2022 Garden is Done
Asphlundh trucks came by Thursday morning taking out a bunch of trees and brambles along the road
Put the leaf catcher vac on the mower and vacc'd up the bulk of the Maple leaves, the ones that have already hit the ground anyway, one of our Maples is still at 60%, eight trips to the garden with them, beats paying for bales of peat moss to add to the soil in the spring before tilling.
Friday morning it was 29 degrees, brr.
We got our 3rd frost Wednesday evening, it was 32.3 degrees this AM at 4:30.
Tuesday evening I was out with the Zeb at 9:30pm, Zeb was alert looking out in the field, I'd turned on my pocket flashlight a couple times, scanning the field looking for deer but not seeing anything, Zeb got up and went to the back wall staring intently out in the field directly behind the house, I got up walked to where he was and again shined my light out in the field and I saw a black mass, maybe a blueberry bush I thought. I upped the brightness from my light, and noticed two eyes glaring back at me but, no familiar deer shaped body, I again turned up the brightness again and there he was, a Black Bear laying in the grass not 30 feet away from us. I yelled "git out of here bear" a couple times, he looked at me and then slowly meandered towards the pond. Zeb was cool as a cucumber the whole time. I told him he did a good job pointing out the Bear... Good boy indeed!
Rose cooked up the Strawberry Crown Squash on Monday night, after dinner we bagged up 6 quart bags and into the freezer it went.
Other than Potatoes we're done with veggies for the year!
Bear came in again Monday night and overturned the empty grain barrel.
Saturday was a farm workday, we cut up close to half a cord of Apple limbs that we'd cut a while ago. My Stihl chainsaw fired up, and off I went... We took down 10 or so dead limbs on the Apple trees using an electric pole saw, other than the fact it's heavy it works great for what we use it for, up on a ladder with a chainsaw is something I no longer like to do. We cut up the remaining Apple wood we had stacked and chunked it up for the wood stove and the fire pit. The Apple wood has been drying for a couple seasons now, it'll burn great. Three trips to the burn pile with branches that were too small to burn in the fire pit, besides if Hannah and Zeb got them they'd be all over the yard. Winters coming we'll be snow blowing before you know it...
Sunday, today it's all about getting the Pellet stove out, fully vacuumed out, cleaned, and installing a new combustion fan and air blower fan in it. It still works fine but both blowers are louder than they should be. Amazon to the rescue for the new parts. It's a dusty, dirty job but it has to get done.
Zeb and I heard the Owl Sunday morning early before the sun came up.
Still haven't had time to dig the 'taters out of the ground.
Rose and I talked yesterday about having the 14 to 16 huge pines out in the cove cut down, hauled to the mill and sawn in 1"x6", 1"x8" and 1"x10" boards. We can make a lot of bird houses out of that. We'll take a trip up to "Sanborn Lumber" and see if either he does it, or knows a logger that'll take the trees down and haul them to the mill to be sawn up for us. Should be fun and we'll have boards to work with for a while.
That's all for now!
As long as the elites’ deceitfully wage war for our mind, manipulating and instilling in us feelings of doom and gloom defeatism and utter sense of powerlessness, the controllers have us exactly where they want us, their power literally feeding off our negativity and fears while the fearful are more easily led obediently straight to the slaughterhouse.
Winter is coming, and the only thing we know for certain is that Democrats f**ked it up no matter what kind of weather we get. Electricity prices have doubled. Fuel and heating oil costs are through the roof. And the political Left’s solution to that is more taxes on fossil fuels to pay for more of that not-at-all green energy that can’t meet demand.Now that's just funny... Ouch, That'll heat up fast.
“These lunatics don’t want a debate they want to dictate”
How many of these lowlife's were on Epstein's list...
Americans should expect the highest home heating bills in 25 years this upcoming winter.
The good news is Joe Biden found a way to reduce your energy bill. “New England Risks Winter Blackouts as Gas Supplies Tighten” https://t.co/EwuxW90lSZ
The “will you accept the results of the election” question is a rigged question. It is a rigged question because ONLY one Party cheats … the Democrat Party.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Biden administration plans to sell oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in a bid to dampen fuel prices before next month’s congressional elections, three sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.A red wave is going to hit the nation’s capital in three weeks. It may even arrive with enough force to return the Senate to Republican control, but the assurance of retaking control of the House, and putting Nancy Pelosi out of her misery (and that of our nation), will be a major step toward restoring the balance of power necessary to defend American Liberty from Joe Biden and his socialist Democrat Party.
CDC Advisory Committee is Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids
Pelosi on Voters’ Concerns About Inflation, Crime: ‘I Dismiss That’
If left unchecked, this “progressive” administration will touch off — needlessly — a second Great Depression.
"Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II"https://t.co/Nkj4JzL5b9 pic.twitter.com/44XYBS3MB6
- In 2020, Democrats blocked Trump's proposal to buy American oil at $24/BBL
And then 81 million of them voted for Biden primarily because they thought he was a decent guy who was preferable to President Mean Tweets. Had the American people only known what a corrupt liar Biden really is, had they only paid attention to Donald Trump’s stellar record instead of his mouth, we might not now be suffering under 40-year-high inflation and various other malaise brought about by Biden’s disastrous administration.
Hostilities were declared during Joe
Biden’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. “I
guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuel,” candidate Biden told a
climate activist in September 2019, words that the White House surely
hopes get lost down a memory hole.
Who Denies Election Results? There is nothing “unprecedented” about challenging election results. And for Democrats, there’s nothing unprecedented in trying to manipulate them.
Were it meant to be shamelessly used to shore up one’s political fortunes just ahead of a midterm shellacking, it’d be called the Tactical Petroleum Reserve.
Heck, the way Joe Biden has been raiding this critical repository, we might better describe it as the Strategic Polling Reserve. And, come to think of it, we already have. Clearly, the administration couldn’t care less.