Thursday, November 16, 2023




There was a Coronal Mass Ejection, a CME, we went out several times, no northern light to see here, nothing, there's supposed to be potential to see it through Friday.

We got some sleet on Thursday, no real snow.

Finally got a couple of snow shovels at Home Depot. We're ready!

Winston will go on his radio fence last week for the first time, it'll be fun to watch him, he's 7 months old now, it's time. Winston by the way did great with his new found freedom from a leash, he had a blast, only once forgetting the "bad flags" that mark the radio fence borders. He's pretty tuckered tonight from running, playing and jumping on Zebulon off leash, so much to do, checking out his whole yard, things to smell, and eat, and roll in.

I was out moving a couple of the flags that mark the boundaries of the dog fence and I hear a weird grinding noise coming from inside the camper, what the heck could that be?  Turns out Rose had placed the vibrating solar Mole chaser stake in the camper sink and it was occasionally getting enough sun to rumble away in the metal sink, scared me for a minute. 

Starlink satellites were visible at 6:03pm  a week ago in the western sky. Rose and I waited for them to show up, a couple of planes came through, that wasn't what we were looking for, finally one showed up above the pines in the front yard, then another and another we counted 22 satellites streaming across the skies, pretty cool to see them.

Sunday morning it was 20 degrees at 3:30 AM. Brr.

Today I need to check one of the barn lights that isn't working, and put the analyzer on the Tucson, it's showing a check engine light now.  Turns out it's a sensor, not a major issue! Yay!

With the weird weather we had this year, mostly rain... and as I dragged the fallen leaves to the garden using a tarp I couldn't help thinking how glad I was that we didn't plant the big garden this year...

I purchased a new Fire TV Cube from Amazon, got it hooked up, pictures better, I need to get a better HDMI cable to see if that helps with occasional delays.

14 degrees here this Monday morning out with the dogs.

The LED light on the barn we couldn't get to work is now working, in the wrong mode but still... I think the solar panel was placed wrong, we moved it so it'd get more sunlight, I'll adjust the mode this weekend.

I have to bring the snowblower up to the house tonight.

Learned this week, many in our California are just now heading back into the office just now due to COVID, WTH?

Winston is doing great on the radio fence! Yay

Rose and I, (ok, I helped) made up some of her special brownies last night, Sugar Cookie base, Reese's PB cups, and brownie, for the holidays.

Systemic cheating, however, now dominates Western life.  Elevating “diversity for diversity’s sake” over all other metrics for gauging achievement has reduced merit and hard work to second-class virtues.  Rewarding illegal aliens with amnesty has cheapened the sacrifices of those lawful immigrants who have struggled to integrate into their new home countries.  Allowing delusional men to dominate women’s sports has cheated female athletes of a fair playing field for pursuing excellence.  In ways big and small, “woke” governments, corporations, and academic institutions cheat Western citizens of the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their own labors.


The Middle Class Is Working Harder Than Ever, But It Is Being Absolutely Eviscerated By “Bidenomics” 

‘Every group — Democrats, Republicans and independents — list rising prices as by far the biggest economic threat . . . and the biggest source of financial stress,’

I truly wish that it was an exaggeration.  Unfortunately, for decades Americans have been extremely irresponsible with their finances.  As a result, credit card debt is at an all-time high, auto loan debt is at an all-time high, mortgage debt is at an all-time high, corporate debt is at an all-time high, state and local governments all over the nation continue to get into absurd amounts of debt, and the federal government has piled up the single largest mountain of debt in the history of the world.  Our whole society is absolutely drowning in debt at this stage, and the only way out is for the entire system to collapse.

No sane nation interested in the safety of its citizens would open its borders to tens of millions of illegal aliens, refuse to prosecute violent criminals, or secretly resettle anti-American, military-aged “refugees” into unsuspecting American communities.  No sane nation wastes its resources harassing patriotic citizens as “domestic enemies,” while turning a blind eye to the damage caused by Antifa and BLM riots and the very real threats from Islamic terrorism.  

Israel & Hamas

The AP, CNN, Reuters, and The New York Times used footage and photos from reporters embedded with Hamas terrorists during their slaughter of hundreds of Jews.  These Western media outlets then posted the photos in their coverage of this horrendous surprise attack on Israel.


Anyone else notice all the COVID daily drama has ceased in the news?

Media is Now Blaming COVID Jab-Related Heart Attacks And Strokes On CLIMATE CHANGE


Explaining the very simple roadmap for how you dethrone the U.S. Dollar:

    – Weaponize the dollar
    – Incentive oil producers to dump the dollar
    – Cause an inflationary crisis at home
    – Banks collapse
    – Tell everyone they will be made whole if they sign up for the CBDC

Most people simply believe whatever they want to believe whether the evidence supports it or not.



IT’S THAT BAD! Illegals Flee Chicago, Return to Socialist Venezuela!


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