Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend!


It's Memorial Day Monday, let's remember to thank those that gave all!

May God give comfort to all the families and loved ones who have fallen in the service of our great country.

The Farm is really starting to come alive this week, blooming shrubs and bushes everywhere.  Our pink lilac bush by the old orchard is going to be spectacular, we trimmed the apple tree above it in the fall giving it more sunlight and it really liked that.

Jack the Sparrow is back to sitting up under the back porch at night, we have to be careful not to spook him if we go out, he'll slowly get used to us to the point of not even waking up if we go out.

The Bunny is back, we've noticed Hannah watching the Forsythias and thought it might be a bunner, Rose saw him/her yesterday while working out by the garden. We thought they were all taken out by the foxes last year.  She was getting the soaker hoses ready for the flower beds, I re-tilled the flower bed area today to get the fertilizer and lime Rosie put on the beds down into the soil. The tiller is now put away for the year, te wont be putting in the big garden this year. It took a while putting in the hoses, the soaker hoses didn't work as we expected so we replaced them with sprinkler hoses.

Hannah is still doing good, we'll take her for her recheck again next week.

I replaced the end of a hose where the end of the hose fused with a cheap sprayer end, I hate those cheap sprayers.  I could probably grease the threads before putting them on, but...

The Iris's are flowering along the back of the house.

Rosie planted her teapot garden last week

 The firepit woodpile

The fire pit woodpile slowly growing with trimmed Apple wood.








Whats left of our border?

Another example is the surge of illegal immigrants pouring over our border. The left claims they are allowing it for virtuous reasons but in reality, the globalists are trying to crush our nation with millions of people we can’t possibly help.

Inflation Rises Unexpectedly in April – Jumps 0.4% in April and 4.7% from a Year Ago

Really Hillary?


Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple



The recent debacle at Budweiser is a great example of where this is taking us. Bud Light signed a contract with a “transgender woman” and made a special can, showing him/her/whatever on it. Why they would do such a thing is beyond me, considering that transgenders aren’t their market. Transgenders who drink are much more likely to drink a glass of wine, than a beer, and they certainly aren’t interested in the same sports and activities that the majority of Bud Light drinkers are.

This slap in the face against Bud’s customer base has cost the company though, with sales of Bud Light dropping by over 23%. The movement seems to have gained legs, with sales dropping in other Anheuser-Busch products as well. Miller Light, which made a less-serious blunder is seeing reductions in their sales as well. Other companies, who are “going woke” include Target stores, Levi Strauss, Starbucks, and the magazine Sports Illustrated. Can you imagine anyone thinking it’s a good idea to put a guy in a woman’s swimsuit on the cover of the Sports Illustrated cover? 


FACT-O-RAMA! The commies like to wrap their tyranny in virtue. An example is the transgender narrative. We are all expected to agree that a man can don panties and thus he is a she, and anyone who differs is labeled a “bigot” and may actually be fired. Why does the left push this codswallop? I believe the Marxists know a man cannot be a woman but have realized that if they can make people believe a man is a woman, they control and — in a weird way — own those people. 

Oh Florida

Curse you DeSantis probably: Disney is removing dozens of TV shows and movies from its Disney+ and Hulu streaming services because of those evil Nazis in Florida and totally not because the company is bleeding cash from every orifice. (The Verge)



Bill Gates has been busy trying to sell the media on the source of the next pandemic, he claims that the next great global threat to humanity will be bioterrorism.

It almost seems like they have matching agendas, doesn’t it?

It’s important to remember that these power-hungry bastards have a track record of pushing their global agenda under the guise of preparedness. While we are sure, this is just a “coincidence,” let us not forget that it was Gates who hosted the “Event 201” pandemic exercise in late 2019, just weeks before the actual COVID outbreak hit. Coincidence? Well that’s for you to decide. But we do know that they used the hell out of the so-called COVID crisis to justify suspending our civil liberties and advancing their Great Reset agenda.

And now, they’ve developed another so-called simulation called “Catastrophic Contagion,” which simulates an enterovirus outbreak with an even higher fatality rate than COVID, targeting children specifically. It’s disgusting how these sickos stoke parental panic to advance their control over the population.

And of course, Gates is already pushing for the productions of vaccines for a virus no one has identified…

63% of Americans Believe Trump-Russia Smear was “Hit Job” Against Trump – Majority Want FBI to be Criminally Prosecuted for Their Actions

Team Biden has been pushing a faux unity theme for so long — even as they spew the most divisive rhetoric at tens of millions of Americans on the right — that the politicized talking points no longer draw interest.

Get Woke, Go Broke: Target’s Stock Plummets Amid Growing Backlash and Calls for Boycott 

Time and time again, the left creates its own mythology, then repeats it until the rest of us just kind of accept it as at least somewhat fairly described. And that’s a fatal mistake, both intellectually and practically.

The Biden regime is lumping Christians, conservatives and Republicans into the same category as Nazis in their new Department of Homeland Security terrorism program. 

Having LNPs release their cargo into the cells of critical organs is very concerning. This is because many scientists will tell you that the spike protein produces an immune response, including inflammation. It is one thing to have inflammation in one’s bicep, but it is quite another to have it in your heart muscle, liver, ovaries, etc.  This is again why the government should not be in the business of promoting, let alone mandating, any product. It becomes impossible to acknowledge safety issues without self-incrimination. How often do you hear the government say, “Oops, you know that thing we told every American to inject into their body? Well, it actually can cause serious harm to...


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