More stuff we're doing this week!
The fields are greening fast, we're rushing to get everything cut that needs to be cut down and moved to the burn pile before the grass is too tall.
Rose went through all the old oak firewood that's been sitting in the field, most of it rotted.
I was able to get the car and trailer off the lawn before it got to mushy
We put the bug stuff on the lawn Saturday in the rain. It was raining like crazy at 4AM this morning rapping on the windows so hard I got up to see if it was hail, it wasn't...
Sunday we went food shopping and were shocked at how high the prices are now. We're paying 2 times more for what we were just a year ago now.
I put grass seed down on the lawn Monday evening on the bare spots it seems it's raining every other day now.
Supposed to Rain early Sunday morning, so off I go to put down more Tick stuff, I'll get the main yard tonight to ensure the dogs aren't walking through it all day.
Tuesday evening 9 nice does came in...
Wednesday Rose and I started clearing out the barn, loading it onto the trailer, lots of stuff that needs to go, old tires, batteries, hoses and asst. junk
We cut out a dozen or so black cherries next to the old apple tree, some wild roses were also cut down, 3 trailers out to the burn pile, we also shoveled up a large pile of dirt from where the old woodpile was and used that to cover the maple tree roots in the side yard.
It's Finally (last) Friday!!!
We're putting up the Gazebo today! If the rain holds off... We finished after 3pm
Rose saw the Great Blue Heron fly over
The woodchuck was out by the burn pile Saturday morning.
We're getting wet around here, it's supposed to rain every day for the next 7 days... It's going to bring out the Black flies and Mosquitos with a vengeance for sure. I still haven't put the Mosquito dunks in lake Chloe and the pond, maybe if it dries out some...
It's putting up LED lights today, working out how best to hang some of them, a little copper wire did it.
Sunday we had a quiet day, we went out for Loaded Nachos at Ollies!
Monday, MAY 1st already this morning Lake Chloe is trying it's best to flood over the road through the field. Then the sun actually showed up for a while at least.
Our boat saga continues, there's been so much rain the tarp over the boat held all the water and the front jack on the trailer collapsed from all the weight, wth??? Well the bracket on the jack bent so that's fixable, I pumped several hundred gallons of water out of the tarp and inside the hull and jacked up the bow so the rain we get this week would drain out the drain plug, Rose and I pulled the tarp off of it.
I put the Mosquito dunks in lake Chloe and the pond hopefully in time...
I did some mowing the lawn was getting tall in some spots
The Oriels showed up Thursday Rose has the Oriel feeder up, and some treats
The view outside my office Crab apple
It's finally Friday again... The rain stopped for a couple days and the sun's out!
Update on Hannah, She's doing well eating, drinking, and playing like her old self. She turned Five on May 10th. We were told to cut her prednisone in half this week, she still goes out to pee a lot during the 6-9pm time frame but makes it through the night most nights, she woke Rose up one night this week and said had to go now! We need to bring her back Monday just see how here numbers are on the reduced dosage she's on. Her numbers were down again!
Hannah Belle
Did some mowing today
Rose has been putting around in the yard doing all the stuff I never think of, it's starting to look good.
We found 3 mice dead in the camper, kinda thought we were over that, we'll stay vigilant.
The Daffodils in from of Harry Lauder's Walking Stick are out. That's the corkscrew bush behind the Daffs.
Dad's plum tree is starting to bloom today, it's the sweetest smelling tree on the property, you should smell it in the evening!
Bees are all over this thing
We coated the roof of the Gazebo with waterproofing, $14 per can yikes the cover really needs replacing, but we'll try and get another year out of it. We put in a trench to keep the rain from washing into the Gazebo
We went to Home Depot to get some spray paint, WOW $8.00 a can! We got some more Bug B Gone for the ticks.
Changed the house water filter and turned on the outside faucet.
I may get the boat out of the field today!
The hummingbird was back Saturday, he was drinking at the Oriole feeder
We're finally getting some nice weather this week, though the Black flies and now skeeters are a comin'
Rose saw the fox today out in the cove a truly beautiful animal, I caught a glimpse just as he disappeared into the brush.
Lies, lies, and more lies. If you believe any of this, you’re getting the government you deserve.
Sorry if we’re a threat to your version of democracy where you demand obedience to the state, want the power to punish dissent, trample rights & freeze bank accounts.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who decided he wants to rule in the United States, warned that “the banking collapse is the tip of an economic mega-crisis,” emphasizing that “It’s not just the banks.” He also mocked current ruler Joe Biden’s crypto mining tax proposal. “It is a mistake for the U.S. government to hobble the industry and drive innovation elsewhere,” Kennedy stressed.
Here’s what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris mean when they say “let’s finish the job”:
- Banks collapsing
- High inflation
- High 30-year fixed mortgage rates
- High unemployment
- Millions of military age males invading the southern border
- Higher taxes
- Biological males crushing women’s sports
- Grooming children with sexually explicit books
Joe Biden told reporters on Friday, “We’re not gonna in— we’re not gonna increase the debt that every president has done for the last six million years here, never having done anything but that.”
The US debt topped $31 trillion in October 2022. The current US debt is at $31.7 trillion.
Average Credit Card interest rate just hit 20.9% Yikes!
Bernie Sanders is pushing a proposal that would raise the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour to $17 over the next five years. He supported a similar measure in 2021 to raise the minimum wage to $15 but was unsuccessful because eight Senate Democrats opposed the bill.
Roughly 700,000 migrants are waiting in Mexico to cross the southern border upon the expiration of Title 42 next week, according to Border Patrol officials. "Border Patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately 700,000, as of three weeks ago, in the shelters in Mexico waiting to come into the United States," Jonathan Lines, supervisor on Arizona’s Yuma County Board of Supervisors, said this week. Title 42, a pandemic-era rule that allows agents to immediately turn migrants away at the border, expires on May 11. Once it lapses, the Biden administration plans to expand catch and release protocols that will potentially allow hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants into the country. Get Ready! 700,000 Migrants In Mexico Are Waiting to Rush The Border On Thursday As Title 42 Ends
Biden is “expanding access to” bank accounts for “justice-involved persons” and giving “incarcerated persons” more access to Medicare and Medicaid, and tips on voting Democrat.
“America is in Shambles. I Don’t Give a F*ck What He Says”
“What you’re watching is not a political movement. It’s evil.”
“Good is characterized by order, …peace, lack of conflict, cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. And evil is characterized by their opposites: violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth…if you’re advocating for the latter, what you’re calling for is evil.”
So let us talk about the freedoms and direction of the country that Joe Biden claims he is so concerned about and responsible for.
- Our incomes are no longer able to sustain our lifestyles.
- The inflation we experience is a direct result of Biden’s policies.
- He claims he inherited an economy in free fall, but inflation was at 1.2%, and we were in positive growth coming out of the Pandemic.
- The 12 million jobs Biden claims to have created are the 12 million lost at the start of COVID.
- Biden has created nothing.
- It costs 20-30% more to heat our homes which have lost significant value as interest rates have slowed the real estate market.
- The rising interest rates are supposed to slow the Biden Inflation and hold off a recession.
On this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation. History, faith, and reason show the way, the way of unity. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury.
- Ever since, it’s been just that — bitterness and fury, with a steady diet of awful leftist policies and one sophomoric “Ultra MAGA” denunciation after another.
- When Joe Biden took to the stage on Inauguration Day, his approval rating was at 57%. Today, he’s at 37%.
"Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15" - Ronald Reagan
It's not as if the ruling class's "cult of expertise" provides any comfort. We have a president who long ago lost his marbles, a vice president who succeeded in the political profession by excelling in the oldest one, a secretary of defense committed to promoting men in dresses, a health bureaucracy pumping citizens full of experimental drugs, a Treasury Department endlessly printing money, a Commerce Department prioritizing inflation-inducing "green" windmills over real economic growth, a homeland security chief dedicated to keeping the nation insecure, and a national police force that treats half the country as "domestic enemies." It's almost as if whoever installed these yahoos into the highest positions of authority wanted obvious "fall guys" for when everything, well, falls down.
According to a new, insane Biden Admin rule, people with good credit will be assessed higher mortgage rates to subsidize riskier loans to people with lower credit. Homeowners will now be punished for being responsible. Biden's attack on success in the name of "equity" continues. On Wednesday, The Washington Times reported that starting May 1, Americans purchasing a new home or refinancing their existing mortgage can expect to pay higher mortgage rates and monthly fees if they have a higher credit score. Americans with lower credit scores and smaller down payments will be given better rates. In other words, Biden is essentially stealing from the rich to give to the needy by adjusting the fees on loan-level price adjustments.
California Approves Ban On Sale Of Diesel Trucks By 2036
Watching a once-great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as the elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work.
Instead, Biden and the gang of introverts and neocon war criminals that the has surrounded himself with have done everything that can to inflict fatal damage on the economy through rash initiatives both overseas and at home. A spending spree to buy support from the bizarre constituencies that make up the Democrat Party base while also fighting an undeclared war in Europe has meant that nearly two trillion dollars have been added to the national debt under Biden’s rule, a debt that was already unsustainable at nearly $30 trillion, larger than the United States’ gross national product. Plans to cancel student loan debts will add hundreds of billions of dollars more to the red ink.
What is a Democrat?
By Donald N. Finley
I am a Democrat, and I think you, as an average American, are an idiot. You let me get away with everything. I can tell you I’m going to do something unethical, criminal, unconstitutional, or unprecedent6ed, and you seldom try to stop me, or call me out on it. I control the news cycle and my loyal press puppets repeat whatever I say without question. Every time you get any attention complaining about me, I just do something else to distract and reset the news again.
I write most of the news by feeding the talking points to my puppets. Haven’t you seen the video proof? I also rewrite history by simple repetition. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” That’s what I do. I lie big, loud, often and repeatedly to accuse you of any variety of unspeakable things, most of which I’m doing myself. If you challenge me, I’ll ruin you. I’ll make up a lie, then release the puppets. Maybe I’ll make a call to your employer, or your local prosecutor’s office. Either way, you’ll be too busy to bother me again. Just ask Michael Flynn how it works.
The Dem Party of Women is now the Party of Men Who Say They Are Women.
“Every single thing Biden's administration touches, they screw up, and he is trying to sell this to our country as a good thing.
“Joe Biden and the radical Left’s blueprint to ruin America includes attacking our patriotism, targeting our religious liberties, leaving our border wide open, and wasting trillions of dollars we don’t have,” “My story is only possible in this country, but they are attacking every rung of the ladder that allowed me to climb. Americans need a president who will “restore hope, create opportunity, and protect America.”
During a 2009 interview with New Mexico in Focus, Geologist, Astronaut and former US senator Harrison Schmitt said: “There’s no clear scientific evidence at all to link a CO2 rise to any kind of temperature rise. In fact, it correlates much more closely with solar activity than it does with anything caused by CO2.” In fact, if anyone has looked into plant life at all, they would know that CO2 is required for plants to create oxygen.
“And ya know, the idea that uh, I have absolute authority as Commander in Chief and the sole authority to use a nuclear weapon, but ya know what the declaration is that we’re gonna make every effort to consult with our allies when it’s appropriate if any action’s so called for,” mentally-challenged Biden said.
BIDEN: “In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office. I’ll talk for ten minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away.”
WHERE’S AOC? Democrat Hypocrites Silent as Photos Show Kids in Cages at the Border
Here’s how these eight steps have gone from political theory to public policy.
- Healthcare — Implemented by passage of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) was enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Idiot Barack Obama on March 23, 2010.
- Poverty — The cost of living has increased under the Biden administration. Click here for a Cost of Living Calculator. Put in a city run by Democrats and one run by Republicans, e.g. San Jose, CA and Sarasota, FL, and see what you get.
- Debt — According to the federal debt is $31.46 trillion.
- Gun Control — Biden, his administration, the Democrat Party and various supporters want not just gun control, like in Chicago, but a repeal of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
- Welfare — reports welfare spending for “FY 2023 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $141 billion, including $-536 billion for Medicaid, and $677 billion in other welfare. Total US government estimated spending for 2023 is $9.70 trillion, including a budgeted $6.37 trillion federal, a “guesstimated” $2.19 trillion state, and a “guesstimated” $2.17 trillion local.
- Education — The public school system has been taken over by proponents of the most radical and egregious policies including: teaching child what to think, not how to think; promoting Critical Racist Theory; promoting the LGBTQIE+ agenda including grooming of underaged children for perverts pedophiles and pederasts and causing for the first time a drop in the national IQ in history. This does not include the indoctrination of our children K-20 in the tenants off Marx, Lenin and Alinsky doctrines.
- Religion — In 1962 Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools, due to violation of the First Amendment. This also led to governments banning prayer in the public square.
- Class Warfare — Using the Biden administration’s diversity, inclusion and equity guidelines individuals, corporations, non-profits and all levels of government must determine race and gender in all aspects of their lives, businesses, lending and hiring practices.
This is the modern Democrat party.
- There is no connection between what they say and what they are.
- There is no connection between what they preach and what they practice.
- Hypocrisy is their religion.
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