Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Another Year comes to an end!

Another Year comes to an end!

2023 should be an interesting year!

I got my first seed catalog of 2023 yesterday. We're not sure we'll put in a garden this year.

Our water level in the pond that indicates well water level is looking great, all this rain we've been getting is helping!

Rose and I celebrated our Anniversary on New Years Eve!  Jarrod, Crystal, James and Mon & Dad came over for dinner, Jarrod cooked an awesome lamb, Rose made a turkey pie that was great too.  We all exchanged gifts, Dad got me a portable handheld chainsaw, so cool, this'll come in handy in the spring with yard cleanup and pruning!

Sunday is a day of rest for us, go, go, go has been catching up to us, we are feeling better, still congested and have a persistent cough though.

Think about that $5.49 a dozen now. Just over two years ago, you were paying less than 10 cents for an egg. You could make yourself a large breakfast omelet with five eggs for half a dollar.

Now you're paying $2-$3 for the same thing.

Heck, just a few years ago, you could get a pretty large omelet at Waffle House of Denny's for three bucks! Those were good times. Too bad Joe Biden had to build us back "better."






“Ultimately, the Democratic Party is a criminal organization; and to support it is to be a criminal. And since it is the ruling party, unless you oppose it, you support it.”

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! List of taxes going up and hitting all Americans in 2023

One third of world economy expected to be in recession in 2023, says IMF chief

BREAKING: Supreme Court Hears Case Challenging 2020 Election Procedure – Claims 388 Lawmakers Violated Their Oath, And Asks For Their Removal From Office, Kamala Harris & Mike Pence Are Both Named As Defendants

The world is burning all around us.  Just when I thought things in this country were actually starting to turn around after the disastrous eight years of the Obama Administration, I learned along with you all that the Deep State in all it’s ugly forms cannot be rooted out.

Crazies are running the world. America is burning.  The lawless have seized control of our streets.  The pandemic that gripped our nation months ago seems to matter no more.

MSM Admits: Most COVID Deaths Are Among The Vaccinated


And let me be the first to offer  radicals my direct quote: 

“Kiss my unwoke ass.”

It'll take time, but eventually everyone will figure out that this whole 'EV' thing is bullshit and will never work...    

After years of Dem's foaming at the mouth over Trump’s tax returns, they’re here. And there’s nothing. Once Again...

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Son of a Nazi, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has declared that people have no right to own their own car and can instead “walk or share.” According to the World Economic Forum, far too many people own their own vehicles and this situation must be corrected by pricing them out of the market.

Daily, we see the dictatorial moves by Biden and his administration.  We view the tears of those at the southern border who fear for their lives and property.  As the illegals surge into the country, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, crime, rampant drug use, violence, disease, death, and soul-searing fear continue to suffocate Americans.

As predictable as a Hallmark Christmas movie. https://t.co/AC3eK7zB9i

The Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never approved it, and it’s going to lead to horrible things for so many people.

So much for the Supreme Court. But since they’ve done it, let’s start with examinations of the returns of FJB and his devil’s spawn, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and Shiff.

We’re at war folks – against our own country … it’s just the shootings and MAGA round-ups haven’t started yet. I’d be surprised if some form of martial law is not imposed in the coming year.
For our safety of course … and to protect “democracy”.

I'm sure he read and understood them all too! LOL

There is a growing consensus that 2023 is going to be a miserable year for the U.S. economy and for the global economy as a whole.  In fact, in all the years that I have been writing I have never seen so many big names on Wall Street be so incredibly pessimistic about the coming year.  Of course much of that pessimism is due to the fact that 2022 went so poorly.  The cryptocurrency industry imploded, trillions of dollars in stock market wealth evaporated, inflation became a major problem all over the industrialized world, and a new housing crash suddenly erupted.  Considering all of the pain that we have experienced over the past 12 months, it is only natural for the experts to have a negative view of 2023.  The following are 11 ominous warnings that they have issued for the year ahead…

#1 The IMF: “We expect one-third of the world economy to be in recession. Even countries that are not in recession, it would feel like recession for hundreds of millions of people”

#2 Bloomberg: “Economists say there is a 7-in-10 likelihood that the US economy will sink into a recession next year, slashing demand forecasts and trimming inflation projections in the wake of massive interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve.”

#3 The World Bank: “As central banks across the world simultaneously hike interest rates in response to inflation, the world may be edging toward a global recession in 2023 and a string of financial crises in emerging market and developing economies that would do them lasting harm, according to a comprehensive new study by the World Bank.”

#4 Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: “We’re going to have a shallow recession”

#5 Mohamed El-Erian: “Many ‘high-conviction’ U.S. recession calls are immediately coupled with the assertion that it’ll be ‘short and shallow.’ Reminds me of the behavioral trap ‘transitory inflation’ proponents fell into last year”

#6 Nouriel Roubini: “No, this is not going to be a short and shallow recession, it’s going to be deep and protracted”

#7 Larry Summers: “My sense is that it’s much harder than many people think to achieve a soft landing”

#8 Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon: “Economic growth is slowing,” Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon said at the same conference. “When I talk to our clients, they sound extremely cautious.”

#9 Charles Schwab & Co.’s Liz Ann Sonders: “We have to take our medicine still, meaning a weaker economy and a weaker labor market. The question is, is it better to take our medicine sooner or later?”

#10 BlackRock: “Central bankers won’t ride to the rescue when growth slows in this new regime, contrary to what investors have come to expect. They are deliberately causing recessions by overtightening policy to try to rein in inflation”

#11 Michael Burry: “Inflation peaked. But it is not the last peak of this cycle. We are likely to see CPI lower, possibly negative in 2H 2023, and the US in recession by any definition. Fed will cut and government will stimulate. And we will have another inflation spike. It’s not hard.”

As you can see, there is a general consensus that things will be bad in 2023, but there is disagreement about just how deep the coming economic downturn will turn out to be.

If the worst of these forecasts turn out to be accurate, that will actually be incredibly good news.

Because the reality of what we will be facing in 2023 is likely to be significantly worse than any of these experts are currently projecting.

With each passing day, we continue to get even more numbers that indicate that big trouble is ahead.

For example, we just learned that luxury home sales absolutely cratered during the months of September, October and November…

Sales of luxury homes fell 38.1% year over year during the three months ending November 30, 2022, the biggest decline on record, according to a new report from Redfin, a technology-powered real estate brokerage. That outpaced the record 31.4% decline in sales of non-luxury homes. Redfin’s data goes back to 2012.

The luxury market and the overall housing market lost momentum in 2022 due to many of the same factors: inflation, relatively high interest rates, a sagging stock market and recession fears.

We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008.

And we all remember what the housing crash of 2008 ultimately did to the financial markets.

Normally, the beginning of a calendar year is a time for optimism.  As we look forward to a completely clean slate, it can be easy to forget the difficulties of the previous 12 months.

But this year things seem completely different.

On some level, just about everyone can feel that very challenging times are ahead of us.

Decades of very foolish decisions are starting to catch up with us in a major way.

Our leaders tried very hard to keep the party going for as long as possible, and to a certain extent they were quite successful in doing so.

Our politicians in Washington kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have, and that definitely delayed our day of reckoning.

And the Federal Reserve kept the financial markets artificially propped up for years by endlessly pumping giant mountains of fresh cash into the system.

But such foolish measures only made our long-term problems even worse, and now our leaders are losing control.

All of the “mega-bubbles” are starting to burst, and the system is beginning to fall apart all around us.

It is time to turn out the lights, because the party is over.

We all had a lot of fun while it lasted, but now the bill is due and an extraordinary amount of pain is ahead.



Confidential Pfizer and Government Docs Confirm ADE, VAED, and AIDS From COVID Shots

There’s a new variant spreading, called XBB.1.5.

Experts have nicknamed it the Kraken.

You have no idea what Covid will do to you. Even if you feel fine, it could be slowly killing you, and you wouldn’t even know.

That’s the disturbing truth.

Most of us aren’t infectious disease experts, but we have street smarts. When the lab analysts call something the Kraken, you should stay as far away from it as you can.

Meanwhile, the Swine flue vaccine was halted in 1976 after only 1 in 100,000 serious adverse events.

And the Rotavirus vaccine called Rotashield was pulled in 1999 after data found 1 to 2 serious events per 10,000 vaccines.

So why is the experimental COVID-19 mRNA shot still being lauded by the establishment as safe and effective when the publicly available data clearly shows that’s not the case?

A new Omicron subvariant is taking over in the United States according to mainstream media and health “experts.” It’s called XBB 1.5 and is making up 44% of the COVID-19 cases in the U.S.

A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the Covid outbreak heavily affected most vaccinated people. More and more research points to the possibility that repeated vaccinations make people more vulnerable to XBB and contribute to the rapid evolution of the virus.


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