Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dads 77th Birthday

Great time at Mom and Dads this afternoon, quite the crew showed up for Dads 77th birthday bash. Happy Birthday Dad! Tacos were the order of the day, Mom had all the fixin's, I cooked the meat, and with Rose and Lisa's help somehow managed to not burn anything. ;-)  Good food, good fun.

I somehow got skipped in the Pitchnut games, next time Dad! 
You kids all remember right? "Pitchnut is a variation of the French-Canadian game pichenotte which comes from the game carom". The game is sometimes referred to as "piche" or "pish".  The game board was a treasured heirloom item for Canadians.  There's more history of the game here.

Back to the Party...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!   Wow 77 huh? 

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