Sunday, May 12, 2024

Old man

Old Man


It was 21 years ago last Friday the Old Man of the Mountain fell down... hard to believe it was that long ago, I remember driving up there with my parents and family on vacation straining to to be first one to see it every time.

Leaving work on Friday there was a turkey hen guarding the exit

Saturday we were off to the bank, and to the grocery store to pick up a couple items I missed on Friday night.

Saturday was a field mow day Rose earlier in the week went around all the bushes and trees with her DR weed-wacker making my job much easier! 4-5 deer came in in the evening, Winston was a good boy and left them alone when he went out trotting over to the side hill and just watching them.

We're hearing and sometimes seeing the Orioles daily now.

We're off to the Fireworks store on Sunday, so much fun!  It's the adult version of a kids candy store.

Rose said a burst of mosquitos hatched earlier in the week, I put out Mosquito dunks in all our water sources last weekend.  According to the EPA, Mosquito dunks with Bti contains spores that produce toxins that only affect the larvae of the mosquito, black-fly and fungus gnat.

Focus on the red dot for 30 seconds. Now look at a plain wall.

Our hummingbirds arrived this week, Rose has two feeders out already

Rose thinks Jack or another sparrow is roosting on the back porch.  I haven't seen anyone there yet.

We lost internet access Tuesday, neighbor was having several huge trees cut down, we called her she still had internet.  So I called support they said I was one of the folks that had not updated their router to DHCP, fairly straight forward configuration change and I had internet again.

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow when plans are not working out.

Dad's plum tree he gave us years back is flowering, they smell amazing, you can smell them across the yard, you smell the one beside the barn as soon as you get out of the car.  These trees are crazy, they pop up 20' from the main tree apparently spreading via the roots popping up all around it. 

Appears the bears have moved away from our house, at least for now, this is further up the road, Goldilocks and the 3 bears...

The coming storm was given a Severe (G4) rating by the Space Weather Prediction Center and prompted a Geomagnetic Storm Watch, the first time since January 2005 such an alert has been issued. The center anticipates at least five CMEs that will be directed at Earth between midday today, May 10, and Sunday, May 12. The Sun produced a strong solar flare on Thursday, specifically an X1.1 flare; “X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength,” according to NASA. Earlier in the day, NOAA documented an even stronger solar flare, classified as a strong X2.2 flare.

Hoping we'll get to see some color in the sky Friday through Sunday

We didn't see any Northern lights on Friday night or at 4AM on Saturday AM

Winston still gets Rose's shoe in the kitchen by the door, he'll give it to Rose most times unless he decides keep away is more fun, she's got him fetching her other show now.

We put the Gazebo top on today, should be fun with the black flies... The black flies stayed away, it was cold with the wind though.
We didn't see the Northern lights on Saturday night or at 4AM on Sunday AM either, maybe next time.

Happy Mothers Day to All the Moms out there!

Compilation of the insane amount of rewriting & 180s around COVID & COVID vaccines the past week!

The Scarf Lady, Dr. Deborah Birx, now says that thousands of American could be vaccine injured from the mRNA shot and hints that some groups should not have been forced to get the jab.  The truth is slowly coming out and people are realizing we were right all along.

‘No matter how much damage they do,’ Democrats will always vote Democrat

Public opinion polls released in April 2024 found Joe Biden to be the least popular U.S. president in 70 years.

CNN: “Grocery prices are up 30%+ … that’s a real day-to-day pain that people feel…”  BIDEN: “They have the money to spend!”

ALL HE DOES IS LIE: Biden Claims Inflation Was 9 Percent When He Took Office (It Was 1.4 Percent)

National Debt Approaches $35 Trillion – Another Piece of the Economic Collapse Puzzle

The latest Gallop poll shows Biden is the least popular president in 70 years- lower than Nixon or Jimmy Carter.  Obama needs a 4th term to finish the job he started- the destruction of the United States. One way, or the other, I’m betting Biden will be gone soon. My best guess is Michelle will be the replacement.

More than 40 percent of the U.S. population is either homeless, living in poverty or among the ranks of the “working poor”.

They Lied to You: Biden Regime Issues Rule Change to Give Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare to Illegal Aliens – Obama Promised This Would Never Happen

Joe Biden is constantly talking about the threat Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans pose to our Democracy. This talk is part of the scare tactics used by all Democrats because there is no way they can run on their record for the last four years. We have been getting graphic visuals of what is happening in America for months, showing Joe Biden’s Democracy at work, and it does not look like any America I remember.

Biden ignored the rioting until Day 9 when he finally spoke out but took no questions. Biden’s lack of leadership is consistent with every significant decision or policy of his Presidency. He is always late, weak, and non-specific in his responses, and his staff usually has to clean up the mess he leaves with his comments or reinforce them with what he meant to say.

Joe Biden claims he has brought America back from the turmoil of the Trump Presidency, but you never saw these ugly situations during his term. What we see with our eyes is the real Biden Democracy that he wants to protect. Biden shows by his actions that he does not love this country and wants to complete the transformation of America that started when he was Vice President under President Obama.

On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee released an 800 page report on the Biden White House censorship regime.  The report included numerous times the Biden regime threatened social media companies to censor, silence and take down information on the COVID origins and the COVID vaccines. 

The H5N1 Bird Flu “Has Acquired Dozens Of New Mutations” And Authorities Are Really Ramping Up The Fear Level 

Looking to Unify America? Vast Majority of Americans Distrust News Media on Every Level 

A January 25 report from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies estimated that over 650,000 Americans experienced homelessness in 2023—up almost 50% from 2015. Costs of renting and home ownership have skyrocketed while wages largely stagnate. The Harvard report found that half of U.S. households are “cost-burdened” (meaning that 30-50% of monthly income goes to housing), and 12 million people are “severely cost-burdened.” These Americans stand one accident, health setback, or employment disruption away from eviction.

Russiagate Was Always The Real Insurrection:  It would not be an exaggeration to say that Russiagate was the greatest disinformation campaign of the 21st century.  The Steele Dossier, the Alfa Bank story, and the infamous 'peepee tape' were all fabrications.  For years,…

The “classified documents” case against President Trump is falling apart. The Special Council prosecuting the case, Jack Smith, admitted in a court filing that his team altered or manipulated the documents seized by the FBI from Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home. The admission amounts to nothing short of evidence tampering by the prosecution. The judge needs to immediately dismiss this case.  

The U.S. economy is headed for a hard landing, and Fed rate cuts won’t be enough to rescue it, Citi says

5 years ago in 2019, Donald Trump was president, the economy was booming, and the threat of World War 3 was much lower. Jump ahead to 2024 and inflation is rising at an insane pace, two wars are shaking the world, China is on the rise, our children’s schools are no longer safe, and President Biden is still trying to convince you that you’re better off.  Is ANYTHING better off than it was 5 years ago?  
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." 
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.” – Plato

Biden slipped and admitted the influx of illegals = new Democrat voters.
“It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters! Err, Hispanic citizens,” Biden said.

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released shocking statements and documents on Tuesday night that reveal that the U.S. State Department knew COVID leaked from a Wuhan Biolab and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) covered it up.  The documents reveal that the State Department knew this since July 2020.  The highly redacted documents show enough proof to see the US Government has been lying to the American public since at least July 2020. They knew all along it was a leak from a bio lab.

Biden is mad President Trump “and his mega allies in Congress” lowered taxes for 91% of Americans — in EVERY income bracket!  Biden has promised to REPEAL those tax cuts if he is re-elected.

“I know liberals say, ‘Don’t say Joe Biden is old’ — don’t say what people see with their own eyes! You can say it, he can’t hear us,” Stewart zinged. “I know you know how f***ing old he is, and I know you don’t want to say it because Trump is so scary, but he’s so f***ing old,” he added. “When you watch him on television, you’re nervous, aren’t ya?”

“I’m not saying that Biden can’t contribute to society, he just shouldn’t be president.”

and Here it comes... 

CDC Says Bird Flu Has “Pandemic Potential” As It Has Mutated Over 300 Times

Hillary Clinton is yapping on Morning Joe about the dangers of electing Donald Trump because he might jail his political opponents.


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