Saturday, September 21, 2024

Couple of working weeks... Donnie's new toy!


We got our Kubota Skid Steer delivered Friday night. This machine makes the work almost effortless.  It's so much fun to work with, the amount of power the skid steer has is crazy.

Donnie's new toy!

Rose and I went out to try out the new machine, we filled a large dip at the top of the front yard with gravel then loam, top dressed and leveled it out, it looks great. 

Saturday morning we started moving gravel up onto the side hill, top dressed it with loam, leveled as best I could with the machine and then Rose went to work on it with a rake.

It looks great too, much wider than before, and the slope is gone.  The dogs approve too.
We have granite slabs for steps we removed years ago to replace the siding on  that side of the house, the base slab was in place but the top step was on the ground in front of the bottom step.  The skid steer picked it up like it was nothing, I slowly pushed the 600+ pound stone up, over and onto the bottom piece and pushed it up against the house.  We have stairs again.  (We don't use that kitchen door anyway, there's a freezer up against it in the kitchen) 

I took the skid steer out to the field and removed a bunch of wild roses that got huge.

I drove it over to our burn pile and easily pushed the pile back 10'-20'+ on each side, I finished one side we'll do more Sunday.  Rose wants to learn to drive it too!

We already have plans to rent another machine next year!  Doing what we do manually is painful.

The Mosquitos are back in the evenings now.

Skunk came in around 9:30 PM Saturday night, whew what a smell.

We got the skid steer cleaned up and ready for pickup Monday morning.

Rose made a fantastic Meatloaf we ate it Saturday, and finished it off on Sunday!

Crock Pot Season Is Nearly Here. I can't wait!

Rose thinks the hummingbirds have headed south for the winter.  The yellow-jackets are gone too!   Early winter?

Rose and I took the cabana cover down Tuesday, summer's over.

We're sending an update letter to Jason this week.

A flock of crows was out in the field Thursday morning, at the burn pile and the block.

I saw 100+ robins flocked in the field by the nursing home today on my way home from work.

Water levels in the pond are still very low, we've got 4' of bank showing.  No rain in sight!

Have you seen this?  2 Cellos

The Blackberry harvest is over now.

We hit tractor supply Thursday evening to get more grass seed

Sheila sent an email about Dads coming 90th birthday party!  90 Years...

Grass seed is down and of course no rain in sight and water levels are low :-(

Two traveling trips in a couple weeks, I visited one of my facilities in Kenosha Wisconsin for a go-live event for a warehouse management project, then this past week I was in Fort Mill SC. to close the facility.  I hate flying, I'd hoped it would get better, nope!   It's so nice to be back home!

We finally got some rain Saturday the 21st maybe just maybe there's a small chance my new grass seed will grow.

Jason messaged us!  A few more weeks to go of boot camp then he's off to AIT!

The top 25 percent richest households in the U.S. got two-thirds of the tax credits, amounting to $5.5 billion. The bottom 25 percent got only $32 million, according to Politico’s E&E News.

Kamala Harris would somehow fight big corporations that “rip us off.” We are to believe that these unexplained rip-offs somehow cause inflation instead of the federal government printing trillions of dollars.  Democrats have always attacked every tax cut as a “tax cut for the rich.” Now they need to add the word “super” because Americans have become desensitized to the propaganda. Symbolism works only for so long before one needs to pile on even more sophomoric language. How long before the Democrats label all tax cuts as being for the “super duper rich?”

Kamala’s telling us that social media platforms, which are where most people get their news today, are “directly speaking to millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.”

That means, in her view, all voices must be sifted through a filter. The question becomes, who should we allow to be the official filter of news and information? Who should be allowed to be the overseer? I think Kamala is pretty clear on that. It’s the government. And that is as anti-American and unconstitutional as you can get.

But it’s not just Kamala Harris who thinks this way. This is the majority viewpoint among the self-appointed globalist elites worldwide.


News sites and experts debunk Harris' claim that there are no U.S. troops deployed in combat zones to date

Shortly after Harris made her claims, several news sites and experts conducted fact-checking and found the assertion was inaccurate.

According to Antiwar, 2,500 U.S. troops remain deployed in Iraq and 900 in Syria as part of the international coalition combating the remnants of the Islamic State (ISIS). They are actively participating in combat operations to date.

Additionally, thousands of U.S. personnel have been deployed to the Middle East following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict in October 2023. Less than two weeks ago, seven U.S. troops were wounded in a raid against a suspected ISIS hideout in Iraq. 

The economy is in the dump, and no matter how many times the media or President Joe Biden tells us how great we are doing, Americans are going to judge that for themselves by what they see in their wallets, their bank accounts and what the bill is every time they shop for food, appliances, cars, homes or anything else they may need to purchase.

Prepare yourself to witness the exact same magical turnaround for Kamala Harris on November 6th and 7th and expect a very speedy “certification” of it all

Holy crap! Missouri had a total of 78,421 register to vote in just ONE WEEK in February 2024. Out of that number, 23,253 were DEAD PEOPLE! Here we go, AGAIN!  I'm not surprised at all, are you?👇

We still aren’t talking about this enough…

  • Members of Congress are exempt from ObamaCare.
  • Members of Congress are exempt from vaccine mandates.
  • Members of Congress are exempt from insider trading crimes.
  • Members of Congress are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.
  • Members of Congress are exempt from FISA warrantless spying.
  • America’s Founding Fathers warned us about these establishment tyrants.

Here are the top 10 tenets of Kamala’s Communism Plan for wrecking the United States of America

#1. U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for $150 billion per year to support illegal immigrants in America, including losses due to crime and theft, free healthcare, free housing, free education, loss of jobs and government handouts.

#2. Print $1 trillion per quarter to support other countries' wars and to fund illegal immigrants coming to America (plus launder and embezzle billions of it for themselves through the military industrial complex).

#3. Mass censorship of opposing views, truth that exposes ruling government’s lies and anything good the other political party celebrates.

#4. Persecute, prosecute and jail political opponents (rebels) to silence them and as a scare tactic for any and all dissidents who might try the same.

#5. Label everyone who opposes communism as fascists, enemies of the state, domestic terrorists, anti-science, anti-vaccine, climate deniers, election deniers, homophobes, etc.

#6. Keep the borders wide open for illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists who can kill and replace Americans who won’t vote for more tyranny.

#7. Strengthen corporations while weakening and eliminating private businesses until the middle class is wiped out.

#8. Keep the nation divided through hate and disdain with media propaganda campaigns, so everyone is distracted from the fact that they’re losing all their rights, privileges, health and safety.

#9. Keep wars going around the globe to fuel money laundering, human trafficking, gun running and drug dealing at the highest levels possible.

#10. Keep the main platform as “Never Trump” so the Democrat voting base stays loyal.


There is no licensed COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12 but the CDC insists pediatricians push new COVID jabs on babies...

AUTISM: Brought to you by your caring government, money grabbing pharmaceutical companies and ignorant medical professionals.
1983: Autism rate — 1 in 10,000
2024: Autism rate — 1 in 36 (as reported by the CDC latest reports)

The FDA has been the victim of a horrible rumor that 50% of their funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry.

  • In response they’ve released an official report of their funding to prove everyone wrong
  • Officially 47% of their funding comes from Big Pharma (holy sh*t)
  • “So think about that. The people that you're supposed to be making rules and regulations for, are the same people that are paying you money. Seems like a conflict of interest, no?”

Dick Cheney claims to have concerns about "threats to our Republic."
Let's check the tape...

  • Harris-Biden censored & suppressed free speech.
  • Harris-Biden covered-up Biden family corruption.
  • Harris-Biden destroyed careers over vax mandates.
  • Harris-Biden allow for lawfare v. their political rival.
  • Harris-Biden sicced the FBI on parents/Catholics.
  • Harris-Biden covered-up Biden's cognitive decline.
  • Harris-Biden embolden enemies with weakness.
  • Harris-Biden broke our border on purpose.
  • Harris-Biden politicize our nation's institutions.

The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.
UN Demands $308 Billion / Year Climate Cash from Rich Nations Fund Social Benefits for the Entire World
As the bankruptcy list grows longer and longer every day – Vice Media, Christopher & Banks, CiCi’s Pizza, Party City, the 99¢ Only Store etc. etc. etc…the pattern is clear: businesses are failing faster than Joe and Kamala can gaslight us about their great economy.

While Biden might touts economic resilience and Kamala talks about an “opportunity” economy if she is president, we all know the truth. These tyrants are the REASON we are in the economic mess that we are in – and everyone (even Democrats) know it. 

Anybody watching the debate knew President Trump was right. Who feels more safe today than they did when Trump was in office? Who believes Democrats actually give a damn when they are out there pushing to de-fund the police?

On Thursday new DOJ numbers reveal that President Trump was absolutely correct.

Violent Crime in the United States is up 40% since President Trump left office.

** In 2020 the number of total violent crimes reported was 4,558,150.
Note: This included the record nearly 2 billion dollars in damage by leftist BLM rioters across the US that year

** In 2023 the number of total violent crimes reported was 6,419,060.

This is an increase of 40.8 percent in three years under anti-law enforcement Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Once again, David Muir interrupted President Trump and openly lied to the American public in order to assist Kamala Harris.

This is election interference.


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