Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Boston - Weare NH "No Fly Zone" today

It got real quiet today here on the farm.  Real quiet... we're on the flight path to/from Manchester Airport so it's fairly common to have aircraft primarily passenger and cargo planes flying overhead at regular intervals. 

At around 1pm it got real quiet, no planes, none at all, we'd started speculating about visiting dignitaries, or another 9/11, we'd seen the AWACS when Bush went to Kennebunkport Maine one year, and the A10 Warthogs after 9/11.

The quiet was broken, we heard the coming roar, a very loud aircraft was passing overhead, we looked up scanning quickly to see two very fast moving F15 fighter jets streaking overhead, Wow! that was cool! 


Several minutes later the same thing, they were circling a several mile(s) circle North of Goffstown.  No other planes anywhere.  Dead silence then once again several minutes later they'd roar overhead.  I ran to get my camera in hopes they'd fly by again and wasn't disappointed. 

A pair flew over four times and then were then joined by two additional F15's for several laps, they were going so fast they went horizon to horizon in seconds.  I only got a few photos, they flew over eight times (Rose counted). 

I Googled the aircraft profile and they were definitely F15s.

Pretty exciting stuff, the airspace was quiet for an additional hour after they flew off.  Only a small plane took off from Manchester airport and flew north. We figured that was the visitor, as the F15s departed shortly after making only one pass we saw after the small aircraft flew by. After that it was an hour before regular air traffic resumed.

I don't know, I thought that Ron Paul was in Derry today, I have a hard time believing they brought all this hardware out just for Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, well just looked it up on the Union Leader he was in town Saturday.  Nothing about fly overs in the Union Leader or Channel 9 today.

Hard to believe no one else reported seeing this spectacle.

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