Sunday, June 15, 2008

Spring Whitetails

Does everywhere...

The deer are back with a new batch of fawns here in my backyard in NH, no, sorry, no fawn pictures yet, I need to mow the field before we see the fawns up close.

I missed a photo op of a fawn nursing yesterday, and a shot of a little skipper hopping the fence, seems I'm missing more than I'm catching lately.

I really need to get a new lens, while my 17-85 F4-5.6 is a great lens at the distances I'm shooting I need more, the L series will help too. The 70-200 F2.8 L series canon lens, ahh... But at $1,200 though I'll have to wait until my camera is making money again. I'm looking at the 70-200 F4 L lens at $560 is probably where I'll end up for now.

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