Wednesday, October 04, 2023

It's October!

 It's October!


We stopped by to see Jarrod play at the City Hall Pub in Manchester, they started to play at 7pm, we stayed until 9:30 ish. The whole bar sang Happy Birthday to Jarrod! Manchester is pretty wild after dark, and not in a good way. 

We're still drying out from the storm on Friday, it rained all day, it wasn't supposed to.

We're off to Tractor supply today, Dog food and a few other things...

Sunday it we went to Jarrod's house to celebrate his Birthday!  Chinese food from the Ming Du, good stuff!

We got to see Jason's new car pretty nice for a first car!

We're awaiting the Ladybug and stinkbug apocalypse, it'll be funny to see Winston with his first stinkbug.


    Get ready to not freak out. On Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 2:20 p.m. EDT, every TV, radio and cellphone in the United States should blare out the distinctive, jarring electronic warning tone of an emergency alert.

    It’s a test – only a test...

    Officially, the trial is called the Nationwide Emergency Alert Test. You know it’s a test and not an actual emergency because it’s accompanied by an explanation of the test. 


We've been teaching Winston about the radio fence using small white flags placed on the boundaries of the yard, "Bad Flags" we'd say pulling him back from the flags with his leash, I think he's starting to get the idea, time will tell.  It's always scary the first few times they are off leash and the only thing stopping him from checking out the property beyond the flags is the radio collar.

Our national debt increases by three billion dollars each day right now; put another way, that’s well over $100,000,000 every hour. And then somehow, we blew another 25 billion in a day. That’s just insane. I have no idea how our elected representatives can, in good conscious, continue to act as if all is well. I really don’t know.  I continue to have this uneasy feeling in the pit my stomach as if bad things are just over the horizon.

Because in the Democrat party today, it’s not about middle-class Americans; it’s not even about Americans anymore. It’s about the goals of the international managerial elite, and this reflects the philosophical change at the heart of the Democrat party. For Democrats, power is no longer a means of helping people, but an end-in-itself. The goal is to expand government power in order to remake society, and humanity itself. What is needed to advance these goals? Power. Control. That’s why they love communist China.

The WEF and the leftist Democrat elite here want to duplicate across the globe the CCP’s total control of the people. 

If You Want To Be Anti-Crime, You Have To Be Anti-Democrat 

The problem with violence isn’t guns. It’s the same problem with robbery, rape, burglary, and auto theft. It is decades of derelict Democrat rule. If you want to be anti-crime, you have to be anti-Democrat, and there’s no way around that.

Sheeee's baaaaack!  Yes, America's cold sore, Hillary Clinton, is back in the news.  She's hoping the newly resurrected Clinton Global Initiative (the fake charity but real influence-peddling operation that temporarily closed its doors while being investigated for engaging in pay-to-play fraud) can make a financial killing off all the real killing going on in Ukraine.

“Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Then-candidate Ronald Reagan posed that iconic rhetorical question during his 1980 debate with then-President Jimmy Carter. The voters answered with a resounding “NO!” when they elected Reagan by a huge margin of 489 electoral votes to 49. That Reagan question has since become a staple of presidential polls.

Fast forward 43 years: a record number of Americans — 44 percent — said in response to an ABC News/Washington Post Poll released in September that they are worse off financially today than before Biden was elected president. Historically, that is the worst figure for any president since the poll began in 1986. In November of 2018, just 13 percent of Americans said they were worse off since Trump took office. 

After being forced to sit and listen to the lunacy of her Democrat colleagues on the other side of the aisle for hours, as they performed backflips in their efforts to defend the Biden Crime Family, Rep. McClain turned to the collection of deranged Dems and delivered the best line of the day:

“I am amazed, and I love the fact that Trump lives rent-free in the Democrat’s heads every day. That is a beautiful thing—even though we’re here talking about the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden!”

Bidenomics has created severe economic turmoil for Americans. Families are struggling mightily. Sixty-one percent of hard-working Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Seventy-five percent of those earning less than $50,000, and 65 percent of those making $50,000 to $100,000 per year struggle to pay for gas and groceries and to make ends meet due to the heavy burden of inflation.

In difficult straits, many families have resorted to credit cards to pay their bills. As a result, Americans’ overall credit debt has reached a record high of $1 trillion. This represents a $300 billion increase since Biden was elected president.


Democrats are telling Americans to take the new/latest mRNA injection.

In remarks made Wednesday, Joe Biden argued that people, including potential “leaders” should stop saying “inflammatory things” about COVID vaccinations and fall into line with what his administration is telling them to do.

Considering the swell job they have done running major cities, improving the economy, border control...well, it's a long list of failures and disasters (you get the idea by now so I won't try to list them all here), but frankly NO.

With their track record one concludes (a) they are trying to kill people, and (b) the Dem's are democidal.

Biden: People must be "cautious" about giving divergent opinions on Covid


Almost 3/4 of Americans Think The Nation is Becoming a Police State.

Almost three-quarters of Americans – 72 percent – admit to being concerned that the United States is becoming a “police state” engaging in mass surveillance, censorship, ideological indoctrination, and the targeting of political opponents, according to a recent survey from Rasmussen Reports.

Of those concerned, 46 percent told pollsters that they were “very concerned” that the state is becoming tyrannical, with 26 percent answering “somewhat concerned.” Only 23 percent of Americans said they were not concerned, with less than one in ten Americans answering “not at all concerned.”

Central Bank, Digital Currency (CBDC)

The [WEF] plan is falling apart, the great recession/green new deal is not working because the people are awake and they see the plan. Germany economic output is imploding. The EU admits that the [Central Bank, Digital Currency (CBDC)] will not be anonymous, they will track you. The shutdown will now be blamed on the Biden and the D’s. 

The patriots are in control, they are bring the people down a path that they need to see to make the final battle decision. Trump says he has been preparing his entire life for this battle. The military approached him to run and they have been protecting him. Trump during the rally in Michigan admits that he is in his 2nd term. Trump is the CIC and the President of the US. The plan was not traditional, the election was not traditional, this is not another 4 year election.


Machine predictions can and will be abused, and unsavory characters will play with the results. Machine predictions must never replace people, and Schwab’s example – as an intelligent man – shows he has ill intent.
In recent elections, they Dems have

  •     pushed mail-in balloting, which everyone knows is unreliable.
  •     ballot harvested,
  •     unsecured Zuckerberg boxes,
  •     spent huge amounts of money in Democrat precincts,
  •     swayed searches on browsers,
  •     censored people they disagree with,
  •     hid the Hunter laptop,
  •     called ordinary citizens “domestic terrorists,”
  •     used the organs of government to terrorize people, gave free publicity in the Democrat media, which is almost all of the media, put in place voting machines that can be hacked, and brought big business into the government, and then used the combined power to push the people in every way to do what they wanted.

No one of sane mind can say this is a free election. Manipulating minds is evil. It’s not fair play. You can have the best of intentions, but the act is evil.

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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...