Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Memoriam "Magic"

In Memoriam

We lost a good friend yesterday, after 12 years of being a friend, a confidant, a protector of the family. "Magic Michael Sanborn" passed away yesterday June 15th 2011.

Rose's best friend for the past 12 years, as a puppy he never left her side, as an adult he was never far away.  When she took a break he did as well, where she went he wanted to be...

He was phenomenal in performing "his jobs", ones we gave him and the multitude he came up with on his own and just started doing.

A true chaser of "stuff", endlessly looking for something, anything to chase or catch, bugs, water of any kind that was moving he was especially fond of sprinklers,  snowflakes, dust, cleaning day was his favorite day of the week, dragonflies were one of his perennial favorites along with chasing the jets, airplanes and helicopters up in the sky out of my yard.

Snowflakes were something special to Magic.  Rosie'd say Maj'  "It's Snowin' outside" and he'd be off like a shot, he'd literally fly off the porch step on his way to the first flake he saw,  he'd run the length of the front yard snapping them up. Yeah he was doing it for us, we knew it and he knew it and he did it anyway because he knew we loved to watch him.  It was a yearly ritual the first few flakes of Winter he'd just hear the word snow and off he'd go.

Magic was a Champion leaf flipper too, he'd flip the newly fallen  leaves in the fall looking for stuff, he knew it was there, if he just flipped enough of them over he'd surely find what he was looking for.

Woo woo woo, he'd bark, Dad always thought the Border Collie bark was funny, "what kinda dog goes Woo Woo".   A Magic Dog does...

He was "Magich" to the grandkids who marveled at is eccentricities, his jobs... He entertained and protected them always, at their bedside when they stayed overnight camping in the living room.

He faithfully guarded all the livestock here on our aging farmstead for the past 12 years protecting chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, donkeys and horses, he's chased off scores of dogs looking for trouble, killed Wood rats, and chippys and once fought off a Red Fox in the yard he thought was a bit to close.

He was always there, we see him in so many of the family photos, they'll be a reminder of just how truly lucky we were to have him.

We'll miss you Magic Dog, you were certainly one of the best!

You will be sorely missed Magic Dog!
Say Hi to Coop for me!

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