Saturday, June 25, 2022

June & a new toy

June & a new toy

Light out until late now it's nice...

Lightning bugs are plentiful this year

Had a great time at Kelsey's Graduation celebration last Saturday!  The weather held out too!  Great to see most everyone out and about!

We've had a visit from the Grey fox, he has a black stripe right down his back.  Came right into the deer yard and was eating grain.

She's huge, you see her standing broadside and you realize just how big she is.

She was nonchalantly walking along eating everything in sight
Pregnant, we're not sure, Hungry, definitely...

Sure looks like she's pregnant from this angle...

Sure is a pretty Doe
Told ya we had bunnies, I had to shake my head in disbelief the first time I saw him.

Watch out for those Foxes, Lynx, and Hawks, little guy.

We were at the Pheasant lane Mall in Nashua to hit Macys, wow, amazed at not only the high prices, but how many stores are closed in the mall, it's starting to look like the Salem Mall. Eye opening. It's getting bad folks.

PSNH is hiking electric rates too.

In a Monday filing with the Public Utilities Commission, Liberty Utilities proposed increasing the per kilowatt hour price of electricity from 11.11 cents, the rate in effect from February to July of this year, to 22.23 cents starting in July.

That means a typical household would see a 47 percent increase in its electric bill, according to consumer advocate Don Kreis. (Other charges on the bill would remain unchanged.) A household currently paying $150 per month would see their electricity increase to $220 per month.

We got our propane tank filled up, $4.89 per gallon, propane last year was $2.85 per gallon, thankfully we didn't need a lot.

Oil contract for 2022/2023 season's 11 month contract came in. 

  • Our local heating oil company sold out to Haffner's.  
  • The CAP FEE to Lock in Oil prices for the year costs us $350 per year for the lock in privilege.  $30 per month, jeesh.   
  • Contract price for oil $4.59 per gallon, last year we paid $2.89/gallon.  Again Yikes.

Mowing and then mowing some more, resprayed some of the wild roses on the property, poison ivy too.

I got a new toy this week, a Crossman .22 cal chippy eliminator.

Fun little toy!











The political mess we're in 


"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?," which railed against the Vietnam War.  A line frequently reprised in the song resonates with today's Democrat party: "When will they ever learn?"

Americans have learned, but, apparently, the CDC has not: "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."



U.S. president George H.W. Bush famously declared: “The American way of life is not up for negotiations. Period.”

Their war on prosperity. A war on you.

The January 6 Committee Report is simply taxpayer funded Democrat propaganda.

President Biden continues to blame inflation and record-high gas prices on Vladimir Putin (along with “corporate greed,” which coincidentally didn’t seem to get really bad until Biden took office). With inflation and gas prices contributing to driving Biden’s approval to record lows while increasing the likelihood of a midterm blowout for the Democrats, this administration is in scramble and desperation mode.  ONE CAN ONLY HOPE!

Biden accomplishments

1. Highest gas prices ever
2. Worst inflation
3. Highest rent prices ever
4. Created new incomprehensible language
5. Border crisis
6. Botched withdrawal from Afghanistan

If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it, then you are the American problem.


Today, a typical EV battery weighs one thousand pounds. It contains twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells.

It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery.


“They’re coming for your guns. They’re coming for your jobs. And they’re coming for your freedom.”

“They hate American energy and Joe Biden will shut it all down. He’s going to!”

“If Biden’s elected, he will wipe out your energy industry.”

“Gas prices going $5, $6, $7 for a gallon.”

“Flood your communities with criminal aliens, drugs, and crime while they live behind beautiful gated compounds.”

“They try to take away your guns – second amendment – they want to take it away while they enjoy private security that’s fully armed.” 

Spend trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars, and defending foreign borders.

“You want to use the word recession or depression?”


  Americans have learned, but, apparently, the CDC has not: "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

The Biden administration promised that its approach to COVID "followed the science," "would flatten the curve," would "stop this virus in two weeks," and that lockdowns would be necessary for four to six weeks.  The president admonished Americans that it was their civic duty to get vaccinated, assuring the public that mRNA vaccines were safe, were fully protective, and would end the pandemic.

Americans have learned by painful, personal experience that every Biden pronouncement and each promise were false.  Yet he still thinks we will obey his mandates.  When will he ever learn?



Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mid June

Mid June


Bidenflation is costing the average American household an extra $5,200 annually, or $433 more a month.

Great Reset.  Green New Deal.  Build Back Better.  New World Order.  Bilderberg.  Davos.  Council on Foreign Relations.  World Health Organization.  

The list of these secretive global societies and their mission directives for humanity are daunting.  Many people who would prefer to be left alone to live their lives free from government interference have an understandable sense of impending doom. 

“I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, untraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.”  – Then-Senator Joe Biden, 1985

I think it’s pretty safe to say, at this point, Brain-Dead Biden is the worst president this country has ever seen. Given that the ranks for such a title include names like Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama, this is a major accomplishment, albeit one that no normal, sane individual would be happy to have bestowed upon them.  

'Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire Hits the Nail on Liberals' Heads

 “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors … even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” – Gina Carano

Americans Will Never Forget

The Historic Economic Collapse During Joe Biden’s Presidency

A severe pessimism grips the U.S. economy and Americans report the highest level of dissatisfaction with their financial situation in at least half a century, poll results released Monday show.

Eighty-three percent of Americans describe the state of the economy as poor or not so good, according to a Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll. Only one percent describe the economy as “excellent.”

 Stay Safe out there...

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...