Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Garden is coming along

Tomatoes are getting huge, we have a couple very small ones and a couple 2" Roma's. Still waiting for the heirlooms to produce.

We ate the first harvest of beans, and a Summer and Zucchini squash last night! Rose just picked another zucchini for tonight.

Peppers are coming along slowly as well I think I have one about 3" so far out of all the plants.

Things appear to be growing very slowly this year even though I have fertilized this week.

Cabbage and Cauliflower are doing well in the Cabbage Moth Proof (we Hope!) enclosure.
Broccoli and Peppers, just saw the first broccoli-ette coming on.

The main Garden, tomatoes, beans, onion, potato, kale, cantalope, watermelon, gourds, and Giant pumpkins.
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