Friday, September 01, 2023

It's almost Labor Day

 It's almost Labor Day

I got a few nice tomatoes, I'm not seeing any Heirloom varieties at either the farm stand or the market. I had a good tomato sandwich for lunch and dinner, Yum!

Best customer!

Mowed the lawn yet again, I swear I have never in my life mowed this many times in a single year!

Rare 'Blue Supermoon' to rise on Wednesday this week, won't return until 2037.  The coming full moon will be the brightest and the largest of 2023.

Well, not as impressive as I'd hoped, yes, it was a moon, but nothing like some of the super-moons of the past.

Zeb is getting better and better, He's almost back to his old self.

Winston our lab pup is mostly doing his business outside now, he goes to the back door and barks! Except for yesterday, he had 3 accidents in the house...

Winston Taking selfies with his dad, he loves taking selfies, he's so funny.

Hate your grocery bill? Blame President Mumbles

It's Hurricane season... So far none headed up the coast


A beautiful cover of @AintGottaDollar’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” by @internetsophi

A doe and her fawn stopped by to eat out at the deer yard last night

I took Rose's beloved/favorite Hoover Windtunnel vacuum cleaner apart, it wasn't sucking up anything, after a lot of disassembly with no culprit found and a pile of parts, it's over, time for a new vac.  She's sad.

Winston went for the last of his puppy shots on Monday

FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm On EVERY Cellphone, TV and Radio on October 4th.  “This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action is required by the public.” On Wednesday, October 4, a test is planned of the entire nation’s Emergency Alert system, a tryout to ensure everything is working correctly in the event of a big, national disaster or attack.

Work's been crazy over the past month a lot of folks finding jobs elsewhere, new plant manager, new materials manager, test manager and HR manager left too.  This creates a lot of work for us IT folks.  Coworkers always seem to be more like replacements in combat units, don't get to know them too much cause they leave so fast anyway.


Tuesday was a long day, work had two automated production lines down, we're still not sure why, by 8:30ish we had them back on line. 

Rose's new vacuum came in, I got it all assembled for her.  Seems to work well, time will tell if it's as good as her trusted Hoover that died.

Rose called me into the dining room, look at that on the Martin house out back, it was a nice sized Red-Tailed Hawk scoping out the field, it was intently looking for something to eat.

Rose hemmed and hung new curtains in the bedroom.

Thursday morning out with the dogs, nice and cool, light breeze, feeling like fall.


We're taking James & Jason over to Kimball's farm ice cream stand over in Westford, MA. on Friday, it should be a lot of fun.  Rose has been going there since she was a kid, so we need to go at least once a year for a Kimball's Special ice cream sundae it's huge, like 9 scoops of ice cream plus all the fixings. I usually opt for the fisherman's platter of seafood, we've been taking the boys for years we'll see if they can finish a Kimball's special this year.

Cooler weather is finally here it was 49 degrees Friday September 1st in the morning.



This incestuous collaboration between the Department of Homeland Security, the Election Assistance Commission, leftist/globalist funding, foreign companies, and their private partners, allowed for the real-time monitoring of all election data, and more importantly, the ability to change the results.


Constitution has “effectively been terminated.”

The brilliant constitutional attorney John Whitehead has argued that the U.S. Constitution has “effectively been terminated.” 

What is the Constitution anyway? It’s a legal safeguard, a system of boundaries, meant to protect us against evil doers seeking to take over our society and dominate us. Yes, evil is always present but, at least in America, we had the Constitution and its vaunted Bill of Rights. It was our ultimate firebreak against the tyranny of men.

But after years of infiltration of our major institutions – schools, universities, churches, the media, government – and a couple of major crises in 9/11 and the Covid pandemic — the Constitution was subverted. Where they couldn’t get favorable court rulings, the globalists and their useful idiots (minions) found work-arounds, cleverly claiming they had extra-constitutional “emergency” powers. The legislative branch, Congress, sat back and allowed this evisceration to happen at the executive level.

And once the Constitution had been terminated, all of the other safeguards fell like dominoes.


BIDEN Madness

“Bankrupting companies with draconian regulations because you can, and then trying to sell it to the little peasants you rule over as a $4-a-year windfall. That’s Bidenomics in a nutshell.”

First it was our cars, then it was our gas stoves, and now it’s our fans. Next thing ya know, they’ll be coming for our beer.

Oh, wait.

HOLD YOUR BEER: Biden Regime Considering Strict New Booze Guidelines to Pressure Americans to Limit Alcohol Consumption 

In the eyes of the Biden regime, drinking beer is a more pressing crisis than skyrocketing inflation, lawlessness on the border, and mortgage rates. Chalk up one more reason as to why Joe Biden needs to be removed from power.

Rep. Nancy Mace: Joe Biden “Definitely” Took More than $50 Million – It’s “Staggeringly High” – He’s Probably Most Corrupt President in History

Joe Biden on Friday used a whiteboard to explain to the American people how great the economy is thanks to his economic agenda dubbed ‘Bidenomics.’

Pro tip: If you have to work overtime to try and convince people the economy is great, the economy is not great.

“I came to office determined to change the economic direction of this country and to move from trickle-down economics to my middle out, bottom up vision: Bidenomics,” Biden said.

Here is the reality of Bidenomics: High mortgage rates, high inflation rates, collapsed banks, expensive groceries, record-high rent, and dwindling retirement accounts.

Biden actually stood in front of a whiteboard and talked down to the American people. 

NH's Sununu

That Sun-King Sununu is a funny guy. Talking about UFOs and “climate change” and ignoring … TOTALLY IGNORING … Biden’s corruption, Merrick Garland’s and Chris Wray’s corruption, Zelensky’s corruption, the “justice system” being used as a political weapon to rig elections, Maui, etc., etc., etc,.  

Attack on appliances continues...

The climate change-crazed Biden administration now plans to come after your ceiling fans.  According to the Energy Department’s analysis, the new rules would save households about $39 over the lifespan of the new energy-efficient fan. However, the cost to manufacturers associated with the increased equipment will total $86.6 million per year, the department said.

Republicans on the House Committee on Small Business say that if the rule goes into effect, it could put small manufacturers out of business, given the costs the companies would incur in order to comply with the changes.


The Vote

2020 Election fraud

  • More votes cast and counted than there were registered voters in the district.  No possibility of fraud there.
  • Ballot-stuffing in drop boxes caught on camera during the wee hours of the night.  No possibility of fraud there.
  • Late ballots coming in in a statistically impossible 90+% manner for one candidate.  No possibility of fraud there.
  • Republican poll observers being kicked out and then an overwhelmingly high proportion of votes suddenly materializing for the Democrat candidate.  No possibility of fraud there.
  • Mail-in voting procedures being widely implemented because of "COVID concerns," but there were no verifiable chain-of-custody procedures in place and no mechanism to confirm voter signature authenticity.  No possibility of fraud there.
  • Voting machines proven to be connected to the internet, despite vehement protests to the contrary.  No possibility of fraud there.
How can any reasonably intelligent person not question these things?  You may still believe that the 2020 election results were valid, but simply raising logical questions does not make someone a criminal.


New ‘Covid’ Variant More Contagious for the Vaccinated, So Biden Regime Calls Round of New Shots.  The Useless CDC has now reported the new ‘Covid’ variant is more contagious for the vaccinated. So the Democrat regime is preparing a round of ‘new shots.” And masks, lockdowns. Do not comply! 

  • First we were told that if you take the vax, you can't get COVID.  That was wrong.  
  • Then we were told that if you take the vax and a booster, you can't get or transmit COVID.  That was wrong.  
  • Then we were told that if you get double-boosted, you'll be protected from all future variants.  That was wrong.
  • Then we were assured that the inexplicably high number of adverse reactions to the vaccine was totally coincidental, despite earlier vaccines having been pulled from the market for having only a fraction of the adverse reactions of the COVID vaccines.

HERE WE GO: Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not” 

Just in time for the new COVID-19 “vaccine” boosters are new variants. The mainstream media and ruling class are ramping up the “vaccine” propaganda to try to convince people to be injected for a fourth time.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

We had mentioned the new “vaccines” before these new variants were announced.

FDA Discusses COVID-19 “Vaccine” Boosters For The Fall

Now that there are magically new variants, the “vaccines” will of course protect you, even though the first three shots aren’t protecting people.

What A Surprise! The New COVID “Vaccines” Will “Protect” Against The New Variant

What’s hilarious, is the mainstream media knows that this timing looks suspicious to the critical thinkers, so they are trying to spin it. According to Fox 23 News in Tulsa, Oklahoma,  doctors say this uptick is happening just before the updated vaccine booster is approved and available. Dr. Emily Grewe-Nelson, a primary care physician at Hillcrest HealthCare System, said she’s considering wearing a mask again when she sees patients. 

“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated,” Fauci says.

Surgeon General Says ‘Refuse to Participate’ With Mask Mandates

$11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

CDC Preps For More COVID Mandates by Removing List of Adverse Events From Website


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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...