Saturday, March 25, 2023



It's been a busy week, It hit 54 degrees here in the first day of Spring on Monday, Spring missed the memo, still plenty of snow, rain is coming Thurs & Friday.

Our mud started drying out, Rose and I raked, shoveled and leveled out the ruts on Saturday while it was warm enough, Sunday never got above 32 degrees.

Tuesday was 55 again, wow, still not a lot of melting happening though.

Rose saw several crows out in the field gathering up huge mouthfuls of grass and mud for nests.

Tuesday evening we had 7 visitors come in for a snack.  In the background you can see what's left of the carport collapsed onto my boat, sad...

Thursday afternoon in Manchester 5 F14/15 fighter jets flew into the airport right outside the VP's window at the treetops, I think 3 landed, while the other two continuously circled the airport turning on their sides banking with afterburners roaring, very loud, the whole plant was outside watching them. The woman watching beside me kept repeating they are so beautiful, so beautiful, over and over.  Amazing to watch!

Friday morning, Rose yelled out to grab the camera quick! I ran out back, our fox was back. This is the first time we've seen him/her this year.

Friday evening just before it got dark, Rose called the dogs to come in the house quick, there were two Mallard ducks eating corn in the deer yard. I didn't get a pic they were gone by the time I got there.

Friday evening Rose called out Donnie come here, she heard the woodcock!  It's spring now!  Reeeep!  Funny, she was thinking they'd be here soon.  We'll probably be hearing them nightly now.

American woodcock - song / call / voice / sound.

Rose went out Friday night at around 11pm to see if she could see the Northern Lights that were predicted, nope nothing to see here...

Look up on Tuesday - On the 28th, five planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus—will form an arc in the sky. To see it, you’ll want to head outside of a city (to prevent lights from interfering), and you’ll also want to grab a pair of binoculars. Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus should all be fairly visible to the naked eye, but if you want to spot Mars and Uranus, you’ll want some strong binoculars though Mars will likely be a bit brighter than Uranus.





Monday, March 20, 2023

The yard is once again a big ol' mud pit

The yard is once again a "big ol' mud pit"

Saturday the 18th

The yard is an absolute muddy mess, gonna take a bit of time to fix this when it starts melting more for sure.  Rose and I went out in our muck boots stomping and shoveling a lot of the dirt/mud back where it belongs...  We raked up much of the dog poop too.
It's our official St. Patty's day, is corned beef, carrots, and potatoes for dinner tonight, if I can wait that long... Yum!
I need haircut bad, looking scraggly,  my usual place in Goffstown Tonic barber (I'm a senior so my cut is $16 they're booked most days next week except mornings, so I'm off to Supercuts tomorrow!  Wish me luck seems they are pretty hit or miss...  And expensive too, I think they were at $19 last time.
Last week!

Two groups of deer came in Sunday evening, one group of five came in and ate all the Wildlife Grains (Molasses laced grain) that we feed, Rose went out with some corn and the second group of three came in to eat that up. There's hardly a grain on the ground when they are done.

Two ingredient rolls are on the menu today, maybe start the sauerkraut too... The rolls and Pollack that was on sale for dinner were good, we'll try the sauerkraut another day.

The generator is ready to go if we lose power Tuesday! And we will lose power, seems nearly every storm we lose power.  We only blinked power here, yay!

New Disney bot Cool...

Lots of blog posts showing seedlings growing, and down south lots of plants already growing in gardens, sigh... alas we can only look at catalogs and dream of spring.

More heavy wet stuff 8-12" due Monday evening, now 10-20" into Wednesday morning

Started snowing last night we woke to the cracks of trees coming down, guys that made it to work said lots of cars and tow trucks off the road, we still have power as of 10:30am, lots of folks in surrounding towns do not.  They are now saying 10-20" of snow by Wednesday morning.

Jarrod has offered to stop by later and help with the plowing!  Yay!

The birches are almost on the ground now. 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday Shopping day

Saturday Shopping day today milk, water, lunch meat, self rising flower (biscuits tomorrow) some pollack on sale, and Doggo food, Rose picked up some Zinnia seed, and wildflower pouches at Tractor supply, fabric store for some fabric for the kitchen door.  With the next storm coming in Mon thru Wednesday, another heavy wet one...  Everywhere in Hooksett was jam packed!

Hope you all got shoveled out this past weekend.

We had pellet stove problems on Monday night, pellet stove wouldn't start and stay running, it would try then go right out. I dug down into the pellet hopper and it appears a bag of damp/wet pellets was added to the hopper, the stove couldn't deal with that.  I emptied the full hopper on Tuesday, found 5 or so handfuls of damp sawdust at the bottom of the hopper, pulled all that out and added a new bag slowly, no wet ones, and it started right up YAY! It's been running fine since.

Jarrod and the boys came down last Sunday to plow the front yard (He had his chains on the truck it made all the difference) the boys helped with the shoveling too!  Nice, thanks guys!

Sore on Monday, lots of snow blowing and roof raking this past weekend...

Five big fat grey squirrels out in the deer yard this morning chowing down on leftovers from the deer last night.  With 5 or so have been coming in nightly, Rose picked up grain on Friday.

Joe sent over some of Maddie's Pics from her Utah trip, sure is beautiful out there. These pics are stunning and my new favorite Windows desktop background!

Daylight saving time will begin at 2 a.m. the morning of Sunday, March 12. At that time, we’ll change the clocks to say 3 a.m., thereby losing yet another hour of sleep...

If you’re wondering “Why 2 a.m.?” it’s reportedly because that was a dead spot in the railway schedule back when railroads were influential in nationwide timekeeping.




Saturday, March 04, 2023

The week that was...

The week that was...

Saturday morning Jarrod called, he's going to stop by with his plow and chains on his pickup to help us clean up tomorrow!  Thanks Bud!

James and Jason came over on Wednesday, the doggo's were so happy to see them, us too. We hit DQ for lunch, and got our butt's whooped in Monopoly by James... Ouch.

SNOW again 8-14 is predicted, so much for mud season... Have fun shoveling out...

The driveway, front yard and side hill are all nicely rutted up again making it treacherous to get a car to the front door.

F15s flew over the house again last Wednesday, it's pretty rare we see them unless something is going on, maybe a presidential visit to the state "or a child's escaped birthday balloon..." Shortly thereafter an AWACS flew over


A couple weeks ago the snow and thankfully the ice too, are slowly receding...  Mud season came early this year the yard is a complete mud pit... we're putting down straw to give us something to walk on keeping us above the mud.

My ribs are still very sore, though only noticeable if I hit them or lean into my ribs, or if I try and sleep on my right side, I always sleep on my right side.

Sucks getting older, at least physically; I’m still trying to uphold that line “when I grow up, I never want to grow up” as Life is much more fun that way!

Groceries prices are still going up, we used to spend $244.00 every 2-3 weeks is now $370.00, that's up 52% by my calculation...  That includes dog food of course, they're family too.

The boys celebrated their 17th birthday a couple weeks ago.  Jarrod cooked up some nice steaks for the occasion! Yum!

The Diamonds in the snow the other night


Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...