Sunday, June 26, 2011

If it ever stops raining...

It's supposed to be Sunny at least partly the next two days, Finally! 

I've seen a few buds dropped from the Brandywines, I'm not nervous yet, it has been so cool and wet that it's likely we'll have some bud loss. The rest of the tomato crop seems to be doing ok.

Th Potatoes are growing like weeds I'm still hand picking Colorado Potato beetles and stink bugs when I see 'em.

Peppers are very slow this year they're waiting for the dog days to catch up.

Broccoli is cranking, though no broccoli yet.

The Summer squashes are all doing well, I should have Zucchini in a week and summer shortly thereafter.

We saw deer prints in the winter garden today, no damage, but we are noticing that all of the shrubs and plants in the yard have been nibbled "tipped".  Time for Deer netting I think.

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