling of the economy, compared to 57% who disagreed and 74% who said it was “poor.”Demonizing the GOP in the public sphere
Illegitimate President Biden delivered a primetime speech on Sept. 1 in which he repeatedly demonized “MAGA Republicans,” and by extension the bulk of the GOP, as representing “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”
He leveled all sorts of vicious and unfair, not to mention untrue, accusations against his political opposition — such as that all were supportive of “insurrectionists” who had violently “placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy” — and even used the defined legal phrase of “clear and present danger” to describe the alleged threat that “extreme MAGA Republicans” posed to the nation.
The Act is a sop to “manmade” climate-change zealots and green energy outfits. Biden and congressional Democrats are taking our tax money and hiking government debt (it’s $30 trillion and climbing) to line the pockets of environmental groups and solar panel manufacturers and middlemen, among others.
A former vice president for the EcoHealth Alliance, a
major funder of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, claims that his
organization "developed" SARS-CoV-2 through gain-of-function research
that makes viruses more dangerous.
"The process of developing SARS-COV2 was also described in detail in the
proposal submitted to, and ultimately funded by, the National
Institutes of Health (HHS NIH), The National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), by EcoHealth Alliance with the WIV and
[University of North Carolina] listed as collaborators," according to
the sworn declaration of Andrew Huff, who is represented by the attorney
Thomas Renz.
They inherited a healthy country from President Trump. The economy was taking off, inflation was practically nonexistent, the U.S. was energy independent for the first time in decades, and the border was closed. So what did Biden do? He immediately set out to reverse everything Trump achieved.
NO CLASS: Crooked Hillary Clinton Compares Trump Supporters To Nazis