Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Ides of January

The Ides of January

Jarrod was nice enough to come down Friday evening to plow out the front lawn so we can still drive right to the front door! Likely saved us 2+ Hours of additional snow blowing.

More snow Sunday evening another 8 inches or so, lots of trees bent some snapped mostly pines from the heavy burden of snow. All of the birches bent completely to the ground, the snow is supposed to continue until Monday evening, they'll be cleanup in the spring for sure.

Roof Raked the house removing probably 20 tons of snow, we snow blow'd twice today, we got another 12" on top of the 7-8" we got Friday... sheesh...  this is enough to make ya want go to Florida.   Pepperell MA. only got 2" of fluffy white crap. 

The snow continued to build, the carport in the field has collapsed onto the boat, I'll have to go out with the roof rake and take some of the load off...

The collapsed carport...
Nice snow hat on the birdhouses

Called our plow guy they said this storm was definitely an over achiever!

Rose and I went up on the workshop roof on Saturday, the sliding snow ripped out some of the fasteners holding the tin roof down, we screwed all the loose edges down it should hold us until warmer weather. Those March winds howl around here in the spring...


LOL The good news...

It took ‘em long enough.

Yesterday, Senator Josh Hawley introduced a long-overdue bill that would ban members of Congress from trading and owning stocks. To this we say: It’s about time. But if the best part of the bill is what it does, the second-best part is surely its name: the Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments Act.

Yes, it’s called the PELOSI Act.

“Members of Congress and their spouses,” Hawley trumpeted “shouldn’t be using their position to get rich on the stock market — today l’m introducing legislation to BAN stock trading and ownership by members of Congress. I call it the PELOSI Act.”




Today, close to half of all Americans are living on the edge financially. For many, it is out of necessity, but for others it is a conscious choice. Way too many people out there see no need to build up a substantial financial cushion because they have a tremendous amount of faith in the economic system. They don’t think that things will ever get too bad in this country, and so there is no urgency to put funds away for a rainy day. But even if authorities could somehow prevent an economic collapse from ever happening again, individual emergencies are taking place all around us on a constant basis. Cars break down, people get sick, and accidents happen.

Unfortunately, most Americans are completely unprepared for some sort of an emergency to strike. In fact, a brand new survey has discovered that just 41 percent of Americans could cover a $1,000 emergency expense using their current savings…

Unfortunately, an increasing number of experts are warning that our luck is about to run out. In fact, the head of the IMF recently warned that we could potentially be facing another economic collapse and “Great Depression”.

But despite all of the evidence to the contrary, the irrational optimists would still have us believe that America has entered a new era of tremendous economic prosperity. I actually wish that was true.

“Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Government-run Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Brain-Dead Biden’s reckless spending spree, which is more reckless than anybody’s ever done or had in the history of our country,” Trump said Friday in a video posted to TRUTH Social. “We absolutely need to stop Biden’s out-of-control spending. The pain should be borne by Washington bureaucrats, not by hard-working American families and American seniors.”

 “Cut the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars going to corrupt foreign countries. Cut the mass releases of illegal aliens that are depleting our social safety net and destroying our country. Cut the left-wing gender programs from our military. Cut the billions being spent on climate extremism. Cut waste, fraud and abuse everywhere we can find it. And there’s plenty of it. But do not cut the benefits our seniors worked for and paid for their entire lives. Save Social Security, don’t destroy it,”

On every level of society, debt levels are absolutely skyrocketing.

We are literally committing national financial suicide, but many people don’t seem to care.

Living standards have declined dramatically in recent years thanks to inflation and the continued control over people. The media and rulers continue to put the blame everywhere except where it should be. On them.

A simple lie is the only thing left that’s allowing the masters/ruling class to continue to control the slave class. And they are watching our standard of living decrease and laughing from their ivory towers as their enforcers and tax agents continue to steal from their fellow human beings.


Border Disaster 

CBP sources confirmed to Fox News on Sunday that they are at least 1.2 million known gotaways since Biden took office – illegal aliens who have been observed coming across the border, but who managed to escape authorities and have disappeared into the country, their identities and whereabouts now unknown. 


On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued an order banning the use of Times New Roman font in all Inept State Department communications.

Why is Times New Roman, which was created in 1932, suddenly so problematic? If you guessed it was because the Biden administration determined the font was racist, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking so. Given recent developments, it seemed inevitable that someone would declare that all serif fonts are tools of white supremacy. But, believe it or not, for once, the decision actually had to do with something entirely different.

The Inept State Department is ditching Times New Roman out of a desire to be more “inclusive” to “employees who are visually impaired or have other difficulties reading,” according to the Washington Post.

They have lies that make no sense like modeling the entire political spectrum as “Liberal-Conservative”; claims that fascism belongs on the “far right” or that anarchism belongs on the “far left.” Repeating the same lies until they can bluff their way into pretending it’s the truth.

During her 18-minute speech, Kamala Harris decried Florida’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, saying the proponents of this lifesaving legislation were “extremists.” It was an odd choice of words to say the least, given that her Democrat Party ardently believes in a woman’s right to an abortion at any stage of pregnancy, right up until the moment of delivery. And she’s calling our side the extremists?  She also tried to appropriate the Declaration of Independence for her pro-abortion argument, but in order to do so, consider the violence she had to do to that document’s most memorable passage: “We are each endowed,” she said, “with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Huh? Who, exactly, did our Founders believe endowed those rights? And what happened to the first and foremost of those rights — the right without which the others are meaningless? What happened to the right to life?

This butchery of our nation’s founding document is, sadly, not a new occurrence. The Democrats have been writing its precise language out of their prepared remarks for years — and willfully so, not just due to the demented ramblings of their party’s standard-bearer.

FBI searched Biden home, found even more items marked classified

Of course just about every large tech company is laying off workers these days.

  • Microsoft is laying off workers.
  • Amazon is laying off workers.
  • Facebook is laying off workers.
  • Twitter is laying off workers.

We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, and that is because we haven’t had an economic crisis like this since 2008.

So many people are going to lose their jobs in the months ahead.

And the economic pain that we will experience in 2023 will be just the beginning, because the entire system is starting to come down all around us.

Did you actually think that we could go on the greatest debt binge in all of human history and that everything would work out just fine somehow?

That is not how the real world works.

The federal government, working hand-in-hand with universities, private companies and Big Tech, is funneling millions of dollars in taxpayer money to fund an AI censorship program to be used on American citizens. 

COVID Madness

US drugmaker Pfizer attempted to “bully the Indian government” into granting it indemnity from legal action over its Covid-19 vaccine, Electronics and Technology Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar has claimed. The vaccine shot was ultimately never approved in India.

“Just to remind all Indians, that Pfizer tried to bully the government of India into accepting conditions of indemnity,” Chandrasekhar tweeted on Friday. The minister then accused three prominent opposition leaders of “pushing foreign vaccines during Covid.”


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