Fall is upon us It's September
Saturday Morning sunrise
Zeb's spot in the morning
Grapevines in the old apple
Morning Hummer
Soaking up the morning sun
Morning Dew on the Field, 46 degrees this morning
Hummer in the Apple this morning
This weekends garden haul, not bad.
Jack Sparrow, is still sleeping perched up under the porch roof nightly.
Our new resident area skunk has been by nightly stinking up the place, we're watching the dogs now anytime they are out at night. We were sitting out yesterday afternoon and got a couple whiffs of skunk, we didn't see him but you knew he was around. I make a patrol around the house with the flashlight before letting them out for their evening run now. We've had enough of smelly dog this summer.
OMG What a mess this idiot has wrought....
Clearly this president has lost his mind!!!
Biden claimed that the GOP were threatening Americans’ “right to privacy,” for abortion, gay marriage, and contraception. “[They] are determined to take this country backwards,” Biden said. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”
The photo captured his primetime speech in which he told listeners that “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”It was clearly the most disgusting speech given by any American president in the history of the republic.
Biden lied repeatedly about the economy, MAGA Republicans, the current state of America, and labeled his opposition white supremacists.
What Demonic Brain-Dead Biden Is Saying Right Now Is the Official Position of the Entire Executive Branch of the U.S. Government,the People Should Get Repaired for FEMA Camps and Death Marches, Blood In the Streets a.k.a Civil War—Tribulation in Full Stride,Compliments of the Demonic Governments Around the World, a.k.a The New World Order
Who gives a speech warning people about how dangerous Republicans are to
Democracy while having a background that looks like the Soviet Union
and Hitler had a baby?
As a result of a new poll released on Tuesday, the majority of
Americans believe that hiring 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
agents would be used to audit middle and low income Americans, or to
target Washington’s political opponents and the Biden administration’s
Much of our politics has the Left calling the Right “fascists” and showing a complete lack of knowledge of what they are saying. They are always yammering about “our community” and “our democracy” and calling those of us quoting the Constitution and the individual Rights it enumerates, along with the fact that it protects individuals AGAINST the “collective” (i.e., Government) extremists as well as fascists.
The discovery provided so far demonstrates that this Censorship Enterprise is extremely broad, including officials in the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General; and evidently other agencies as well, such as the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. And it rises to the highest levels of the U.S. Government, including numerous White House officials… In their initial response to interrogatories, Defendants initially identified forty-five federal officials at DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General (all within only two federal agencies, DHS and HHS), who communicate with social-media platforms about misinformation and censorship.
As is often the case in political history, cries for unity come only from the oppressors in charge. And what they always mean is “join my side or we will make you the enemy.” That is precisely what Joe Biden has shown throughout his time in office.
“And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.” – John Steinbeck
In case you haven’t heard, according to the Democrats (and their errand girl Liz Cheney), democracy is under attack. Grab a seat, dear readers, because I don’t think you’re going to be ready for this one:
I agree with them.
Let us begin with a point of clarification. I am well aware that we live in a representative republic and not a democracy, but I’ll be using the latter description because that’s what is being employed in the false narrative I’d like to pick apart.
The assault on democracy that the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are carrying on about is very much in progress, but it’s coming from them. They are waging a full-scale ideological war on anyone who doesn’t agree with their increasingly commie policies. Make no mistake about this: their endgame is one-party rule in the United States of America.
Democrats seek to marginalize — and ultimately disenfranchise — Republicans and conservatives by constantly lying about us. Whenever I see liberal rants against Republicans on social media, I can tell that the ranter hasn’t had any meaningful contact with a conservative in his or her life. They’re all railing against a HuffPo caricature of what a conservative is.
Fearmongering about Republican motives and policies is nothing new for the Democrats. They’ve been telling people for decades that any suggestions by the GOP about making Medicare or Social Security more financially solvent will result in the death of every grandma and grandpa in America.
As George Orwell put it, “the word fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable.’” For Democrats, fascism simply means anything they don’t like, and anything that might possibly threaten their control over the governing establishment.
You have probably noticed that food prices just keep going up at the grocery store. Many people believe that this is just a temporary phenomenon, and those people would be wrong. In fact, things are really going to start going haywire when a lot of the food that is supposed to be on our store shelves in 2023 doesn’t show up. Of course the reason that food isn’t going to be there is because it isn’t being grown in 2022. This summer, food production in the United States is constantly being slammed by one disaster after another. Sadly, most Americans still don’t understand that this is going to deeply affect all of us in the months ahead.
Biden: "For those brave right-wing Americans who say [the 2nd amendment] is all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something more than a gun." pic.twitter.com/Kz8e62vR8E
But the Dems don't care. It's not their money. It's ours. They're just choosing to spend it for us, to buy votes for them. And they're okay with using the power of government to make us go along with it. But of course, Trump and his followers are the actual semi-fascists.
4 YEARS AGO TODAY: Hillary Clinton said Trump supporters are a “basket of deplorables.”
Where’s the lie?
“The MAGA Republicans are a domestic terrorist cell operating in America. This is a group of people who have decided that it is acceptable to use violence & threats of violence to try to achieve their political means…that is terrorism.”@AymanMSNBC @AymanM pic.twitter.com/BPxu2ltr04
As you recall, in Biden’s inaugural remarks in January 2021, his repeated theme was “unity,” but in context, unity intended to convey “conformity” — and if you don’t conform with his agenda, you are an enemy of the people.
Democrats have never been “unifiers.” They are the undisputed masters of hate and division, and their political fortunes are completely dependent on creating discord. Biden has been at it for more than 50 years.
Recall also that Biden pledged to “restore the soul and to secure the future of America,” which was the theme of his most recent prime-time address in Philadelphia, “The battle for the soul of the nation.”
For the record, few Democrats have had even a passing relationship with Rule of Law in decades, and Beltway Demos are in violation of their oaths “to support and defend” our Constitution every day.
What unmitigated arrogance and deceit — Demos have GUTTED the soul of our nation, gutted the foundational principles of American Liberty, gutted our history, gutted our faith and our families. And now Biden has appointed himself our “savior”?
In Philadelphia, in front of another sparse audience of 300, Biden unleashed a demented torrent of Demo-goguery against anyone who does not support his policies. Notably, no networks carried his 25-minute diatribe — and only a few cable channels aired it (Fox declined). Apparently, they had heard enough of his hate and division rhetoric Tuesday.
“President declares half the country a threat to democracy. He’s flanked by Marines with mid-1930’s German red lighting behind him. Talking heads on CNN and MSNBC love it. Fascism is relative,”
"In politics, two months is an eternity, and so, a lot can happen between now and November — and probably will," - Bernard Goldberg
Is Rent Forgiveness Next?
As Joe Biden demonstrated with his bailout of student loan borrowers, the Democrats are on a vote-buying binge ahead of the November midterms.
Anybody else find it ironic that Biden condemns “MAGA extremists” and in the same breath calls for us all to unite as a country? Anybody else find it bemusing that he and his own speechwriters seem to be completely oblivious to that irony?
— Graham (@FlyNavyES3) September 2, 2022
Hours before Brain-Dead Biden broadcast seemingly from the gates of hell and declared anyone who disagrees with him to be a violent extremist, his Press Secretary told reporters that those who do not agree with “the majority” are exhibiting “an extreme way of thinking” and must be treated as a threat.
During an exchange on abortion laws, Liberal Black Lesbian, Karine Jean-Pierre stated “When you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then, you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.”
This speech was in every way awful. There is no sugarcoating the fact that the President of the United States demanded that the country agree with him, and if they don’t go along with HIS vision of “unity,” then they are a “threat” to democracy. It was vintage Biden. Everyone who disagrees with him gets smeared.
But of course the media absolutely loved this speech and was busy running with it this morning. It is WAR against the Republicans, everyone! This speech was the best thing ever!!!“I respect conservative Republicans. I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.” “There are not many real Republicans anymore,” Biden said.
Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.
Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.
In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.
Who is the biggest black market buyer and stockpiler of cyberweapons (weaponized malware that can be used to hack into computer systems, spy on citizens, and destabilize vast computer networks)? The U.S. government.
Which country has conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins? The U.S. government.
What country has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting? The U.S. government.
Are you getting the picture yet?
The U.S. government isn’t protecting us from terrorism.
The U.S. government is creating the terror. It is, in fact, the source of the terror. Source: WhiteHead
That is all... For now
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