Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sanborn Garden June 2011

2011 Garden update, things are coming along this year, the weather is holding well so far,  James and Jason planted all the Beans in the garden this year.  Mammoth Pumpkins too, this is our first year trying these should be interesting.  It looks like we are skipping the 8 weeks of rain between Mothers day and Fathers day.  We lost a few beans and a few Pumpkins didn't come up. I found a bunch more heirloom tomatoes, Including my favorites: Brandywine, Black Krim, and a Polish Paste, and a white cherry heirloom too.

Tomatoes Heirlooms are coming along.

Sugar Snap peas

Volunteers from last year, Sweet!

Gourds are up

Winter Squashes are coming along too.

Those are Mammoth Pumpkins on the right side of the Winter squash bed

Zucchini are up

Yup that's a Bell Pepper

The Pole beans, KY Wonders

More Pole Beans

My Kale, Dwarf Curled

The Potatoes are doing well

Picked my first Colorado Potato Beetle today, Ugh..


The Winter Garden

The Cabbage and Brussel Sprouts

Broccoli and Peppers

I can hear the Zucchini growing...

Raised Bed Squash, The Summers...
So far so good!   Thunderstorms are a crackling outside, it's time to get off the computer, See ya Later...

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