Thursday, September 28, 2023

It's Fall Now!

It's Fall Now!

Rose noticed a bunch or blackberries that need picking, we'll need to check the seed heads on the flowers over on the property line for seed for next year too.

Did some food shopping Saturday night, MB is really scaling back, the variety of products available on the shelves has really reduced. No Skippy Super Chunk peanut butter to be had..., the coffee isle was drastically reduced, most are $9.00 a can. A can of corn "Store brand" are $1.00 a can most others are 3/$5.00. We picked up a couple of rotisserie chickens to cut up.  I noticed a lot of the fish prices seem to be coming down they had swordfish for $9.99/lb it was as high as $23.00/lb earlier this year.

I de-boned and cut up the two chickens this morning. I find it odd there's no weight on the packages, they're $4.99 no matter the size/weight, you really need to look at them and size them up before choosing. I should have weighed them before cutting them up. We'll freeze some for later and eat one today, we usually get 2 or 3 meals out of one bird, using the meat to make chicken sandwiches, chicken soup or a stir fry, I think Rose wants to make a pot pie with one.

Rose put out meal worms yesterday late last night the birds were flocking in.

Today is the day I tear apart the pellet stove to give it it's yearly deep cleaning.  It's "Dirty Job" for sure but it save a lot of money if I do it myself. The average cost of a professional cleaning of a pellet stove ranges between $200 and $270.

We have the Oil technician scheduled to tune up and clean the furnace, we'll let the professionals do that one, I have no idea what's involved, nor the tools required.  We have the septic folks coming to pump out the septic tank in a week or so too.  Home maintenance, gotta love it.

I haven't heard anything about the ships all stuck trying to get through the Panama Canal this week, the water levels were to low to allow them all to pass. 

Goldfinches are eating the grape jelly we put out, there was a Phoebe out there earlier trying to get some from the empty dish, Rosie filled it back up for them.  We think the hummingbirds have gone south now.  An immature Cedar Waxwing was at the bench out back today too.  Everyone's hungry...

Police report, lol, my insurance company is asking for a copy of the accident report from the crash 3 months after the accident... I'll fax them a copy today

FCC released a Public Notice to announce that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the FCC, will conduct nationwide tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). The tests scheduled for October 4, 2023, at approximately 2:20 pm EDT, with a back-up test date of October 11, 2023.

We picked up a couple Powerball tickets, 800+ million, hit the bank and we dropped off some clothes and blankets at the vestry while we were out. LOL, nobody won again, 900+ million now...

Jarrod has a gig with "Latchkey" at the City Hall Pub in Manchester tonight  Thursday we'll stop by, get something to eat and watch the band play, Crystal and Jason are going to be there too.

Our Sunday musical interlude, goosebumps I tell ya'

Disturbed - The sound of silence

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made!

The Cranberries - Zombie

With their tanks and their bombs

Perfect | Karolina Protsenko & Oscar Stembridge

Darlin' just dive right in, follow my lead

“Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune, and nobody will come out unscathed. In the fight against powers and principalities, the weak ones will bend a knee and lie in order to ‘survive.’ The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere,”  - O’Keefe

UAW workers are still on strike

The U.S. is racing toward a government shutdown

Folks we are in bad shape in so many ways, the POTUS is honestly completely lost in what is left of his mind and half of us will still vote for him, the economy is on life support, the elite want WWIII and most of the people in our country have no idea what is going on or how we got here in the first place.  What can be done?  You damn sure can’t vote it away, so you had better prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  In this situation though the best isn’t that great.  Winter is coming and I don’t mean the season.

California Plans to Outlaw Grass – No Lawns for You, Peasants

Education Secretary Cardona rips 'misbehaving' parents 'acting like they know what's right for kids'

While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda

Sadly, the Biden administration is fully behind this plan. And next September, the U.S. will agree to adopt the “Pact for the Future”. Of course this is why they are rushing to get this done. With Biden in the White House, the globalists are able to greatly advance their agenda. But once he leaves, it will be a lot tougher.

A list of things Democrats don’t want us to have. Here’s the partial list of what Democrats want to ban: wood stoves, gas stoves, heat pumps, gas generators, gas cars, air travel, gas everything, gas lawn mowers and leaf blowers, cold medications, cash, identity privacy, borders, firearms, and more. Something wicked this way comes indeed!


Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2022 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.6%, the correct number is at least 35.7%. In 2022, it is at least 41.3%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 63.5%. 


The CVS pharmacy chain has announced that it is closing 900 stores by the end of 2024, citing shoplifiting as a major issue.

This news comes at the same time that Target has announced the closure of nine stores for similar reasons.
Rite Aid is closing a bunch of stores too.


With the runaway Bidenflation, most couples live paycheck to paycheck, and no money is left in the pot for another mouth to feed. Apartments are in short supply, and rents are at all-time highs.


It is you, Kamala, who has taken this great country and set it on a downward trajectory in three short years to its eventual death. Gaslighting is what you do best, but the light is growing dim. Your light will be out in fifteen months, and you will soon be a footnote in history. You had a chance to be a heroic figure, but that chance was squandered. But don’t be too hard on yourself. You never deserved the opportunity in the first place. 


In the case of the UAH temperature record, the monthly averages are compared to a base period, which is the average of the prior thirty-year temperature anomalies.  The data are then analyzed by scientists at the University of Alabama-Huntsville to prepare a graph of the results.

It should be noted from the UAH graph that for the period 1979–1998, there was a constant cooling of the lower troposphere of around 0.3°C per year.  From 1999 to 2009, an overall cooling trend can be observed.  Finally, from 2020 to present, there has been an overall cooling trend of around 0.3°C.  All of these cooling periods occurred during a time in which the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's lower troposphere increased from about 335 ppm to 420 ppm (25%).

This fact falsifies the man-made global warming hypothesis, rendering it null and void.  

In the field of scientific investigation, if the data invalidate a hypothesis, the hypothesis is falsified.  Clearly, the data prove the global warming hypothesis wrong.

These data have been in the public domain since the U.N. formed the IPCC in 1990.  The question is, "why do IPCC scientists continue to promote a failed hypothesis?"  The legal definition of fraud is intent to deceive.


Since Joe Biden has come to office, he has endorsed and incentivized more aliens to come here illegally than the populations of 32 states (counting the District of Columbia.)

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