Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The vegetable gardens

The gardens are all in now. We finished replanting the squash, and pumpkin seed that the Oriole pulled right out of the hills, peas (sparse row) and some beans (4' section didn't come up) that refused to come up were replanted on Sunday in 96 degree heat, ugh! Potatoes are coming up great this year, we had a bumper crop last year too. Summer squash, tomato, kale, broccoli, are doing well, the only real failure thus far has to be the lima beans but, then again I don't like Lima's...

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Fixing the yard hill & Labor day

  Fixing the yard hill: Tuesday we're got 8 yards of 3/4" crushed stone, and 18 yards of loam delivered to fix a lot of sloped are...