Monday, December 26, 2022

It's Winter 2022, post storm update 12/26

Christmas and the aftermath

As of Thursday morning Rose and I are still suffering through a vicious cough, along with bad lung and sinus congestion, RSV, pneumonia or something...  ugh!

Friday storm/flooding warnings and coming hot and heavy before the storm already.  Looking at the Eversource website NH got hammered, almost every county in the state has power outages.  Monday still numerous communities out,  these folks did a great job getting folks power in what was a pretty bad storm!  Hats off to Eversource for sure!

Christmas eve was quiet, no power...

Christmas day was awesome, went over to Jarrod and Crystal's, we got to take our first shower since Friday. We got to see the boys for the first time in a while too.  Jarrod cooked breakfast, eggs, crispy bacon and hash browns, yum! For dinner he cooked Prime Rib, stuffed mushrooms mixed veggies, and some great stuffed tomatoes, I'd never had stuffed tomatoes before, but I will now, we were all so stuffed after dinner we couldn't eat dessert! It was a great Christmas!

                                                                L-R Jason and James

Power is back at the homestead, YAY on that note.  During the power outage Friday 5PM through to Sunday at 9AM we got home Sunday afternoon to find power on but our well pump lost it's prime, the pump was humming when I went down the basement. That requires me dumping 5 to 30 gallons of water into the line until it's full, then adding water to the pump itself and firing the pump back up (fingers crossed!) it slowly started pulling water up from the well a hundred feet or so away and slowly built up normal pressure.  YAY we have water again!  I evidently have an air leak probably at the pump, allowing air into the system so the water in the line slowly drains out all the way back out to the well, ugh!...  

It's supposed to get warmer this week.   Monday my chest feels like it's starting to clear! Still got the cough but it too sounds better!

Xmas eve Deer


Cold Complaints

“May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us in all our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.” —George Washington (1790)



Our crazy Gov's


Canadian Government Tells Kids They’ll Be On Santa’s ‘Naughty List’ Without COVID Vaccine, Masks

According to Government reports that have recently come to light, there have been a staggering 1.8 million excess deaths recorded across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe since the widespread distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.  This troubling trend raises serious concerns about the safety and effectiveness of […]

Committee member Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), who misled the public about evidence of “Russia collusion,” lied to the public about his own role in a “whistleblower” complaint that led to Trump’s first impeachment, made up a phony “transcript” of Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and spied on fellow members of Congress during the impeachment investigation, called for three criminal charges against Trump during an appearance Sunday on Fake News CNN’s State of the Union.

Just about everyone realizes that this country is way off track at this point.  Our society is very rapidly deteriorating all around us, economic conditions just keep getting worse, and our politicians in Washington appear to be more corrupt than ever.  But even though so much is going wrong, there is very little agreement about what is needed to set things right.  In fact, this nation is now more divided than I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.  So even though Americans are feeling increasingly negative about themselves, the country and everything around them, there is absolutely no consensus about where to go from here.

The Dutch government recently announced it was shutting down 2,000 to 3,000 farms throughout the Netherlands in order to reduce nitrogen levels as mandated by the European Union. These shutdowns are being imposed as part of the EU’s effort to combat climate change (all the more reason to disband that organization).  Such measures could have a major impact on the global food supply, since Dutch farms are second behind America in exports.  Never mind the fact that these drastic measures could possibly result in a famine, but then again environmentalists probably wouldn’t care. 

Our government's have made it clear how they plan to respond to every crisis from now on. Here’s the plan:

  1. Ignore.

  2. Downplay.

  3. Deflect.

Many of us have wondered if we’re on our own. Well, our leaders couldn’t be sending us a clearer message. They aren’t coming to save us.

Instead, they’re going to fund wars.

This is what social collapse looks like. It doesn’t happen with a bang, but a series of whimpers. Not everyone’s going to feel it. The rich will continue to have access to healthcare. The rest of us won’t.

Stay Safe out there folks!

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