Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The other January 6th

It's January 11th already!

Rose and I are up and about now, only the lung congestion and cough remain at this point a month and a half later.  We're doing stuff around the farm that needs doing.

On Wednesday Rose and I moved a 1/2 ton of pellets to the doghouse. It's closer to the back door where we bring them into the house.  Whew...

Well we didn't win the 1.1 Billion dollar MegaMillions lottery on Tuesday, so I guess I can't retire yet.   1.3 Billion is slated for Friday January 13th!

Rose saw a Goldfinch in the apple tree yesterday, he looked out of place.

Birds are flocking to the suet we put out at the deer yard, no bears in sight.

                                Our Christmas Cactus is happy!

Whole Chickens are now $12 a bird at MB, that's for MB chickens, not even the Perdue birds yikes...  

Rose made up 11 quart bags of Chicken soup to replenish our freezer stocks, we used 3 rotisserie chickens at $4.96 a bird, much cheaper than the uncooked chickens we saw. On to Turkey soup next...

Rose made up a batch of turkey soup last month that rivaled Nana's! (we'd picked up an extra turkey for leftovers then we got sick) It was so good... no, it was awesome!

February is fast approaching, that means Chili season, I for one am ready!

I'm going to start some Sauerkraut this month, the articles I've been reading all say that fresh Kraut is far superior to the canned store kraut! Wish me luck I can't wait to try this.

On New Year Resolutions:  Waiting until the dawn of spring, specifically around the time of the spring equinox, to make more concrete resolutions. After the spring equinox — which is March 20th this year — days will begin to be longer than nights. Light will outpace darkness. Photosynthesis will return. Water will start to thaw and flow. Buds will reappear. The world, including yourself, will reawaken, and it’s at this time that you may feel greater direction, clarity, and energy as to where you’d like to go and what you’d like to do in the coming year. 

We went out to get/replace the Nyquil we used last month, Rite Aid COLD/FLU isle was decimated, nothing at all on the entire aisle shelves.  We were able to pickup the last 2 pak of bottles on the shelf from Wally world... whew!

I spoke to one of my guys in Canada, he mentioned that a 16 lb. turkey in Canada is $100 a bird now $6.25/lb...  And it costs $48 for a family of three to go to McDonald's!  WOW! I thought our prices were bad!


COVID-19,  XBB 1.5, The Kraken Variant

More Evidence Arises That Ivermectin Is Safe And Effective At Treating Covid-19... Doctors That Advocate For It’s Use Are Still Ridiculed And Persecuted.

Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRna Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated What could possibly go wrong...

The omicron strain has continued to mutate; there are now more than 650 subvariants, and that doesn’t include the previous Greek-letter versions like Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and their subtypes.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that the very contagious XBB1.5 made up 27 percent of US cases for the week ending on January 7th, a major increase from the month before. More than 70 percent of cases in the Northeast are now believed to be the Kraken variant.

The CoVID Injection Toll: December 30, 2022 (

How much will it take to change people’s minds? I addressed this in a comment on Substack a few weeks ago. The answer is: no amount of deaths will be enough to change some people’s minds. There are people who wake up, go to sleep, and spend every minute of the day in between nursing a screaming hatred of Trump and his voters. They have concluded somehow that getting additional injections will be the perfect revenge against those subhuman MAGAts (as they like to say).

Moderna CEO: 400% price hike on COVID vaccine “consistent with the value” Moderna is considering raising the price of its COVID-19 vaccine by over 400 percent—from $26 per dose to between $110 and $130 per dose—according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. The revelation that Moderna may match Pfizer's price increase comes just a day after Moderna announced that its COVID-19 vaccine sales in 2022 totaled approximately $18.4 billion.

Now, the media is admitting that yes, perhaps the globalists do have more than just a little influence over governments, social policies, and economic outcomes. But, what the mainstream doesn’t like is the assertion that globalists have nefarious or authoritarian intentions. That’s just crazy tinfoil hat talk, right?

The reason for the narrative shift is obvious. Far too many people witnessed the true globalist agenda in action during the pandemic lockdowns and now they see the conspiracy for what it is.


Let’s take them chronologically. The so-called visit to the Border was a choreographed three hours to appease the demands of the Republicans while keeping the mainstream media away from the actual crisis. Joe traveled to El Paso, where the city officials swept the homeless from the streets to allow Biden to walk through downtown without tripping over the usual homeless illegals that generally live on the sidewalks. He then ventured to the bridge which connects Mexico with El Paso. This location is an actual port of entry, so of course, Joe saw no migrants crossing the Rio Grande. He could have gone a half mile either east or west of El Paso and seen what we see every day; hundreds of illegals from 160 different countries entering and dispersing throughout America.

Ironically, his team chose the backdrop of the Trump Wall in El Paso for a Biden video walking with Border Agents. This is the same wall that Biden and his supporters want to be taken down. One last thing about Biden’s visit. Governor Abbott arrived at the airport last minute to meet the President, but Biden did not invite the Senators or any of the Congressmen from the area to join him. Biden and his team wanted as sterile an environment as they could show to the American people. This three hour pass through was purely a photo op for 2024.

Crisis, what crisis? El Paso clears migrant camps ahead of Biden's first trip to border on Sunday as frustrated agents say numbers always fall in January and he might as well have gone to Des Moines.

I wonder if the FBI will conduct raids on FJB’s home? And rifle through DrShrill’s underwear?

Biden's New Plan would set 30,000 Illegal Aliens Free Per Month

Brandon Adminstration Admits Keystone Cancellation Cost Tens of Thousands of Jobs. 

The premier of Alberta, Canada’s biggest oil producing province, said that Biden’s decision to cancel the pipeline would kill thousands of union labor jobs in both Canada and the United States, while making America more dependent on foreign “dictatorships” for its energy needs. 

The Pentagon even with having "misplaced" 61% of its assets, the Comptroller couldn't bring himself to admit that they failed.

“I would not say that we flunked. The process is important for us to do, and it is making us get better. It is not making us get better as fast as we want,” [McCord] said.

The Defense Department has failed its fifth-ever audit, unable to account for more than half of its assets, but the effort is being viewed as a “teachable moment,” according to its chief financial officer. 

After 1,600 auditors combed through DOD’s $3.5 trillion in assets and $3.7 trillion in liabilities, officials found that the department couldn’t account for about 61 percent of its assets, Pentagon Comptroller Mike McCord told reporters on Tuesday.

Biden and his Demos based their midterm strategy on “protecting democracy” against Trump and his MAGA extremists. In other words, the masters of hate and fear ran on their “hate and fear Trump” model, and they succeeded in holding back a red wave in a year that all indications supported it — except for the Trump factor. Turns out it was a brilliant strategy.

MAGA - The election of Trump itself did not create the hate – the epidemic of cognitive dissonance on the Left we branded as Trump Derangement Syndrome – his election revealed that hate and fear.

Trump triggered primarily suburban “white privilege” Democrats, among them wealthy elitists who already harbor a fear of grassroots American Patriots, those Hillary Clinton described as “deplorables.”

But the divisive manifestation of Trump’s unmitigated egomaniacal narcissism certainly exacerbated the hate and fear.

This is precisely why Biden delivered two very high-profile speeches before the election about “protecting democracy” from the MAGA threat. “Protecting democracy” has become code for hate and fear Trump, as has the “MAGA Republican threat.”

Neither of those speeches mentioned a single word about inflation, crime, immigration, or any other voter concerns. Democrat pollsters knew exactly what “fear and hate Trump” buttons to push to keep their voters on the plantation months ahead of the first ballots being mailed. And that is precisely why Biden’s handlers sent him out with the “democracy” message. As for Republicans, apparently running against Biden’s record was not a winning strategy. Biden’s ineptitude was already deeply discounted by Demo voters, baked into the electoral cake. (Clearly, Biden so lowered the mental acuity bar for Democrats that even an imbecilic, tatted-up thug like John Fetterman prevailed in Pennsylvania.)

Like it or not, Trump is the lightning rod for all the deeply seated fear and hatred on the Left, and it is undeniably an earned and enduring legacy that he will not shake off.

Demos will run and win on the same hate-Trump strategy in 2024, when they will have substantially more Senate seats at risk. Of the 33 Class 1 Senate seats on the ballot, there will be 21 Democrats and two independents who caucus with Senate Democrats. If Trump is in, Demos will win.

Our name gives you a clue as to what a Republic is. We are the United States of America. We are a collection of fifty individual states, each having its own government, and combined, all fifty participate in an election every four years to elect a President. Based on the two Senators combined with the number of Representatives a state has, it gives them the number of votes they cast in the Electoral College that decides our President. My small state of New Hampshire has two Representatives and, therefore, four Electoral College votes. California, on the other end of the spectrum, has fifty-five votes. More people equates to more votes. But the Electoral College makes my vote as important as someone voting in San Francisco. There are a total of 538 electoral votes. Majority needed to elect the President and vice president: 270.

If the country did away with the Electoral College and went with a popular vote count, the high-population areas like California and New York would dictate to the country who should sit in the White House. Since these areas are typically Liberal and vote as such, it would benefit Democrats to change the system. We on the Right can never let that happen.

Distinguishing legitimate government from tyranny.

  1. Rule of Law vs. Rule of Man: Legitimate government involves “making laws” and “the execution of such laws.” Tyranny is “When the governor, however intitled, makes not the law, but his will, the rule…” In modern terminology, this is the distinction between “the rule of law” and “the rule of man.”
  2. Public Good vs. Private Advantage: Legitimate government is “only for the public good.” Tyranny is the use of power “not for the good of those who are under it, but for his own private separate advantage.”
  3. Rights Protection vs. Rights Non-Protection: And the whole purpose of government, according to Locke, is the protection of “rights”/“property,” by which he means rightful ownership of possessions as well as one’s own body. Thus, tyranny is when a ruler’s “commands and actions are not directed to the preservation of the properties of his people, but the satisfaction of his own ambition, revenge, covetousness, or any other irregular passion.”

US Congress, the Peoples House Proves It’s a Rigged, Uniparty, Dictatorship

President Biden has finally found a solution to address the surge in illegal crossings at the southern border: tell the tens of thousands of aliens unlawfully entering the United States from Mexico that they can come to America “legally” if they instead fly to a port-of-entry in the interior of the country.

Seriously, for all the Biden administration’s spin, that’s his plan — and it is illegal.

Biden Admin Considering Ban on Gas Stoves: Feds say Gas Stoves Racist & Hurt Minorities! Last year, democrats started pushing the theory that gas stoves can somehow make COVID even worse. Seriously, again this isn’t a parody! The media actually started running articles with titles like “If This Is in Your Kitchen, Your COVID Death Risk May Be Even Higher”

If you were wondering why Joe Biden chose this moment to go after your gas stove, yesterday’s report from The Wall Street Journal provides a clue: “U.S. production of natural gas … has hit record levels.” President Green Energy and his ecofascist allies can’t have that.

The Biden administration’s Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has teased that it could soon decide to ban gas stoves. “This is a hidden hazard,” explained CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”


Of those polled, 22 percent say Democrats are our greatest threat. That would include people like myself, who believe the Dems have become the American communists -- determined to destroy everything that makes us exceptional -- as a necessary measure to marshal in a socialist utopia.

Another 17 percent say that Republicans are the greatest threat. Those would be our fellow citizens who have bought Biden’s semi-fascist baloney and Merrick Garland’s “white supremacist” propaganda. So much for returning comity and normalcy to the American conversation.

The Right Sees a Border Crisis; The Left Sees a Border Opportunity  Incredibly, the left complained that Biden wasn’t doing enough for immigrants, while the right questioned what was being done to help the American people and restore rule of law.

Biden has committed more crimes against the American people than any other President, observes David Horowitz. In 2022 alone the open border alone has resulted in 110,000 deaths from fentanyl and 33,000 murders by illegal aliens.


When Joe Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline as one of his first acts upon taking office, Republicans loudly objected that doing so would damage the American economy and cost thousands of jobs, even as the U.S. was struggling to overcome a global pandemic. Biden, bowing to the radical environmentalist Left, eliminated the pipeline with the stroke of a pen, while ridiculously asserting that any jobs lost would only be temporary and that the green energy sector would quickly make up the difference. Now, two years later, Biden’s Department of Energy is admitting that those jobs lost ended up being more significant and the economic cost higher than Biden had so rosily asserted at the time. The DOE found that killing Keystone XL resulted in 59,000 lost jobs and cost the U.S. economy $9.6 billion in growth. “To make matters worse,” observed Senator Jim Risch (R-ID), “his decision moved the U.S. further away from energy independence and lower gas prices at a time when inflation and gas prices are drastically impacting Americans’ pocketbooks.” Americans are still experiencing the negative consequences of Biden’s killing of Keystone, which made Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that much more costly for the U.S. With Donald Trump, the country finally enjoyed energy independence, but Biden foolishly decided to reverse course on that stunning success. 

Keeping planes in the air has taken a back seat at the Federal Aviation Administration as the agency pivots its focus to diversity, equity, and inclusion under the leadership of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. 



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Coming up to the new Year 2025!

New Year 2025!! This post is a little late. but here we are... Rose saw an article about the planets aligning in 2025. In January and Februa...