Frost, yeah we got it, luckily we've been watching this one, we brought in all the plants and covered up the one we couldn't. It was 30 degrees at 4:30am on Thursday May 18th, Mom called Thursday night to warn us too! Looked like a winter wonderland this morning. Did you get all your plants in?
Poplar fluff, I've never seen this much that I remember, it's everywhere!
Black flies haven't been too bad yet, the windy weather seems to keep them away.
Rose took a walk out front after the frost, the Hydrangeas. Hosta and Smoke bush took a bad hit, we'll have to see if the recover, they look pretty bad.
Rose went food shopping today, got home and went out to cut some Lilacs for the house, she found 3 ticks on her, we didn't put the Tick stuff down in the are where the Lilacs are, guess we'll be putting more down for sure.
We went to Mom & Dads for Mothers day, Chinese food Yum! Lisa was over, it was good to see her too. We got to talk about the various critters visiting our homes. I fixed dads computer... "don't let him tell you otherwise" I changed out some fluorescent bulbs for LED's and changed a couple dead bulbs.
I have never met a guy that doesn’t get excited about a good flashlight. Whether it’s for fishing, hunting, or just general fun. Men love portable light fixtures. See told ya, "it's not just me..." LOL
We're getting some nice weather on Sunday, time to get the tiller out fire it up and till Rose's property border flower bed, or what will be a flower bed, frosts should be gone now so the dangers are lessened.
Went out to Dinner for Crystal's birthday with Jarrod, Crystal and the boys, at Margarita's in Manchester, great Fajitas, we had a great time!
Manchester vineyard said 90% of this years crop was damaged by the frost. Sad!
FBI Suddenly Dropped Four Investigations Into Hillary and Bill Clinton Ahead of 2016 Election: Durham Report
Now John Kerry is targeting US farms in his ongoing crusade against global warming the imaginary threat that is affecting all of our lives.In case you hadn’t noticed, our country is falling apart. Our president is corrupt, our elections seem rigged, and our federal law enforcement and intelligence services have been weaponized. Indeed, our grand 247-year experiment in republican self-governance is heading south faster than a snowbird from Michigan. And if that weren’t enough, the Biden administration is proposing a ban on … chocolate milk.
Breaking: Majority of Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Committed Impeachable Offenses – Despite Mainstream Media Blackout of His Criminal Acts
Hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry has warned that the Biden administration is mulling a freeze on U.S. bank withdrawals amid the decline in M2 money supply – a benchmark measure of how much cash and cash-like assets is circulating in the U.S. economy. “Sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic,” he said. “You’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now. M2 is deposits, not loans. That’s the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds,” he explained. Hendry further warned that it could reach a point where the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve will restrict the rights of Americans to withdraw their money.The Numbers That Are Being Hidden From Americans By The Media: Everyday Staples Are More Than Double The Overall Food Inflation Percentage The MSM Talks About
So in April 2020, food inflation was 3.5%, and by 2021, it has risen another 2.4%, and the following year, 2022, it had risen yet another
9.4%, with the Biden regime and the media hailing 2023's 7.7% increase
as a "drop" in inflation, while never acknowledging that since 2020,
food prices have rising nearly 20%. Eggs were one of the largest increases for the year, in addition to
margarine, which saw a 23.8% increase; flour and flour prepared mix,
with a 17.8% increase; frozen vegetables, with an 18.9% increase; and
cookies, with a 15.9% increase.
It is easy to report a 7.7% food increase from one year to the next, especially without adding it to the increase from the year before, and the one before that, but when everyday staples have risen in cost far more than the "overall" average of food inflation, it is no wonder that nearly 50 percent of households are spending more on food than any other bill.
Somewhat lost amid the indignation over Monday’s devastating Durham report, which focused mostly on the corruption within the FBI, was the rotten role of the mainstream press in all this. And placed neatly atop this dung heap of deceit, this monument to media malfeasance, are the twin Pulitzer Prizes for National Reporting that were awarded to The Washington Post and The New York Times in 2018 for their complicity in the Crossfire Hurricane operation more accurately known as the Clinton-engineered, Obama-enabled, FBI-executed Trump/Russia collusion hoax.
Hedge fund manager Hugh Hendry has warned that the Biden administration is mulling a freeze on U.S. bank withdrawals amid
the decline in M2 money supply – a benchmark measure of how much cash
and cash-like assets is circulating in the U.S. economy.
If one is not confident of solving his own problems, providing for his own welfare, or feeling comfort and satisfaction in personal accomplishment or even his own skin, that obviously leads to insecurity. Misery is rooted in insecurity, as many prior authors have noted about Democrats. Also, insecurity can lead to envy, jealousy, and shame.
‘I’m going to take a break,’ Kimmel interrupted, clearly seeing that Biden was glitching and wasn’t able to complete a coherent idea. ‘and then we’ll talk a little bit more.’
Using Social Security as a scare tactic is only a slight variation on
the Democrats' perennial election-year strategy of accusing every
Republican congressman of voting to "cut" social security. If nothing
else, Social Security is a fertile field for dishonest Democrat campaign
and legislative tacticians.
General Michael Flynn Releases Statement on John Durham Report: “This Report Must Be Rally Cry – If We Do Not Fight Back Now, the America We Know May Be Lost Forever”
Here in 2023, what is coming is so obvious that nobody can deny what is happening. The economy is already starting to come apart at the seams all around us, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve openly acknowledge that they are making things even worse by hiking interest rates. Pretty much everyone agrees that rougher times are ahead of us, and “a probability model from the New York Federal Reserve” is now projecting that there is a 68.2 percent chance that there will be a recession within the next 12 months…
For instance, during his State of the Union address this year, Biden didn’t even get five minutes into the thing before lying. The president claimed the economy was “reeling” when he took office two years ago and implied that it is in a better state now, a claim that every American who is struggling to get by knows is untrue.
President Biden told graduating students at Howard University that White supremacy is the "most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland."
And now for the rest of your nightmare!
“I’d like to identify with an illegal so I, too, can get free health care,” etc.
Here we go again; President Joe Biden claims white people are the biggest threat to the U.S. despite making several racist statements during his lifetime.
While giving a commencement speech at Howard University, the Historical Black College and University (HBCU) that is the alma mater of Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden condemned “white supremacy,” saying that it is the most dangerous thing the U.S. faces, unlike his lax open border policies, which have caused the country to see skyrocketing overdoses from fentanyl or the high number of sex trafficking cases ravaging us.
A whopping 82 percent of Americans are concerned about Joe Biden’s “health and mental acuity.”
Howls of impending disaster fill the air.
one single Democrat voted for a bill that would have helped secure our
southern border. Think about that and how polarized our representatives
are the next time you vote for an incumbent.
A fascist is a follower of a political philosophy characterized by authoritarian views and a strong central government — and no tolerance for opposing opinions.
Biden is playing divisive politics which is what he promised not to do when on the campaign trail. Either he does not know what is in the Republican Bill, doesn’t understand it, or doesn’t care about the lies he heaps on America. It doesn’t matter because he has the media in his pocket like the Chinese have him, and if he can keep distracting America, he may get away with Grand Larceny. Biden will play along with the media on the default and keep feeding them erroneous information. It is a perfect screen to hide his illegal operation. This will work until the Justice Department decides to press charges. With Garland at the helm, that will probably never happen.
J.D. VANCE: ‘We cannot, as a country, absorb 10 million people and still provide high quality housing to the rest of our citizens’
The NY Post, which has taken the lead in covering the Crackhead Hunter Biden scandal, was barred from today’s press event by the White House. The NY Post is one of the nation’s top 10 largest newspapers and one of the nation’s oldest publications.
Joe Biden said to what looked to be a teenage girl at a rare campaign
stop, “I want you to just take a look. Okay? You don’t have to agree,
but I want you to look in my eyes. I guarantee, I guarantee we’re going
to end fossil fuel.”
And whaddya know, kiddo? Ending fossil fuel has
been one of the few promises that this miserable president has actually
delivered on.
In 2022, the Biden regime reportedly issued over 300,000 smartphones to illegal aliens as part of the “Alternatives to Detention Program (ATD). According to ICE, smartphones cost taxpayers $361,218.08 per day, per ABC News.
Obviously, the Green Energy folks led by John Kerry, Al Gore, and the Wiz Kid, Greta Thunberg, are not mathematicians. In the last twenty years, the world has invested $5 Trillion, most of it in America, for a net reduction in fossil fuels of 2%. That is nearly $17,000 for every citizen in this country on a program that is not based on science and is poorly planned. And the results are abominable. If this were a private sector project, it would be scrapped or paused and retooled. But not with the government.
The elite now have to wake up every day and wonder if the vaccines they rushed to get will end up killing them prematurely. This is what has finally driven them crazy. And, of course, crazy people will do crazy things: like destroy their own country.
Former President Barack Obama, for example, claimed some of us “cling to guns or religion or antipathy…as a way to explain their frustrations.” He never really got why we “cling” to things like guns or our faith.
The hysteria hasn’t let up since then, and now that Mr. Trump is resurging from a thousand attempts to kill him off like some implacable axe-murderer in a horror movie, the corps of useful idiots is showing signs of nervous exhaustion. The Democratic Party’s front-man, “Joe Biden” (or the claque behind him backstage), has screwed the pooch on just about every matter of vital public interest at home and abroad, and now this president stands revealed as the head of a racketeering operation that specialized in bribery.
Why Is Going Cashless a Bad Idea?
- Loss of privacy, as government, banks, and corporations will be able to monitor and track every purchase and every deposit you make.
- Government know who is buying and stockpiling food. Makes future confiscation easier.
- Government will know who is buying guns, ammo, body armor, night vision, and other survival/prepper supplies. Makes future confiscation easier.
- Forces all charitable donations, including religious tithes and donations, to go through the digital system, allowing government to track and even regulate such donations.
- Many elderly folks, blind folks, and people with little experience with technology may struggle to adapt.
- The digital economy requires the grid to the up and the Internet functioning. Hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, and other disasters will completely stop the digital economy in affected areas. Cash can be used even when the power is out or the Internet is down.
- The digital economy is vulnerable to hackers - both criminals and bad governments.
- A digital economy will only enhance the weaponization of government agencies against anyone for any reason. Remember the IRS scandal where Tea Party and Conservative organizations were targeted by the Obama administration for political reasons? Or, more recently, the targeting of Trump supporters and other conservatives by a plethora of government agencies?
- Moves us a large-step closer to a consolidated, one-world government.
- Forces all individuals to be bank customers, rather they want to be or not.
- Forces individuals who use cash envelope systems for budgeting and personal debt management (a Dave Ramsey recommendation) to quit using those systems, and become bank customers instead.
- Government will have the total ability to restrict your spending of your money. Possible examples: restricting meat purchases in the name of climate change, restricting medical services if you don't have the jab, restricting travel if you don't have the jab, or even "cancelling" you from your money if you post "misinformation" about stolen elections or make a "trans-phobic" claim that minors shouldn't have their genitals cut off. Starting to see the power grab, yet?
- No more cash-only side jobs. No more cash transactions at flea markets, yard sales, etc.
- No more cash allowances for kids. No more cash inside birthday cards. No more Grandparents slipping a little cash to the Grandkids.
- No more cash for anything...
Durham Report: Plan by Hillary Clinton to Link Trump to Russia Was Briefed by John Brennan to Obama and Biden in August 2016!
'Fed Up': Nearly 6 in 10 Small Business Owners Say Biden's Economy Could Force Them To Close Their Doors
NEVER FORGET: Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIETHE END!
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