It's been a busy week, It hit 54 degrees here in the first day of Spring on Monday, Spring missed the memo, still plenty of snow, rain is coming Thurs & Friday.
Our mud started drying out, Rose and I raked, shoveled and leveled out the ruts on Saturday while it was warm enough, Sunday never got above 32 degrees.
Tuesday was 55 again, wow, still not a lot of melting happening though.
Rose saw several crows out in the field gathering up huge mouthfuls of grass and mud for nests.
Tuesday evening we had 7 visitors come in for a snack. In the background you can see what's left of the carport collapsed onto my boat, sad...
Thursday afternoon in Manchester 5 F14/15 fighter jets flew into the airport right outside the VP's window at the treetops, I think 3 landed, while the other two continuously circled the airport turning on their sides banking with afterburners roaring, very loud, the whole plant was outside watching them. The woman watching beside me kept repeating they are so beautiful, so beautiful, over and over. Amazing to watch!
Friday morning, Rose yelled out to grab the camera quick! I ran out back, our fox was back. This is the first time we've seen him/her this year.
Friday evening just before it got dark, Rose called the dogs to come in the house quick, there were two Mallard ducks eating corn in the deer yard. I didn't get a pic they were gone by the time I got there.
Friday evening Rose called out Donnie come here, she heard the woodcock! It's spring now! Reeeep! Funny, she was thinking they'd be here soon. We'll probably be hearing them nightly now.
Rose went out Friday night at around 11pm to see if she could see the Northern Lights that were predicted, nope nothing to see here...
Look up on Tuesday - On the 28th, five planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus—will form an arc in the sky. To see it, you’ll want to head outside of a city (to prevent lights from interfering), and you’ll also want to grab a pair of binoculars. Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus should all be fairly visible to the naked eye, but if you want to spot Mars and Uranus, you’ll want some strong binoculars though Mars will likely be a bit brighter than Uranus.
BIDEN ECONOMY: Federal Government Spending UP 40% Since 2019 as Inflation Soars and Recession Looms
“The only thing that wokeness has to offer in exchange is to brainwash bright young minds like you to believe that you are victims, to believe that you have no agency, to believe that what must you must do to improve the world is to complain… is to protest… is to throw soup on paintings.” – Konstantine Kisin, in a speech at Oxford Union
What is woke, then? The definition from the meme is actually rock-solid: a “woke” person, or “social-justice warrior,” is someone who believes that (1) the institutions of American society are currently and intentionally set up to oppress (minorities, women, the poor, fat people, etc.), (2) virtually all gaps in performance between large groups prove that this oppression exists, and (3) the solution to this is equity — which means proportional representation regardless of performance or qualifications.
The Biden Administration has obliterated:
** Our borders
** Our banking system
** The US oil reserves
** Our energy sector
** Our Justice System
** Elections
** US Foreign Policy
** Consumer prices through inflation
** American tradition – Leave no man behind!
** Women’s Sports
** US standing in the world
** US swagger on the global stage
** US leadership
In only two years, Joe Biden’s presidency has produced multiple catastrophes from which recovery will be difficult, if it is even possible. Domestically, we see the banking system teetering on insolvency, as the rapid escalation in interest rates has devalued long term Treasury notes that used to be considered a safe place for banks to park funds in excess of what could be safely lent. The reason for these Federal Reserve interest rate hikes is the inflation that was immediately triggered by Biden’s jihad against domestic oil, gas, and coal production, that triggered an inflationary spiral that continues today, devaluing the life savings of thrifty Americans, and pushing food and energy costs up so fast that many families have had to drastically reduce their standard of living.
What characterizes the American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting, and disingenuous curtain of political theater. And what political theater it is, diabolically Shakespearean at times, full of sound and fury, yet in the end, signifying nothing. We are being ruled by a government of scoundrels, spies, thugs, thieves, gangsters, ruffians, rapists, extortionists, bounty hunters, battle-ready warriors, and cold-blooded killers who communicate using a language of force and oppression. The U.S. government now poses the greatest threat to our freedoms.
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