Thursday, September 28, 2023

It's Fall Now!

It's Fall Now!

Rose noticed a bunch or blackberries that need picking, we'll need to check the seed heads on the flowers over on the property line for seed for next year too.

Did some food shopping Saturday night, MB is really scaling back, the variety of products available on the shelves has really reduced. No Skippy Super Chunk peanut butter to be had..., the coffee isle was drastically reduced, most are $9.00 a can. A can of corn "Store brand" are $1.00 a can most others are 3/$5.00. We picked up a couple of rotisserie chickens to cut up.  I noticed a lot of the fish prices seem to be coming down they had swordfish for $9.99/lb it was as high as $23.00/lb earlier this year.

I de-boned and cut up the two chickens this morning. I find it odd there's no weight on the packages, they're $4.99 no matter the size/weight, you really need to look at them and size them up before choosing. I should have weighed them before cutting them up. We'll freeze some for later and eat one today, we usually get 2 or 3 meals out of one bird, using the meat to make chicken sandwiches, chicken soup or a stir fry, I think Rose wants to make a pot pie with one.

Rose put out meal worms yesterday late last night the birds were flocking in.

Today is the day I tear apart the pellet stove to give it it's yearly deep cleaning.  It's "Dirty Job" for sure but it save a lot of money if I do it myself. The average cost of a professional cleaning of a pellet stove ranges between $200 and $270.

We have the Oil technician scheduled to tune up and clean the furnace, we'll let the professionals do that one, I have no idea what's involved, nor the tools required.  We have the septic folks coming to pump out the septic tank in a week or so too.  Home maintenance, gotta love it.

I haven't heard anything about the ships all stuck trying to get through the Panama Canal this week, the water levels were to low to allow them all to pass. 

Goldfinches are eating the grape jelly we put out, there was a Phoebe out there earlier trying to get some from the empty dish, Rosie filled it back up for them.  We think the hummingbirds have gone south now.  An immature Cedar Waxwing was at the bench out back today too.  Everyone's hungry...

Police report, lol, my insurance company is asking for a copy of the accident report from the crash 3 months after the accident... I'll fax them a copy today

FCC released a Public Notice to announce that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the FCC, will conduct nationwide tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The tests scheduled for October 4, 2023, at approximately 2:20 pm EDT, with a back-up test date of October 11, 2023.

We picked up a couple Powerball tickets, 800+ million, hit the bank and we dropped off some clothes and blankets at the vestry while we were out. LOL, nobody won again, 900+ million now...

Jarrod has a gig with "Latchkey" at the City Hall Pub in Manchester tonight  Thursday we'll stop by, get something to eat and watch the band play, Crystal and Jason are going to be there too.

Our Sunday musical interlude, goosebumps I tell ya'

Disturbed - The sound of silence

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made!

The Cranberries - Zombie

With their tanks and their bombs

Perfect | Karolina Protsenko & Oscar Stembridge

Darlin' just dive right in, follow my lead

“Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune, and nobody will come out unscathed. In the fight against powers and principalities, the weak ones will bend a knee and lie in order to ‘survive.’ The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere,”  - O’Keefe

UAW workers are still on strike

The U.S. is racing toward a government shutdown

Folks we are in bad shape in so many ways, the POTUS is honestly completely lost in what is left of his mind and half of us will still vote for him, the economy is on life support, the elite want WWIII and most of the people in our country have no idea what is going on or how we got here in the first place.  What can be done?  You damn sure can’t vote it away, so you had better prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  In this situation though the best isn’t that great.  Winter is coming and I don’t mean the season.

California Plans to Outlaw Grass – No Lawns for You, Peasants

Education Secretary Cardona rips 'misbehaving' parents 'acting like they know what's right for kids'

While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda

Sadly, the Biden administration is fully behind this plan. And next September, the U.S. will agree to adopt the “Pact for the Future”. Of course this is why they are rushing to get this done. With Biden in the White House, the globalists are able to greatly advance their agenda. But once he leaves, it will be a lot tougher.

A list of things Democrats don’t want us to have. Here’s the partial list of what Democrats want to ban: wood stoves, gas stoves, heat pumps, gas generators, gas cars, air travel, gas everything, gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers, cold medications, cash, identity privacy, borders, firearms, and more. Something wicked this way comes indeed!


Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 63.5%. 


The CVS pharmacy chain has announced that it is closing 900 stores by the end of 2024, citing shoplifiting as a major issue.

This news comes at the same time that Target has announced the closure of nine stores for similar reasons.
Rite Aid is closing a bunch of stores too.


With the runaway Bidenflation, most couples live paycheck to paycheck, and no money is left in the pot for another mouth to feed. Apartments are in short supply, and rents are at all-time highs.


It is you, Kamala, who has taken this great country and set it on a downward trajectory in three short years to its eventual death. Gaslighting is what you do best, but the light is growing dim. Your light will be out in fifteen months, and you will soon be a footnote in history. You had a chance to be a heroic figure, but that chance was squandered. But don’t be too hard on yourself. You never deserved the opportunity in the first place. 


In the case of the UAH temperature record, the monthly averages are compared to a base period, which is the average of the prior thirty-year temperature anomalies.  The data are then analyzed by scientists at the University of Alabama-Huntsville to prepare a graph of the results.

It should be noted from the UAH graph that for the period 1979–1998, there was a constant cooling of the lower troposphere of around 0.3°C per year.  From 1999 to 2009, an overall cooling trend can be observed.  Finally, from 2020 to present, there has been an overall cooling trend of around 0.3°C.  All of these cooling periods occurred during a time in which the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's lower troposphere increased from about 335 ppm to 420 ppm (25%).

This fact falsifies the man-made global warming hypothesis, rendering it null and void.  

In the field of scientific investigation, if the data invalidate a hypothesis, the hypothesis is falsified.  Clearly, the data prove the global warming hypothesis wrong.

These data have been in the public domain since the U.N. formed the IPCC in 1990.  The question is, "why do IPCC scientists continue to promote a failed hypothesis?"  The legal definition of fraud is intent to deceive.


Since Joe Biden has come to office, he has endorsed and incentivized more aliens to come here illegally than the populations of 32 states (counting the District of Columbia.)

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Week before Fall


Lee came in and left with a whimper this morning at 4am there was just a light breeze, by 8:30 am it had started to sprinkle a bit, by afternoon the sun was out and all was well.

We were ready for Lee if it got worse, the yard's all picked up, everything's tied down or put in a place it won't blow away.  Rose has water in the kitchen should we lose power. Cars are gassed up, extra iced coffee is made up, generators are ready. I now think all we need to do to keep these hurricanes away is prep well for them...

Last Sunday, we're did a pot roast, carrots, potatoes, and onion my favorite!

Another storm coming in for the weekend, rain and winds up to 40 mph, yeah we'll see another one missed us.  I should be thankful, I kinda like big storms though.

It was 43 degrees Thursday morning, almost time to fire up the pellet stove.

Rose and I went out for Chinese food for the first time in 3 months on Friday night, yum!  It was a fun evening, it's got to expensive to go out nowadays.

Rose built a new shelf for the downstairs bathroom it looks nice.

We're prepping the yard for the flags used to train the dogs to the wireless dog fence we use to keep them in the yard, Rose weedwacked the back hill so the flags don't disappear.  Zeb's trained but Winston needs to start training to it in the next couple of weeks.

Welcome fall! The autumnal equinox—the September equinox or the fall equinox—arrives on Saturday, September 23. Not only do the temperatures drop, but plant life slows down, and so do we.  It's 58 degrees in the afternoon at 2 PM,  with the cloud cover it won't get any warmer.

It's official, we started up the pellet stove Saturday, I emptied the ash bid, scraped the pellet pot, Rose got the surge suppressor installed, I pulled the screen out of the basement to protect the dogs from the hot glass, and fired it up, and lo and behold it fired right up. Happy Happy!  Nice to feel the warmth from the stove on a cold dreary day again.





Second, lies are essential for Democrat success.  They'll therefore continue to push lies, misrepresentations, disinformation, and propaganda. For example:

1.  Biden says he created 13 million jobs.  However, Nick Short, director of Claremont Institute Communications, said, "72% of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.  Prior to the pandemic, job creation under Trump was 6.7 million -- 3 million more jobs than the current President."

2.  Biden says he reduced the deficit.  During a speech in West Columbia, South Carolina touting his administration's economic policies, Biden claimed he had reduced the federal government's budget deficit by $1.7 trillion since taking office.  "And by the way, parenthetically, I want you to hear about the deficit. I cut the deficit $1.7 trillion in two years.  Nobody's ever done that -- cut the debt $1.7 [trillion]."

3.  Alejandro Mayorkas said that the southern border is secure -- even as Border Patrol agents are facing historic migrant numbers.

4.  House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat Whip Katherine Clark, Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar and Vice Chair Ted Lieu issued a lie that claims neo-Nazis are armed to the teeth and marching in America' streets.  The obvious insinuation is that Republicans are aware of dangerous right-wing extremists in their communities and do nothing to stop them.  The problem is, they neglected to say where this is happening. 

5. Their current 'big lie' is that Bidenomics is working.  The joke who currently occupies the Bully Pulpit says that it's the greatest thing he has done for the financial well-being of Americans.  Biden's definition of 'working' has resulted in inflation, prices have increased 16.6% since he took office.  Food is up 20%, gasoline is up 43%, and electricity is up 25%.  Inflation has cost the average American family over $8,400 annually.  And don't forget higher interest rates that affect home and car loans, the increase of credit card debt, increasing withdrawals from retirement accounts, as well as record numbers of housing and car loan defaults. 

6. Democrats lie by placing emphasis on race and genetics.  They claim to select the best person for each job.  That's a lie.  Democrats are actually proud of this practice.  White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre boasted, "The cabinet is majority people of color for the first time in history.  The cabinet is majority female for the first time in history.  A majority of White House senior staff identify as female.  Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities, and a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+."  Democrats even have this practice in their party platform: "We will appoint U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges who look like America..." [emphasis mine]  Democrats place more importance upon what people are or look like than on what they can do.

7. Democrats are now pushing their own 'Big Lie.'  Democrats and many in the media are saying something similar to Trump by claiming changing state laws are an effort to steal coming elections.  As Jonathan Turley said, "Now it is the Democrats and some in the media who are declaring a 'plot to steal' the 2024 election due to electoral changes in red states." What's most amazing is how these lies have nothing to do with the actual laws themselves, but are based entirely upon repetition.  When Biden has attempted to provide specifics, he has lied and received 'Pinocchios' from Washington Post fact-checkers.  For example, he has repeatedly lied about the Georgia election law, which he described as 'Jim Crow on steroids,' said they sought to reduce voting hours.  The changes to the election law actually did the opposite.



Political misanthropy

Biden Regime Instructs The Media Lapdogs To Suppress Coverage of Charges Against Biden!

Armed Man With US Marshal’s Badge and Federal ID Arrested at Robert F. Kennedy Jr Appearance in Los Angeles After Trying to Infiltrate Security  - “I’m still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection. I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.”

The Democrat Party requires a hard reset. Everything that its leaders say and do should be seen as the tantrums of a spoiled child, who needs to be sent to the bedroom for a timeout to reset and rest. There is no need to comply with a spoiled child. Or they can be likened to the death throes of a dying animal— their ideology is out-dated and wrongheaded. It is not something that people need to accept or agree with. In many ways, it comes from an ideological foundation that is intended to provide disagreeable ideas simply to generate discourse.

For a democratic society to function, such deliberate state-supported misinformation does not need to be created or spread. There are plenty of issues that are present on the planet today to consider in order to plan the direction of the US society, our society. There does not need to be a forced wrongheaded agenda violently shoved on the people. It is dishonest, immature, and uncivil.

Force the Democrat Party to reset. If the current leaders can’t do it themselves, the US citizens must assist. It is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of cultivating a healthy national political culture. 

That’s right: the Department of Homeland Security, which was created in order to meet the threat of jihad terrorism more effectively, is now protecting us all from “climate change” and what the left regards as the dangers of the freedom of speech.

“There’s Already Enough Evidence to Point to Joe Being the Ringleader – This Is Very Organized Criminal Activity” – Oversight Chair James Comer

Under Biden, prices have risen so much faster than wages that the average family has lost $5,800 in real annual income. That loss is thanks to the ‘hidden’ tax of inflation, caused by the Biden administration and congressional Democrats’ policies. Higher interest rates are now costing the typical family another $1,300 annually. Combined with a lower real income, this effectively costs families a total of $7,100 in annual income under Biden.

'The big lie' is the phrase Democrats ironically have chosen to hang onto Trump's unwillingness to accept his 2020 election 'loss.'  Why is this choice ironic?  Two reasons.  First, Democrats also don't accept election results.  Second, Democrats lie.

Strout's Law, named after Richard Strout,  says: 'There is a major scandal in American political life every 50 years:  Grant's in 1873, Teapot Dome in 1923, Watergate in 1973.  Nail down your seats for 2023.'"

"I had wondered from that time to this what the scandal would be and whether it would hold true.  Now it seems we know."
The “evidence” is hiding in plain sight, as Adam Schiff might say. Or haven’t the Democrats been paying attention to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, who notes:

    We found 170 major bank violations. These were from six major banks, and they alleged that the Bidens were, among other things, money laundering, and receiving suspicious wires from state-owned entities. … The bank is alleging that the Bidens took a suspicious wire from the Chinese government, and then laundered it through these shell companies. Many laws were broken there.

    We also learned nine Biden family members have received money from foreign entities, including the President’s granddaughter, who received a wire that had been laundered to the shell companies from Romania days after the President left Romania when he was Vice President. That’s hard to explain.

    The Bidens received over 20 million dollars. My question to you: What did they do to receive that money? No one can answer that question.
Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes – Also Known as Communism

Who Could Have Seen This Coming? All Over America, Blue Cities Are Facing A Severe Shortage Of Police Officers

“‘No evidence,’ has become the mantra of liberal media and congressional Democrats,” writes the Washington Examiner’s editorial board. “It is ludicrous. Evidence of influence peddling is substantial. The question isn’t whether it happened but who was involved, to what extent, and whether it was ‘merely’ unethical or actually illegal. But let’s be clear: Unethical influence peddling occurred. Everybody knows it. The proof has already been made public.”


Excessive exposures to cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility.


Dr. Fauci ADMITS Covid-19 Vaccines CAUSE Myocarditis  “The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, confirmed during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can cause myocarditis, particularly in young men.”
This week, we got the news that many of us expected – but that we feared nonetheless – the FDA has granted “emergency use” authorization to another round of experimental COVID-19 vaccines, just as we got the news that COVID infections were on the rise. 
“The path forward is, clearly, for no one to take another shot – no one … the covid-19 vaccines and all of their progeny and future boosters are not safe for human use … I implore you …  to apply all pressure and due urgency to remove the covid-19 vaccines from market,” Dr. McCullough added.  “The WHO is standing behind these vaccines. They are far more of a problem than a help … And it’s my belief that the European Union, the United States, and all major stakeholders should actually completely pull out of the WHO”

A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population.

This means COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.

You Can’t Make This Up: Doctors Are Now Struggling to Differentiate Between Covid, Allergies, and Common Cold – ‘We Only Knew It Was Covid Because We Tested’


There is a reason why there was never any market research or feasibility studies done on the EV transition. Had they been, the results would have shown what we are now all finding out in real time: that EVs are a lost cause.

“The electric vehicle honeymoon is over,” Ross contends. “Don’t expect the marriage itself to last much longer either.”


 What exactly are the Biden family businesses requiring more than 20 shell companies to presumably hide and launder money? Why have banks filed over 150 suspicious activity reports over Biden family financial transactions?

To most honest observers, Biden’s transgressions are obvious. So, impeachment should be a slam dunk, right? Some Republican House members are either cognitively impaired or willfully obtuse and see no evidence of any wrongdoing.
I said this before. People would ask me, "Knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?" And I used to say, "You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that. Because I found the work fascinating. I mean, I write about the... even on my worst days, I found puzzling out, you know, these big, complicated, difficult issues, especially if you were working with some great people, to be professionally really satisfying. But I do not miss having to wear a tie every day.
More on U.S. Immigration

    Work Authorization: The Biden administration will allow nearly 500,000 Venezuelan migrants already in the United States to live and work legally in the country for 18 months. The decision followed intense advocacy by top New York Democrats.
    At the Border: Thousands of migrants crossed into the small city of Eagle Pass, Texas, from Mexico in one day, crowding onto the banks of the Rio Grande and under an international bridge in what officials described as an unfolding crisis.
    Migrant Child Labor: For thousands of migrant children in the United States, working dangerous jobs that violate child-labor laws is the only American dream there is. 
KJP Blames Trump Admin, Republicans For Border’s ‘Broken System’



Chicago Mayor Johnson Moves Toward Government Run Grocery Stores

Chicago’s mayor is planning on teaming up with Biden to bring government food stores to Chicago. When you hear the word “reimagine” something, it’s always good to perk up one’s ears. 


FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”@FoxNews
Officials in Eagle Pass, Texas, say they anticipate a rush of more than 6,000 migrants crossing the US border into their city by Wednesday, with more expected. The new influx started on Sunday and has continued through the week. 

Kamala Harris has said “do not come”, but the Biden administration just single handedly and unilaterally granted working rights to 500k illegal migrants. The border crisis will explode ten fold after this news, along with the stories of free housing and food for those who enter the country illegally.

This will increase homlessness on our streets and further contribute to the housing crisis- all negatively impacting those who are in the country legally.

It's Coming

We've all heard the story of the boy who called wolf. Remember how it ended. Everyone got complacent and thought it would not happen.. The wolf did come.
The wolf? It's coming. Something to keep in mind.

Friday, September 15, 2023

The hurricane that wasn't

 The hurricane that wasn't


Hurricane Lee Cat 5 Hurricane Lee has become a “dangerous” Category 5 storm over the Atlantic Ocean, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) announced late Thursday.

An Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter found that the hurricane “skyrocketed” to the high end of the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale during the day with sustained maximum winds of 160 miles per hour, the federal agency explained in an 11 p.m. ET discussion post. 

Over last weekend plans will be... going around the yard getting stuff tied down, moving the boat, pulling all the wind chimes down, getting up all the lawn ornaments and start collecting the sculptures to put away, we got all the cushions cleaned, and put into big bags for winter storage. damned humid yet again or course, both Rose and I were dripping.  We had to use the leaf blower to get all the black cherries off the walkway, dog house roof, gutter, and blew a lot of dropped leaves out of the back yard. I took a trailer load of scrap lumber out to the burn pile and mowed the field road while I was at it.  We took the Gazebo cover off, it's not salvageable, so we'll have to decide if we want to put it up again next year. Then it was off to get the camper ready for the storm and winter, a bunch of the bungee cords had failed after a year, we didn't even get to take the tarp off it this year, it's been so crazy.

We're not sure Lee'll hit us, but scrambling when it's too late never makes sense. It'll be off the coast of NC by Friday next week.  It's looking more like Lee will miss us mostly, YAY!

Rose finished her food shopping Wednesday, $500 later...

We finished up taking yard sculptured down, and moved the spare trailer into the barn.

We keep talking about putting a floating deck out in the back yard to eliminate a lot of the dirt that gets tracked into the kitchen, lumber is still real expensive, and I don't see it coming down in price.

We're off to Tractor supply on Sunday, we have to pick up deer blocks, dog food and  a few other things.  By 10:30am it's pouring on Sunday it'll make the trip to Hooksett interesting. It started to downpour on the way home! 

Zeb is doing great he's having a blast playing with Winston in the evenings doing zoomies, and mock fighting.

The install kit for the LVP flooring for new bathroom floor upstairs came in on Saturday.

New England Aster are abundant in the fields now, along with the obligatory goldenrod. 

Field Asters

The hummingbirds are still here, we'll see if they stay through Lee

Rose and Winston saw a Great Blue Heron fly into the pines out back

I replaced the closer on the shed door, the bracket had a crack in it.

Finally got to mow the lawn, yet again!

50 degrees outside this morning, and Lee is coming tonight into tomorrow Saturday, it's not supposed to hit us bad, some rain and wind gusts to 30mph.





We also know Democrats would have had Trump long gone from office if they ever had a tenth of the evidence that the Republicans have against Joe Biden.

Recall when the Democrats impeached President Trump the first time, it all began with an inquiry. Democrats immediately jumped to impeach President Trump over a “perfect” call he made to Ukrainian President where Hunter Biden’s illegal business dealings were brought up.  We know today that Trump was right, the media and Nancy Pelosi were lying, and the Biden Crime family siphoned millions from Ukraine in their pay-for-play bribery scheme. 

NBC News: "In a memo to news organizations, the administration rebutted seven Republican claims and called the impeachment inquiry 'all politics and no evidence.' …  Forget the bank records, shell companies, SEC complaints, sworn testimony, IRS whistleblower statements, FBI informant files, emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, photos, speakerphone calls, voicemails, White House visitor logs, Air Force Two travel logs, Joe's pseudonymous email addresses and a parade of Hunter's shady foreign benefactors lining up for handshakes with Joe in Beijing, breakfasts at the VP's residence and dinners at Café Milano, not to mention millions of dollars in filthy foreign lucre for no discernible product or service other than access to Joe.


Biden’s executive order gave the game away by stating that a U.S. digital dollar must ensure ‘financial inclusion and equity’ and monitor or mitigate ‘climate change and pollution.’



If you look at the patterns that preceded the first Covid lockdown, we’re seeing almost identical intensity in the ramp-up of warnings, spreading mask mandates, and other restrictions that led up to it. This isn’t about whether or not this is right or wrong. It’s about getting prepared before the general public empties the shelves.

Public Outcry as FDA Approves more COVID Boosters for All Americans, including Infants 

New testimony from a highly credible whistleblower alleges @CIA rewarded six analysts with significant financial incentives to change their COVID-19 origins conclusion from a lab-leak to zoonosis.


The Middle Class Is Increasingly Becoming “The Impoverished Class”, And The Poor Are Increasingly Being Pushed Into The Streets 

Bidenomics = High mortgage rates, high inflation rates, collapsed banks, expensive groceries, record high rent, and dwindling retirement accounts.

Core inflation is up, real wages are down and gas prices are soaring yet Joe Biden was out there today bragging about Bidenomics. 



Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...