Saturday, March 04, 2023

The week that was...

The week that was...

Saturday morning Jarrod called, he's going to stop by with his plow and chains on his pickup to help us clean up tomorrow!  Thanks Bud!

James and Jason came over on Wednesday, the doggo's were so happy to see them, us too. We hit DQ for lunch, and got our butt's whooped in Monopoly by James... Ouch.

SNOW again 8-14 is predicted, so much for mud season... Have fun shoveling out...

The driveway, front yard and side hill are all nicely rutted up again making it treacherous to get a car to the front door.

F15s flew over the house again last Wednesday, it's pretty rare we see them unless something is going on, maybe a presidential visit to the state "or a child's escaped birthday balloon..." Shortly thereafter an AWACS flew over


A couple weeks ago the snow and thankfully the ice too, are slowly receding...  Mud season came early this year the yard is a complete mud pit... we're putting down straw to give us something to walk on keeping us above the mud.

My ribs are still very sore, though only noticeable if I hit them or lean into my ribs, or if I try and sleep on my right side, I always sleep on my right side.

Sucks getting older, at least physically; I’m still trying to uphold that line “when I grow up, I never want to grow up” as Life is much more fun that way!

Groceries prices are still going up, we used to spend $244.00 every 2-3 weeks is now $370.00, that's up 52% by my calculation...  That includes dog food of course, they're family too.

The boys celebrated their 17th birthday a couple weeks ago.  Jarrod cooked up some nice steaks for the occasion! Yum!

The Diamonds in the snow the other night



"I don't know if I'm being distracted by vaccine deaths so I don't notice inflation, or if inflation is the distraction to Ukraine money laundering, or if Ukraine is a distraction for rampant pedophilia, or if the multiple train derailments are a distraction from food prices, or if that is just distracting me from election fraud."

Hey, look over here! A shiny object.

Now White House Slaps Down Schumer and Says Small Balloons May Have Been Something Else

President Trump Responds to Corrupt and Criminal Biden DOJ that Wants to Take Presidential Immunity Away from Only Him – Not Joe Biden

How is it that Social Security is unsustainable and will run out of money, but the welfare money, especially that given to illegals and most likely not even taxed, is never compared in the same light? That Social Security money belongs to those who paid into it, whereas the welfare money is going to many who should not be getting it. This smacks of Democrats’ gun laws — punishing the good guys. Congress should shift some of the welfare money over to Social Security to keep it solvent. —Illinois

The Biden administration said Monday it is selling 26 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a release that had been mandated by Congress in previous years. The sale will likely temporarily push the reserve below its current level of about 372 million barrels, the lowest level since 1983. U.S. Energy Department said bids on the oil are due on Feb. 28 and that the oil would be delivered from April 1 to June 30.

“It’s amazing to me how they fall in line, my colleagues,” he added, lamenting that many outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSN have become a front for the White House and the Biden administration. This isn’t new. We know the U.S. ruling class is using the media to push propaganda in order to keep the slaves content in their enslavement.

Even Democrats Are Bailing: 88% Think Biden Should Not Be The Leader Of Their Party

When asked how a criminal got an illegal firearm in California, @GavinNewsom said, "It's gonna happen!"  Almost like gun control doesn't work or something.

BIDEN: “There is no rationale for assault weapons and magazines that hold 50-70 bullets.”   No that's not even close JB...

They could never admit it to themselves, but deep down, most would have agreed with President Reagan's quip about the nine most terrifying words in the English language being "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."  In their hearts, most Americans of whatever ideological persuasion understood and appreciated Lord Acton's famous warning that "all power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The supply chain is crippled. Highways, ports and infrastructure are crumbling. Blue states are banning trucks from the roads. Grocery prices are skyrocketing. Egg farms are burning to ground.  Over 100 food plants have burned to the ground in the past year.

Trains are derailing. The East Palestine, Ohio train derailment may be the worst ecological disaster in U.S. history. Experts are calling it “our Chernobyl.” There is a mushroom cloud of deadly chemicals floating over the farm belt. Animals are dying. Fish are dead. People are sick. And it just happens to have poisoned hundreds of thousands of acres of prime Midwest farmland.

The same exact thing that’s happening to food and farmland, is happening to energy. Under Trump we had energy independence and cheap, plentiful energy. Under Biden we have soaring gas and electricity prices, energy shortages, depletion of our national fuel reserve. In the middle of this, our government is desperate to ban gas stoves, lawnmowers, and chainsaws...

A black swan event is a term used to describe something that is very unexpected and has a significant impact. This can be a natural disaster, a sudden change in the economy, or a political event.

Joe Biden Blames the Media When Asked Why So Many Americans Say They’re “Worse Off” Financially Than When He Was Elected

Biden Regime Admits They’re Prioritizing Climate Goals Over “Energy Security” in Leaked Memo



One person’s clutter is another person’s resources. While I’m not a hoarder I do like to have materials to work with. If something needs to be repaired I don’t go running to the hardware store. I poke around my junk piles and see what might do the job. A little cutting, a little welding, a bit of a paint, and stuff gets fixed. 

Half of Americans think the news media intentionally lies, survey says.
Once your eyes get open (red-pilled) to one thing, suddenly you start to look around and question everything and the more you look the more you realize that (to quote the Resident) “sonofabitch, they lied to us about almost everything!”

Talk About Inflation...

An F-35 pilot’s helmet costs more than a Ferrari and takes two days to get fitted

Sun-King Chris Sununu brought his LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME! pretend Presidential campaign to Face the Nation yesterday. His message for Republicans … LET THE GROOMERS GROOM. I kid you not:

Hey dummy … yeah you Sun-King … the Left, and that includes Democrat Governors, ALREADY is … and has been for some time … attacking conservative businesses. Is Sun-King that insulated from reality? Or is he just that damn dishonest. More importantly, protecting children from grooming should be one of the top priorities of government at all levels, NOT the “worst precedent.” And Florida’s actions in stripping Disney of the corporate welfare and corporate perks that state government has given it over the years is absolutely the right thing to do, the conservative thing to do, the limited government thing to do. Sun-King Sununu … one of the worst lockdown-Governors, who supports abortion up to birth, biological boys competing against girls in school sports, mask and “vaccine” mandates … is NOT a small-government Republican. He is a woke corporatist/globalist authoritarian and the sooner he exits the Governor’s office for his contributor’s gig on MSNBC the better.

There is no outrage because, like the Soviet Union, Americans have been conditioned to accept unaccountably, in which lying and incompetence are expected behavior of the leadership class.  Without justifiable rage, we are all simply slouching toward tyranny.

Once upon a time, the U.S. had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now our landscape is littered with dollar stores because such stores are some of the only places where our vast throngs of poor people can afford to shop…

Kamala Harris absurdly claimed Joe Biden has reduced heating and electricity bills.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” – Henry Kissinger



Three days after the CDC filed the patent on the SARS coronavirus in 2003, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a patent on antiviral agents or treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. How can you get a patent on a treatment for a thing that had only been invented three days earlier?

US Patent 7151163, issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, has another problem. The problem is it was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was allowed.

Dr. Martin summarizes, “it is not physically possible for you to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This, my friends, is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering, and collusion. This is not a theory. This is evidence.”

The demand for Pfizer’s COVID-19 drugs has plummeted, and along with it, their shares. As people begin to realize the injections were never about “health” but about money and control, they figure out they don’t need them. 

[…] It’s been lie after lie, misinformation after misinformation. And it’s about time we crack this egg open and really find what’s actually going on. What’s most hurtful, not only did the Chinese and we and we know the real truth, poison the world and the United States, I mean, let’s just tell the truth. Hopefully it was an accident. But not only did they do this, but they lied about it. And we have an administration that doesn’t have the guts to go forward and get the truth out of them. And we paid for that part of it all. We paid for the damn lab. 

The origins of Covid were never a secret. The real story — the greatest outrage — is that the people who knew or should have known the truth lied about it in order to hide the Chinese government’s role in mass murder.



According to the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS), the ships and submarines of #Russia's Northern Fleet carry tactical nuclear weapons on board. This is the first time in 30 years.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution,” said its author, James Madison, “which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Indeed, show us the constitutional case for spending 200 billion American taxpayer dollars in Ukraine. We’ll wait.



INFLATION BITES: Vanguard Reports Record Number Of “Hardship Withdrawals” From 401ks
Trump was right — Joe Biden has been a disaster for Americans.
“The President’s Economic Plan is Indeed Working” – Karine Jean-Pierre When Confronted with Today’s Numbers That Show a Monthly Decline in Real Wages

But don’t worry.

Joe Biden says that everything is just fine.

Of course, the reality of the matter is that everything is not fine.  As bad as things are for residential real estate, the truth is that things are even worse for commercial real estate.

Existing home sales have dropped every single month for an entire year. That is catastrophic.  Overall, existing home sales are a whopping 36.9 percent lower than they were at this time last year.  -  We haven’t seen anything like this since the last housing crash.



Report: Objects Shot Down Over Alaska, Canada Were Carrying ‘Payloads’

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden says the hysteria over UFOs being shot down over America and Canada is a distraction from Seymour Hersh’s story about the U.S. being responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines.

Biden White House Denies Ohio Request for Federal Disaster Assistance Following Train Derailment and Toxic Chemical Mushroom Cloud Explosion.
The Biden regime did not send any top official to the region since the chemical blast until Thursday when EPA Administrator Michael Regan toured the town, meeting with residents and officials. Regan reportedly turned down an offer to drink the tap water.

“We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open,” remarked Youngstown firefighter and hazmat specialist Sil Caggiano, in an instantly viral local news clip. The apparent contradiction here—nuking with chemicals—is worth taking seriously.

Regardless of where we begin, all of this could easily be placed under the heading, “You just can’t make this s**t up!” It appears that each and every ‘event’ is meant for one or another purpose, but lies and cover-ups by this corrupt government and its bought and paid for media, are certainly beyond obvious.

But do not worry, as this evil government has vowed to investigate this tragedy, well after it happened, and only due to exposure, which in effect is like investigating itself; this after the White House and FEMA turned down disaster relief for East Palestine while spending tens of millions to shoot down balloons. This tragedy and environmental disaster has been described by many as the same as a chemical nuclear bomb being dropped on the area.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine revealed this morning that the Biden Regime is actively refusing to help East Palestine. FEMA is claiming Ohio is “not eligible for assistance at this time.”  Of course, this is nonsense. The real reason almost certainly lies with the fact the residents of East Palestine voted overwhelmingly for President Donald Trump back in 2020.

Tons of Democrat accounts & influencers pushing the false narrative that Trump deregulated safety brakes for hazmat trains in 2018 causing the wreck in Ohio. There’s two major problems with that: 
1) The train in Ohio wouldn’t have had those breaks 
2) The regulation on those breaks was rolled back due to the FAST Act that was passed in 2015 under Obama This is per @JenniferHomendy, the head of the National Transportation Safety Board who is investigating the crash and derailment.



“the enormous toll on Americans that comes in the form of higher taxes, overloaded emergency rooms, increased crime in their communities, and overcrowded classrooms for their children.”  
Thanks to Joe Biden, every state is now a border state. That’s because this administration is packing up and sending illegals all over the country, to every congressional district in the 50 states. As Dwinell continues: “Border communities have long been overwhelmed under these policies. The crisis now costs California $21.76 billion and Texas $8.88 billion annually in education, health care, law enforcement and criminal justice system costs, welfare expenditures, and more.” And on and on it goes.
Our border is wide open, with millions of illegal aliens pouring through. All of them will require cradle to grave welfare. Many of them are criminals. How many are terrorists? And through that border comes drugs. Fentanyl alone kills over 100,000 Americans per year. It sure seems like someone wants Americans dead.  

One political party is to blame for all this. And within that party, one man is most to blame: Joe Biden. And for it, he deserves to be impeached.

Think about it: If a dereliction this dire isn’t impeachable, then what on earth is? (Oh, right — phone calls.)

 That's all folks...

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Coming up to the new Year 2025!

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