Thursday, July 22, 2021

Drought? What drought?

This post is meandering all over the place, I've been adding to it for several days...

Drought?  What drought?

So we're finally out of our drought here in the Northeast... Yay.  The National Weather service officially said we are officially drought free in Southern, NH!  Now I'm hearing that crops are rotting in the fields due to all the rain. Just can't win this battle.  So far we seem to be doing ok.  We had s pretty good storm come through early Wednesday morning and knock the potatoes down and a few tomato branches as well.

Squash bugs have arrived, lots of blooms and a few small squash on the plants, if we ever get any sun maybe, just maybe, we'll get a harvest this season.  We have lots of blooms and a few small squash on the plants. I grabbed the "8" the successor to "Sevin" garden bug dust and dusted around the stems to stop the squash borers from killing them before they produce.    

Rose said that we have some tomatoes, I didn't see em, she has an eagle eye, she'll have to point them out to me. (Pics below, I swear I couldn't see them)  I looked I didn't see any beans on the pole or bush beans.

Oh and a nice 8 point buck has been stopping by the last two nights.  He must be hungry as he was here before dark Sunday and around 6:30pm Monday evening.

Buck in the deer-yard with a couple fawns, you can see the Doe watching carefully in the background

Hannah Belle

They said we're supposed to hit 90 degrees tomorrow.  And more rain...  We work to the smokey haze from the fires out west and Canada.  It turned the sunrise Orange.

Smoky morning sunrise
And the Moon the same color

Zoomed Orange moon
Orange moon

Rose took some measurements and assured me we have enough flooring to complete the project.  Watched a few YouTube installation videos on starting out and where not to start and stop the rows of the flooring.

Rose pulled the turnips yesterday seems we managed to get them before worms did this year!

Rose captured this demon buck pic just as it got to dark to see out there... Flash lit up his eyes.

The Doe and Fawns have been coming in almost on a nightly basis

The Basil was finally all dry today.  It took way longer due to the humidity levels.  Nine trays of basil dried down to a one quart zip-lock baggie.

We noticed some eggs on the Sage so we picked most of it washed it and now it's in the dehydrator.

Heirlooms Finally... I was beginning to wonder
Roma Paste tomatoes
Broccoli heads are coming
Squash & Pumpkin row

Stay safe


Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Weekend might as wells

JULY 18th

We have the worst case of the "might as wells" this weekend.

Started off simply enough, I put together a couple of the new Laminate floor pieces so we could get a good look at it, looks good...  If this works as well as I think it will I can see more of this in my future.

Bathroom floor planks, soon...

Next I was going to put the belt that fell off back on the tractor pulleys, then ended up mowing the deer yard and a bit of what I missed on the side yard on Friday night.

One of our shrubs was way overgrown, we'll have to give a whole bunch of them a heavy trimming this fall. I grabbed the loppers and made the pathway wide enough so we can drive the tractor through, amazing how much debris you get off on shrub. Loaded the brush up in the trailer and hauled it off to the brush pile and mowed around the shrubs.

It was a hot one, that's for sure...

Went down cellar to look at the washer hookups, we replaced all the copper pipes with pex pipe last year and the two washer hot/cold washer lines are still copper.  We'd like to replace those, it can be done, but I'll have to cut the copper out with a saw though and then use SharkBites to connect the pex to the washer valves.

Sharkbite fitting
                                                Shark-bite fitting

Rose went and got the big aluminum stepladder out of the barn, there is some overhanging lilac and bittersweet vines (Some of the bittersweet vines were 3" in diameter, that stuff will grow 20+ feet in  a year) and those black cherry trees that are hanging down on the shed roof that need to be cleared.  I grabbed my hatchet, and my camp knife and jumped up onto the roof, ok, fine, I gracefully crawled up onto the roof trying real hard not to fall off, damned knees... Cut out a ton of crap that also needs to be hauled to the burn pile.

Kershaw Camp 10 Knife 1077Camp Knife

Rose picked all of the basil, she cleaned and sorted all the leaves, I loaded them into the dehydrator, nine trays worth.  I set the dehydrator for 95 degrees for 2-4 hours, never works out that way as whenever we're dehydrating anything it always works out that way with the humidity.  The smell of basil fills the air.  Two hours later I checked it and it wasn't dried yet, we'll let her go overnite. In the AM I checked it and adjusted the temp higher again to get more of the moisture out of it.


Basil starting to dry

Our berries (Blue, Black, and Raspberry) are starting to ripen, maybe if it ever stops raining I'll get to sample some.  That is if the birds don't get them all first.



Stay Safe out there

What did you do this weekend, anything good?

Friday, July 16, 2021

Let The Harvest Games Begin

Let The Harvest Games Begin

We'll rush to get it all harvested, it's always a mad rush, getting everything chopped, blanched, dehydrated, canned, dried, and otherwise put up.  Generally all while working in a 87+ degree kitchen.  We purchased a propane turkey fryer burner a couple years back, it's a lifesaver to be able to get large quantities of hot water going in the back yard for blanching veggies as well as for canning, (canners dump constant steam into the kitchen for an hour and a half at a time.)

Rose already has some herbs drying in the kitchen, the herbs are all doing well.

Raspberries around the farm are starting to come in, it's always the hottest part of the summer...  Blackberries aren't too far behind. Our blueberries all seem to be coming in one berry at a time...  not ideal.  Berries all get washed, and frozen in small batches then added to a larger bag once they are all in.

This week we picked and put up some Kale, it hasn't been through the frost yet, (a frost makes the kale sweeter). Swiss chard and soon, turnips (maybe this weekend)

Kale before blanching.

Squash are setting buds and small squash, our tomatoes have lots of buds... we were late putting them in so we're a couple weeks behind.

Storms came through last night Wed evening, not much in the way of rain I saw Mass. got hit good.

And the sky grew dark...

Potatoes are growing like weeds with all this rain, once we get the heat back they'll be no stopping them.

Did I tell you the Turkeys came back? We had a tom and hen with some poults stop by the deer yard, I never saw the Tom, Rose did, they've been here twice that we know of, they aren't being a pain, dogs don't seem interested, they'll polish off any grain the deer don't finish. As long as they don't make a mess of the yard, or the deer yard we're OK with them. 

The yard is blooming like crazy

The Herb buckets are doing well


 Rosemary and Turnips below that Rose planted for me


I was adding mulch to the potato bed late this afternoon, I mowed the lawn, damn it was hot, I was surprised at the levels of compost, leaves to. still in the garden beds.  We cooked up a batch of Swiss chard for dinner, twas good, I need to cook it for a little longer than I did.

Turkey's and four or five poults came back Thursday afternoon..

Rose is working in the dining room this week, she's pulling all the teapots down, cleaning, and re-arranging. 
We're replacing the clothes dryer, we have a bad case of might as wells, so we're replacing the bathroom floor as long as the washer and dryer are already out of the room.  This'll be my first foray into installing some of that snap together waterproof vinyl plank flooring, ought to be fun.

Stay safe out there

Saturday, July 10, 2021

July 2021 Twin Fawns



One of the smallest does that comes by had twins, they're big enough now she's bringing them out for a nibble.

July 2021 Twin Fawns


That's all for this morning!

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Fifth of July

Fifth of July


Wasn't quite sure what the weather was going to do. We planned a cook out and a few fireworks.  Turned out pretty nice all day.

Mom & Dad came over so we had to bring out the Pichenotte board. Dad was in his element, I think he let the whippersnappers win one game.

Via Wikipedia, Pichenotte (PÄ’SH-nut) refers to a family of several disk-flicking games, mostly French Canadian in origin, including crokinole, and carrom. Pichenotte is a Canadian French word meaning 'flick', which is derived from the European French word pichenette (PÄ’SH-net), also meaning 'flick'.

Jarrod brought over a cooler of meat for the BarBQue.  So we cooked up some chicken, sausage, pork, and steaks, corn bread & Potato and Macaroni salad. Rose and the boys did the baking, Jason made cornbread and James made Cheesecake, everything was great!

Weather was great, the Gazebo kept the bugs away for the most part

Dad put on a Magic Show and performed some amazing magic tricks!
Pick a card from the deck, any card...

James was lighting Roman candles leaning them away from everyone stuck in a cinder block with another block leaned against it so it doesn't change position.  One decided to blow out the side of the tube and exploded all 5 balls at once right there at the block, everyone is fine, and that kids is why you don't hand hold fireworks EVER!

Mom & Dad left before the main fireworks event, surprisingly as we'd been lighting off small fireworks, crackers, and jumping jacks out comes on deer, then a second appeared 10 minutes after Mom & Dad left. 

You can see the Firework for the Finale' on the ground in the foreground on the pic below.

July 6th, Oh and we have a fawn that doesn't listen to Mom and stay down in the grass and be quiet.  This is a hungry little fawn and comes out in the morning daylight to grab a snack.

Nibbling bits of oats in the grass

And then walking upright over to the feeder, wow
And smart too...  I know there's corn in that feeder let me at it...
He stood right up and walked to the feeder to try and grab a morsel of corn
Pretty cool to see that, this fawn's smart...

Stay Safe!


Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...