Sunday, September 03, 2023

We went Golfing

We went Golfing

We went to Kimball's with the boys on Friday, WOW have prices skyrocketed! They'll be no seafood for me today... $43.95 for a Captains Seafood platter??? 

We played 18 holes of Mini Golf, they have a great course there to play, down into the mine we went. James only lost his golf ball 3 times... Rose won the Put-Put game easily, lots of Par2 holes she easily made.  Rose and the boys all got a Kimball's special I helped Rose eat hers.
Jason and James
My Rose
How did that not go in?
I was watching to see if he fell in, I would have if I did this.  LOL...

Simplicity = Freedom from stress. Freedom from stress, like butter, has one's control. And control means choosing activities that are transparently understandable.

I finally got to Dad's house to install the Slider handle, the door itself is probably shot though.

Jason's going to show up on Sunday to help us move some gravel, and maybe help to cut up a couple downed trees.

Monday:  Massive emergency alert test message to be sent to US cell phones, TVs, and radios at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET. on October 4.

Don't panic, it's only a test.

Dad mentioned Sheila and Rick both have Covid again...  It's coming...


Elections, we don't need no stinking Election...

BREAKING: A Democrat County Supervisor in Hinds, Mississippi is challenging his party’s primary election results after discovering massive election fraud

“We have videotapes of someone going into boxes bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots to be inserted into the…

If your argument is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said “fight like hell,” you might want to watch this.
Be sure to be sitting down, because it will blow your mind.



In fact, Useless CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in the year 2021.

So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.


  •  Short statements that the public was told about the coronavirus restrictions:
  • “It’s just a mask.
  • “It’s just (six feet)
  • “It’s just three weeks.
  • “It’s just non-essential businesses.
  • “It’s just non-essential workers.
  • “It’s just until we work it out.
  • “It’s just a bar.
  • “It’s just a restaurant.
  • “It’s just care homes.
  • “It’s just schools.
  • “It’s just to keep overwhelming medical services.
  • “It’s just until the cases go down.
  • “It’s just to flatten the curve.
  • “It’s just to keep others from being scared.
  • “It’s just for a few more weeks.
  • “It’s just gyms, salons, spas & sport.
  • “It’s just churches & mosques.
  • “It’s just singing.
  • “It’s just no happy birthday, no shared cakes.
  • “It’s just some floor markings & temporary screens.
  • “It’s just a one-way system.
  • “It’s just until we get a vaccine.
  • “It’s just an app.
  • “It’s just for tracing.
  • “It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
  • “It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
  • “It’s just some areas.
  • “It’s just government guidelines.
  • “It’s just for your own good.
  • “It’s just for protecting others.
  • “It’s just mandatory.
  • “It’s just … the law now.
  • “It’s just scientific fact.
  • “It’s just only these scientists, not those.
  • “It’s just because of the second wave.
  • “It’s just to save your granny.
  • “It’s just another lockdown.
  • “It’s just four more weeks.
  • “It’s just Christmas canceled.
  • “It’s just school, they can do it from home.
  • “It’s just almost a year, it will be better soon.
  • “It’s just a swab.
  • “It’s just for medical information.
  • “It’s just a jab.
  • “It’s just a card to store your medical history.
  • “It’s just so you can travel.
  • “It’s just for your passport.
  • “It’s just so you can go into stores & pubs.
  • “It’s just so you can send your kids to school.
  • “It’s just so you can get your drivers license.
  • “It’s just so you can vote.
  • “It’s just so you can go to a concert.
  • “It’s just a facility, to keep you separate from the others.
  • “It’s just a few more years.
  • “It’s just for those people.
  • “It’s just just better we keep it this way.”
  • The video concluded with three short statements as a clarion call to resist any future lockdowns and restrictions:
  • “It’s not just. It’s unjust.”
  • “Start resisting now.”
  • “They won’t stop.”
  • The video, shared originally by National Mouth editor Tim Young, has more than 1.4 million views.
  • Young himself noted, “Whoever made this is brilliant. Never forget how tyrannical our governments became during just 3 years ago.”
  • Comments in reaction to the video include:
  • “Never again.”
  • “I’ve seen how this movie ends not getting on that train. Come & find me.”
  • “Total government control. They won’t stop until they have it.”
  • “The shackle-less slavery system. Why limit yourselves to just a part of the populace when you can have the whole thing?”
  • “Enslaved people inevitably break those chains. How long will Americans tolerate modern slavery?”
A Maine health-care provider wants the nurses it fired during the pandemic for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to come back to work. MaineGeneral Health in Augusta has reached out to health-care workers, many of whom were denied unemployment compensation after they were fired, according to The Maine Wire.
A large percentage of Democrats in polls supported even more extreme policies, including:
55% of Democrats wanted fines for unvaxxed Americans.
59% of Democrats wanted the unvaccinated forcefully confined to their homes.
48% of Democrats wanted prison time for anyone who questioned the vaccines.
47% of Democrats were in favor of government tracking of the unvaxxed.
29% of Democrats were in favor of taking children away from the unvaxxed.


I still get the feeling we're seeing two useless political parties trying their best to outdo each other with stupidity.  I'd never hire a single one of them!
We Democrats have principles. And if you don’t like them, we have others.

The Biden Regime just keeps going with lies and gaslighting the American public.

Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday claimed that Joe Biden has done more to secure the border than anyone else.

How stupid do they think we are?

Karine Jean-Pierre: “The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. He really has!” 

Joe Biden’s America.

61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck because of Bidenflation.

A six-figure income is no longer enough in Joe Biden’s America.

A staggering 44% of Americans earning $100,000+ per year are living paycheck to paycheck.

As Banks Get Downgraded and Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

According to CNBC, 45% of American adults have an ’emergency fund.’ However, of those with an emergency fund, 26% say they have less than $5,000 saved for a rainy day.

US credit card debt surpassed $1 trillion for the first time in history this year as more and more Americans have to borrow to get by.

Gotta give Joe Biden credit where credit is due. He is the most consequential President ever. Look at just some of his wonderful accomplishments.

1. He is leading NATO into oblivion
2. He has given Russia back its pride (and its industry)
3. He is weakening the US so it will pose less of a threat in future
4. More and more African states are throwing off the shackles of colonialism because of him
5. He has seriously weakened the EU, threatening its very existence
6. He has put the final nail in the coffin of the British Empire
7. More people believe RT and Globaltimes than any Western media thanks to him
8. He has boosted President Putin’s popularity throughout the world
9. He has killed off the US dollar (and US hegemony) over the long term
10. He has crushed the US military (lots have tried, but only he has succeeded)
11. He is encouraging traditional Democrat voters to start looking favorably at Trump
12. He has lifted the lid on the extent of Washington’s corruption
13. He has helped to uncover the irregularities in US elections
14. He has depleted the Strategic Petroleum reserves and US energy independence
15. He has caused the US’s friends to seek new partners (that cooperate instead of bullying)
16. He is responsible for Ukraine ultimately taking its rightful place in the Russky mir
17. He has made the Western leadership look like fearful, incompetent fools
18. He has destroyed people’s faith in the US criminal justice system
19. He has destroyed the US economy
20. He handed back Afghanistan to its rightful government and allowed Chinese investment there
21. He helped to unleash Tucker (Rush 2?)
22. He has encouraged renewed friendship/trade between Russia and North Korea
23. He has confirmed that lying is endemic in Washington and the media will always cover up Democrat lies
24. He is the salesman of the year, for the second year running, for the Russian arms industry
25. He has helped to reveal the extent of US government censorship
26. He has helped to show the world that Iran has a highly developed technology sector
27. He has helped to debunk the myth that the Patriot System actually works
28. He has shown that the US MIC produces high priced junk
29. He is helping to convince Israel that it might be better to get along with its neighbors than rely on the US
30. He has helped to make the Germans look like gullible idiots
31. He has convinced a large swathe of Americans that the best way of getting respect is for them to cut their genitals off
32. He has helped to show that neither the CIA nor the FBI act in America’s best interests

Say what you like about him: when you give him a bribe to weaken America, you definitely get your money’s worth


New Pool:  Who gets whacked first: Trump or Tucker?

The national average for a gallon of gas this month is $3.95. Just 3 years ago, under President Trump, the national average was $2.27.  This is Bidenomics at work. 

People keep slamming me for my belief that we've become a Third World Nation, but's true!

  • Elections compromised
  • Open Borders
  • Defund Police
  • Criminals released or not even arrested

We're giving more to Ukraine and illegal immigrants than we gave to families in Maui!!


Elitist Elitist Bill Gates Pushes Plan To Chop Down 70 Million Acres Of Trees To ‘Fight Global Warming’

  • The move will see 70m acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down.

    After the trees have been chopped down, they will be buried.

    According to the project organizers, “scientists” say “burying trees can reduce global warming.”

    Kodama claims that burying the trees will prevent them from allegedly “spewing” carbon back into the air.  
  • Gates has been funding efforts to block out light from the Sun to fight “global warming” by cooling the Earth.

    The plan involves blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the Earth using solar geoengineering.

    The scheme would lower the planet’s temperature and allegedly combat “global warming.”



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