Monday, October 17, 2022



Lots going on, putting the farm to bed before snow flies...

Saturday:  We were going to try to bomb the skunk out of the run-in shed today, wish us luck... We didn't end up bombing, ended up filling the hole in the back of the shed with a spare bag of concrete we had and some bricks, along with a couple of shovel fulls of dirt.

The kitchen chimney was covered in lady bugs on Saturday afternoon.

We filled a couple chippy holes near the foundation, I sat out for a while taking pot shots of the chippy in the back yard, I managed to miss him twice...

Boat was put away for the year

Snowblower is up in the run in shed now, close to the back porch.

Rose deadheaded and cleaned a couple more perennial beds on Sunday, while I mowed the front lawn.








There is absolutely zero fiscal or monetary restraint in government; there’s hardly a single policy initiative that doesn’t carry at least a trillion dollar price tag.

No one cares about the national debt—which is set to reach $30 trillion within the next few months, or the fact that the central bank balance sheet will likely pass $10 trillion this year.

Their brains simply cannot accept a reality in which the country they love so dearly has changed. And it’s not going back.

This is normalcy bias, and it compels countless people to do absolutely nothing in the face of obvious threats.

When you see a government racking up trillions of dollars a year in wasteful new debt, and a central bank printing trillions of dollars of new money, a rational person would take steps to preserve his/her savings.

When the nation has become so fractured in conflict that it takes tanks and 20,000+ troops to hold a ceremony in the capital, a rational person would create a Plan B and have some backup options.

Hassan And Pappas Did That … Mortgage Rates Hit 20-Year High 

Janine Small, President for International Developing Markets of the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer, answered the questions of the MPs. She laughingly admitted that there was no data or even the slightest evidence that these vaccinations could prevent infection.

No administration in history has tried to pull off what his has done, which is to declare anyone who doesn't vote for a Democrat to be the enemy.  When Biden uses the phrase "MAGA Republican," that roughly translates to any Republican not named Kinzinger or Cheney, a number that is growing as Biden voters experience increasingly acute buyer's remorse, perhaps because they can no longer afford to buy anything.


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