Friday, December 30, 2022

The lead up to New Years Day 2023

The lead up to New Years Day

Wednesday is trash day, we're supposed to get an oil delivery, our delivery truck stopped at the end of the driveway, then drove off   ;-(      -Great!  He showed back up later...

We made it through the last storm, the aftermath of course is empty propane tanks I need to get refilled.  I purchased a new 40# tank that'll run the generator for 18 hours, vs 9 hours on a 20# tank, the downside of the 40# tanks is they are heavy ~72 lbs. when full.  The new tank we purchased was overfilled and with an auto shutoff device inside would not put out any fuel, I was going to bleed some propane fuel off today and try it again, but then I read another article that said this;

  1. Make sure your device is fully shut off
  2. Connect the tank to the device
  3. Barely turn on the propane tank
  4. Turn on the device (Generator)
  5. Try to start the device
  6. If your device is already on when you connect a tank it senses too fast a fuel dump and shuts down.
  7. YAY!   Success, the Genny started right up!

I got a new flashlight from the love of my life, awesome flashlight, 400 lumens, 1/2 spotlight and a wide angle area light in one.  And oh, both this light and the pocket light I got myself are rechargeable!  No more batteries!

Jarrod got us a new Carbon Monoxide detector, I put it up on Monday. We'd been having to change the batteries every couple months on the old CO detector, it was probably more than 10 years old.

Did a little food shopping, MB Eggs $5.49 per dozen!  

The Generator I purchased in July for $434.00 is now $1275.00 yikes, i guess timing is everything!

Funny I didn't remember this...

2023 is an exceptional year with 13 Full Moons, four (or two, depending on what source to rely on) Supermoons and one Blue Moon. Here are their exact dates and times:

January 6, 23:08 GMT (6:08 p.m. EST): Wolf Moon
February 5, 18:29 GMT (1:29 p.m. EST): Snow Moon
March 7, 12:40 GMT (7:40 a.m. EST): Worm Moon
April 6, 04:34 GMT (12:34 a.m. EDT): Pink Moon
May 5, 17:34 GMT (1:34 p.m. EDT): Flower Moon
June 4, 03:42 GMT (June 3, 11:42 p.m. EDT): Strawberry Moon
July 3, 11:39 GMT (7:39 a.m. EDT): Super Buck Moon
August 1, 18:31 GMT (2:31 p.m. EDT): Super Sturgeon Moon
August 31, 01:35 GMT (August 30, 9:35 p.m. EDT): Super Blue Moon (the biggest Full Moon in 2023)
September 29, 09:57 GMT (5:57 a.m. EDT): Super Harvest Moon
October 28, 20:24 GMT (4:24 p.m. EDT): Hunter’s Moon
November 27, 09:16 GMT (4:16 a.m. EST): Beaver Moon
December 27, 03:33 GMT (December 26, 10:33 p.m. EST): Cold Moon

Track all of them with this calendar and learn their names and meanings

Full Moons Calendar 2023: The Year Of 13 Full Moons





By supporting big government at the expense of the individual, the Democrat Party under Obama and Biden has been transforming America into a totalitarian nightmare. “We are living in an increasingly threatening police state under the Democrats and Joe Biden


FBI Claims "PROOF Of Collusion" Is Actually A Disinformation Conspiracy, rolleyes..

THREAD: THE TWITTER FILES: HOW TWITTER RIGGED THE COVID DEBATE – By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to U.S. govt. policy – By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed – By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data*

New Study Shows Young Military-Aged Men Are More Likely To Be Shot Living In Violent Areas of Democrat-Run Cities Than Military Personel During Afghanistan and Iraq Wars

More immigrants were encountered attempting to enter the United States without authorization in November than any month in U.S. history, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data published online late Friday.

America’s Founders gave us a system capable of defending Liberty in spite of disunity.

“Our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan,” Biden lamented. “And too often we see each other as enemies, not as neighbors; as Democrats or Republicans, not as fellow Americans. We’ve become too divided.”  No shit! Idiot!

Who was it who just a couple of months ago gave a Nazi-backdrop tirade condemning all the supposed authoritarian fascists running the Republican Party? Oh, that’s right — it was Joe Biden. Whose party just yesterday put out its final report on the so-called Insurrection staged by the opposing party’s president? Democrats did.

But Pelosi and Biden are far worse. Trump actually loves America and what it stands for, and he worked to defend and advance that cause. By contrast, Pelosi and Biden clearly are committed to what Barack Obama famously called a “fundamental transformation.” You don’t fundamentally transform something you love.

What critical theorists refuse to admit is that they themselves, with the freedom of speech that they so often abuse, are the beneficiaries of the American experiment.  They are even less likely to admit that the woke thinking they encourage would establish a new social order in which large swaths of the population would be relegated to second-class citizenship or worse (try getting into Harvard if you are of Asian ancestry), and in which violence against members of certain groups, including the elderly, is increasing. 

Hunter Biden won’t ever be charged with a crime, but MAGA will be hounded by federal police. When the political opposition is targeted for destruction by those in power, a country is no longer free.

According to the Associated Press, the American population increased by 1.2 million due to the flood of illegal aliens, with the U.S. Census Bureau declaring on Thursday that the total population had increased to about 333.2 million people.

One such positive event is that more people are waking up to three important realities:

  1. We shouldn’t blindly trust anyone in power, whether it’s government managing the people, doctors managing healthcare, corporations managing our money, or journalists managing truth.
  2. Freedom is under attack on multiple fronts and the separation between those who embrace liberty and those who do not has never been more crystal clear.
  3. Many of those crazy “conspiracy theories” the masses were programmed to lambaste or ignore are turning out to be true in whole or in part.

Good decisions lead to good consequences.

And bad decisions lead to bad consequences.

Wake up America, because time is quickly slipping away.

Voters gave the GOP control of the House to check the excesses of the Biden administration. Yet the Republican Party rubber-stamped a bill that would fund the government until September 2023, surrendering the one power that the majority has - controlling the purse on federal spending.

The Epoch Times confirms a massive 23% cut in SS benefits is coming soon:

A new Congressional Budget Office report projects an even more dire outlook for Social Security’s future than was previously calculated. Without action to fix the situation, huge benefit cuts for recipients will begin in 2033. And preventing those cuts will require massive tax increases for working Americans beginning immediately.

Social Security has a spending problem. Social Security started out as a 2 percent tax, and the program promised to never take more than 6 percent of workers’ paychecks. Today, it takes 12.4 percent, and even that falls far short of the program’s ever-rising costs. The CBO projects that Social Security’s costs will increase by 42 percent over the next 75 years as its revenues remain stable. Protecting Social Security requires reining in its excessive cost growth.

Inaction means benefit cuts of 23 percent beginning in 2033. Current law requires that Social Security benefits come from within the program, so once the trust fund runs dry, Social Security will only be able to pay as much in benefits as it receives in taxes. That will mean a roughly $5,000 cut in annual benefits for a typical retiree and about $4,000 less for the average disability beneficiary. No one—not even 98-year-olds—will be exempt from these cuts.

“The average American is fed up with being browbeaten by a bunch of crazy left-wing radicals,”

Omnibus includes 12 hidden gun grabs

Key Points

  1. Massive 14.1% ATF Budget Increase to Facilitate Biden’s Pistol Ban
  2. 50% Increase for ATF’s NTC Budget to Maintain the Illegal Near-Billion Record Gun Registry
  3. $700+ Million in Funding Available to Bribe States to Pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Laws
  4. Directing VA Medical Centers to Utilize Confiscation Orders on Vulnerable Veterans
  5. Department of Education to Push “Safe Storage” of Parents’ Guns
  6. Funding for VA to Maintain “Gun Storage Maps” to Keep Tabs on Where Veterans Keep Guns
  7. New Annual Compensation for Families of Deceased ATF Agents Could be an Indication of Upcoming Gun Confiscation
  8. Gun Control Earmarks for “Orchid Healing Circles” and More!
  9. Dickey Violations Galore While Useless CDC Suppresses Self-Defense Statistics
  10. Programs Discouraging Women from Exercising their Second Amendment Rights
  11. Anti-Gun “Community Violence Intervention” Initiatives
  12. “Violent Anti-Government Ideology” and “Domestic Radicalization Research”

The Moment Joe Biden Finally Lost His Credibility — He bears no resemblance to the man who ran for president, pledging over and over again to unify the country.

Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? — Stone-cold sober elites are systematically waging a revolution in the shadows that seeks to dismantle our institutions and rule of law.

Who Got America Into This Mess? — 2022 America has gone mad — in every sense of the word. And the person we can pin much of the blame on is Barack Obama.

Why the Masked and the Unmasked Have Disdain for Each Other — The utter irrationality of mask advocacy is the single greatest reason the anti-mask people hold mask advocates in contempt.

How Biden Stopped a Black Woman — The procedure that Biden today calls a relic of the Jim Crow era was used by Biden to destroy a black female nominee.

Inconvenient Fact About Mass Killings — White males are “underrepresented” while blacks and Asians are “overrepresented.”

Ron DeSantis and the New Republican Party — What feels new is the zest for combat on cultural issues, as well as a willingness to bring to bear public power to the fight where possible.

Here Come the Investigations — Congressional oversight spells big trouble for Biden.

Time for a Mass Exodus From Facebook and Twitter — Big Tech’s censorship isn’t just plain wrong; during an election cycle, it’s arguably election meddling — a crime.

Complications of the Ukraine War — Unless we learn to respect the complexity of the situation, we risk turning it into something more dangerous.

Beware: 100% Green Energy Could Destroy the Planet — We are already experiencing the economic damage from the green energy crusaders.

The Return of the Dark Ages — The power going out in America is a choice. It is a choice too many progressives are making and imposing on everyone, to our detriment.

Inconvenient Facts — “Electric cars are amazing. But they won’t change the future in any significant way (as far as) oil use or carbon dioxide emissions.”

Scalia Was Right — Again — In his dissent in Casey, Scalia analogized the Court’s jurisprudence on abortion to its decision in Dred Scott.

Swimmers Pool Their Resources to Fight Trans Onslaught — “The precedent being set … is a direct threat to female athletes in every sport.”

The Age of the Absurd — Share these 11 absurdities with friends and relatives, especially with those who actually think they make sense.

What Is the Great Reset? — It can be traced at least as far back as the inception of the World Economic Forum.

The Sad Descent of Disney — We’ve already had six sci-fi movies from Hollywood based on the “Transformers” franchise. Will next year’s blockbuster be “The Transgenders”?

Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Masterpiece — The ongoing effort to ruin the American presidency will go down as her greatest masterpiece of deceit.

“The FBI is now an organization solely focused on destroying the domestic enemies of the Democratic Party

Over the past few months, a great deal of attention has been focused on the Biden administration’s decision to draw down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), a blatant attempt to manipulate the price of oil to desperately drive down gasoline prices at the pump.

This decision was purely political, and it represents a new low in American politics — the blatant use of publicly owned, strategic resources to sway votes in this year’s midterm elections.

The Fed had essentially created the ultimate “get rich quick scheme”, and countless Americans were more than happy to take advantage of it.

Amazing how truth kicks narrative in the ass when the narrative side can no longer hide the truth  

Monday, December 26, 2022

It's Winter 2022, post storm update 12/26

Christmas and the aftermath

As of Thursday morning Rose and I are still suffering through a vicious cough, along with bad lung and sinus congestion, RSV, pneumonia or something...  ugh!

Friday storm/flooding warnings and coming hot and heavy before the storm already.  Looking at the Eversource website NH got hammered, almost every county in the state has power outages.  Monday still numerous communities out,  these folks did a great job getting folks power in what was a pretty bad storm!  Hats off to Eversource for sure!

Christmas eve was quiet, no power...

Christmas day was awesome, went over to Jarrod and Crystal's, we got to take our first shower since Friday. We got to see the boys for the first time in a while too.  Jarrod cooked breakfast, eggs, crispy bacon and hash browns, yum! For dinner he cooked Prime Rib, stuffed mushrooms mixed veggies, and some great stuffed tomatoes, I'd never had stuffed tomatoes before, but I will now, we were all so stuffed after dinner we couldn't eat dessert! It was a great Christmas!

                                                                L-R Jason and James

Power is back at the homestead, YAY on that note.  During the power outage Friday 5PM through to Sunday at 9AM we got home Sunday afternoon to find power on but our well pump lost it's prime, the pump was humming when I went down the basement. That requires me dumping 5 to 30 gallons of water into the line until it's full, then adding water to the pump itself and firing the pump back up (fingers crossed!) it slowly started pulling water up from the well a hundred feet or so away and slowly built up normal pressure.  YAY we have water again!  I evidently have an air leak probably at the pump, allowing air into the system so the water in the line slowly drains out all the way back out to the well, ugh!...  

It's supposed to get warmer this week.   Monday my chest feels like it's starting to clear! Still got the cough but it too sounds better!

Xmas eve Deer


Cold Complaints

“May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us in all our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.” —George Washington (1790)



Our crazy Gov's


Canadian Government Tells Kids They’ll Be On Santa’s ‘Naughty List’ Without COVID Vaccine, Masks

According to Government reports that have recently come to light, there have been a staggering 1.8 million excess deaths recorded across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe since the widespread distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.  This troubling trend raises serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of […]

Committee member Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), who misled the public about evidence of “Russia collusion,” lied to the public about his own role in a “whistleblower” complaint that led to Trump’s first impeachment, made up a phony “transcript” of Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and spied on fellow members of Congress during the impeachment investigation, called for three criminal charges against Trump during an appearance Sunday on Fake News CNN’s State of the Union.

Just about everyone realizes that this country is way off track at this point.  Our society is very rapidly deteriorating all around us, economic conditions just keep getting worse, and our politicians in Washington appear to be more corrupt than ever.  But even though so much is going wrong, there is very little agreement about what is needed to set things right.  In fact, this nation is now more divided than I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.  So even though Americans are feeling increasingly negative about themselves, the country and everything around them, there is absolutely no consensus about where to go from here.

The Dutch government recently announced it was shutting down 2,000 to 3,000 farms throughout the Netherlands in order to reduce nitrogen levels as mandated by the European Union. These shutdowns are being imposed as part of the EU’s effort to combat climate change (all the more reason to disband that organization).  Such measures could have a major impact on the global food supply, since Dutch farms are second behind America in exports.  Never mind the fact that these drastic measures could possibly result in a famine, but then again environmentalists probably wouldn’t care. 

Our government's have made it clear how they plan to respond to every crisis from now on. Here’s the plan:

  1. Ignore.

  2. Downplay.

  3. Deflect.

Many of us have wondered if we’re on our own. Well, our leaders couldn’t be sending us a clearer message. They aren’t coming to save us.

Instead, they’re going to fund wars.

This is what social collapse looks like. It doesn’t happen with a bang, but a series of whimpers. Not everyone’s going to feel it. The rich will continue to have access to healthcare. The rest of us won’t.

Stay Safe out there folks!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas to All!

 This'll be an abbreviated post, still not feeling great, just can't clear my chest.

We've been without power since Friday evening, generator started right up so we have the fridges, and freezers as well as the pellet stove for heat so were good

Seven deer tonight they evidently got the message hunting season is closed, and the Sanborn feed lot is open, lol

We went and bought more propane the dual fuel Genny I picked up in July runs on gas or propane, propane is easier to deal with!  Looked at the Eversouce website earlier, NH got hammered, literally the whole freaking state has outages, 177 homes out in my area, they are telling us maybe Monday by 10PM, ugh.  With no power my router is out, and we power everything in the house, so I setup a hotspot on my cell and Rose and I are browsing on that.  I hope you've got power!

I hope you all have a great Christmas !

Thursday, December 22, 2022



Wednesday is the first day of winter, 16 degrees this AM, Brr. The astronomical first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is Dec. 21, 2022, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. It's marked by the winter solstice and is also the shortest day of the year.

Saturday evening we stopped by Lisa's house to chat for a while and to drop off a couple of "good" flashlights for her, she only has the "Dad model" that barely lit the ground below her. LOL!  My flashlight collection was getting too big anyhow. Anyone else need a good flashlight? 

Early Sunday morning, my favorite day of the week, it's just me and the dogs at 3:30AM.  The quiet, the world still sleeps, it's good for my soul. 

Sunday morning Zeb is still out of sorts, he wanted out several times last night, and 6 times this morning. 

Jeff Dunham does Joe Biden Press conference

Just before daylight we head a Bobcat (didn't see her) screeching for 10-15 minutes as she slowly made her way across the back of the field over to the neighbors property. Zeb was out with me at the time, he kept looking back as if to say "are you hearing this crazy cat too"?  It was so loud that I could still hear her inside the house when I went back in for another 5 minutes before she got out of earshot.

Sunday AM it's a pellet stove tear down and clean, it's a "dirty job" I'll have to get a hold of Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame! Finished up in record time, less than an hour top to bottom! It was time to do it before the next storm hits.  It's running hot now... The stove throws much more heat when it's clean.

We finished the last of the Christmas shopping to finish up Sunday.

"That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown" - Linus explains the TRUE meaning of Christmas

Monday I went in to work for the annual Christmas Luncheon,  a smokeshop local place provided the food, smoked turkey, brisket, cornbread stuffing, carrots, and squash rounding out the lunch menu.  It was all great!

Tuesday I woke up coughing at 2:30am, in a coughing fit, I couldn't catch my breath. Once I got all the crap out of my sinuses, and coughed more I felt a little better no more coughing fits.  This is definitely something new, or I don't know maybe an extension of the Covid we has a month ago...

Seven does in the deer yard tonight, they come in now at dusk that hunting season is over in NH. We've only seen 2-3 deer at a time the last couple months. They are coming in to get a nibble before the arctic blast that's predicted.  Hopefully we'll have some fawns in the spring this year.

Today is National Flashlight Day, and we love our flashlights!   Seems there is a day dedicated to just about everything now.








 The End is Nigh - SeriousPlays

The end game is Nigh

Pete Buttigieg is like every other liberal elite in that he lectures the American people about how they must "accept a lower standard of living in the name of combating so-called “climate change” while at the same time wealthy liberals live high off the hog enjoying every luxury and privilege that wealth and status can bring.

Yeah, right, 1,047,000 jobs... That's only a 99% error just before an election. A trifle. That could happen to anybody.. not. But unfortunately, it looks like his administration lies too, on something very important — the job numbers for the second quarter of this year. They claimed a net job growth of 1,047,000 jobs. But now, it’s been revealed that they were off. Not just by a little, but by a ton. Indeed, off by so much, it’s hard to believe it’s an innocent error.  In fact, instead of over a million jobs – as the Biden team claimed – only 10,500 new jobs were created, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. This, while Biden kept claiming there was historic job growth before the election, “more jobs than in any quarter” for almost 40 years, before the pandemic.

This would be the top news story in America if the administration of a Republican President cooked books like this on a jobs report in the home stretch of a midterm election.

Left unsaid: The federal government can’t afford prolonged tightening because of increased interest payments on $31 or so trillion in debt.

Now, what you really have to do is substitute the word ‘government’ for ‘inflation.’ Because, if inflation is causing a hardship for the people, well, why do we have inflation? Inflation was caused by the government. So, if inflation is causing hardship, it is the government that is causing hardship.” They still think that we have a robust economy. They still think that inflation can be brought under control and that everything is going to be fine. … They are completely oblivious to the disaster that they have created in the same way that they were completely oblivious to the 2008 financial crisis even in the summer of 2008 when the crisis was just around the corner. They have no clue that what they have been looking at is just the mother of all bubbles. There has been no legitimate economic growth over the past decade or more because of Fed policy.”

Now let's open the floodgates!  Biden’s border catastrophe about to get worse when Title 42 ends

A record number of migrants have been caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border under President Joe Biden, a Democrat who took office in January 2021, fueling attacks by Republican opponents who favor tougher policies.

U.S. border agents have encountered an average of more than 2,400 migrants per day in a 268-mile stretch of the border known as the El Paso Sector over the past week, according to figures published by the city, a 40% increase compared with October.

On Monday, 19 states requested an emergency stay to keep Title 42 in effect. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, one of the leaders in the call for Title 42 to stay in place, gave a statement on Monday warning that “getting rid of Title 42 will recklessly and needlessly endanger more Americans and migrants by exacerbating the catastrophe that is occurring at our southern border.” He added that “unlawful crossings are estimated to surge from 7,000 per day to as many as 18,000” 

Of course, communities all over the country are being overwhelmed. They don’t have resources to deal with the millions of poor people — literally millions — that Biden is allowing into the country.

But we must not fall into the left’s trap that amnesty is the solution (it’s not) or that we need another big “emergency” federal spending bill. Biden only wants more money to build bigger welcome centers and to process more illegal aliens faster.

Democrats Turn Up The Heat On Facebook After Twitter Leak, Demand Censorship Continues... What exactly happened to our country?

Arizona Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed Democrat “Governor-elect” Corrupt Katie Hobbs’ motions to toss Political Rock star Kari Lake’s lawsuit, paving the way for the case to go to trial in dramatic fashion, and presenting what looks like the greatest opportunity that the election integrity movement has ever had to actually overturn a rigged election.
“I really want to know what government agents and agencies were censoring the free speech of Americans,”

Nearly half of Americans age 18 to 29 are living with their parents

Fake News CNN’s new chief Chris Licht claims he is trying to make the network a little less hard left.

He also claims that as a result of this, he is getting a lot of angry pushback from the left, which isn’t surprising.

The left thinks Fake News CNN belongs to them. Where else are they going to get their daily dose of Trump hatred?

BlackRock lists the World Economic Forum as one of its “key diversity partners,” which promotes mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns, abortion access, and the globalist “Great Reset.” As part of the elites’ global reset, humanity is being forced to rely on all things digital.

We are going to be expected to go along and be good little slaves, as most of us have been (voting, paying taxes, participating in the left vs. right paradigm lie) and do what we are told. This new system is going to be much like the one we live under now, without any hope that we can ever break free. Once they convince people to use the central bank digital currencies and tie your use of CBDCs to your behavior, the illusion of freedom will be gone.

Yes Karine, There is a Border and It is Wide Open

Is the border open? Yes, Karine, there is a border, and it is wide open.

While we get yet another band-aid applied to the gaping wide-open wound on our border, little miss Press Secretary of The White House Compulsive Liar, Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) keeps insisting nothing is wrong.

Does Karine not see the images and news reports? Indeed, she can see this. She has to see it. What is she thinking by insisting the sky is not blue? Because that’s what Karine is proclaiming when she lies about the border not being open. She’s facing some backlash from it too. But what good will it do?

No, it is worse than that. Not only is she insisting the border is not open, she now throws shade at the other side. Karine and her ilk want to now say that it is the Republicans that are at fault for the crisis at the border because they are shouting that the border is open. So, of course, this drives all the illegals to the Texas and Arizona borders. 

Here is another lie from WHPS regarding the border.

 The End...

Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...